street tree and sidewalk maintenance contractor workshop

Street Tree and Sidewalk Maintenance Contractor Workshop April 12, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Street Tree and Sidewalk Maintenance Contractor Workshop April 12, 2018 Bureau of Urban Forestry Tree Planting Young Tree Care Landscape Maintenance Integrated Pest Management Landscape installations Green Infrastructure And Cement

  1. Street Tree and Sidewalk Maintenance Contractor Workshop April 12, 2018

  2. Bureau of Urban Forestry Tree Planting Young Tree Care Landscape Maintenance Integrated Pest Management Landscape installations Green Infrastructure And… Cement Work Tree Maintenance

  3. StreetTreeSF is the citywide street tree and sidewalk maintenance program managed by San Francisco Public Works. • Starting with the “worst first” • Removing unhealthy and unsound trees • Treating tree-related sidewalk damage • Prune trees on a three- to five-year cycle San Francisco’s high priority work needs have been organized by geographic area known as “keymaps.”

  4. Keymap (Grid) Pruning

  5. Work Completed So Far Work has already begun in areas where there are trees and sidewalks in high need of maintenance.

  6. We need your help More than 100,000 tree sites need to be addressed in the next three years. Master As-Needed Concrete Sidewalk Repair Contract - $1M M01 The following opportunities are Master As-Needed Tree Services [Micro-LBE] - $500K M03 available: • Arborists Master As-Needed Tree Services - $1M M04 • Tree Care • Cement Master As-Needed Tree Services [Micro-LBE] - $1M M11 Master As-Needed Tree Services – $2M M12



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