Jeffco Deeper Learning Model November 13, 2019
Conversation Structure ● Context & current state ● Jeffco Deeper Learning Model ● Implementation progress ● Student impact to date ○ MAP data ● Next steps
Task. Predicts. Performance.
Multiple Data Sources ● Quantitative: CMAS & MAP ○ Jeffco’s achievement is higher than the state average. ○ Jeffco’s growth is lower than the state average. ● Qualitative: Implementation Study ○ Educators are supportive and need support ● Engagement: Advisory Committees ○ Provide direction on resources, supports, and implementation
Deeper Jeffco Learning Model
A Professional Response 1. Implement the Jeffco Learning Model a. Plan - Emphasis on alignment student experiences to content standards b. Teach - embedding Generation Skills into tasks, problems, projects c. Assess - formative measures including an optional constructed response assessment using CMAS released items d. Reflect - evaluate data & respond, teacher to teacher, teacher to student, student to student, student to teacher 2. Increase the quality and quantity of planning and collaboration time .
Theory of Action IF educators are supported with high quality instructional resources and professional learning aligned to the Jeffco Deeper Learning Model (ER&D) AND educators are provided time to use the resources (SL) AND schools and educators implement the Learning Model (or high quality alternative) (SL) THEN students will experience deeper learning aligned to Colorado Academic Standards.
Resources and Professional Learning
Implementation Progress Align authentic tasks to academic content. Formative assessments provide insight to current and needed levels of performance.
Insight from reflection informs upcoming tasks and instruction Leaders reflect on student work/formative assessment
Implementation of “Plan” The 0-4 scale on the X axis represents the categories Not Yet (0), Starting (1), Develepoing (2), Deepening (3), and Sustaining (4). The Y axis is the number of school leaders who self-identified at that category level as defined by the Jeffco Deeper Learning Implementation Profile.
Implementation of “Teach” The 0-4 scale on the X axis represents the categories Not Yet (0), Starting (1), Develepoing (2), Deepening (3), and Sustaining (4). The Y axis is the number of school leaders who self-identified at that category level as defined by the Jeffco Deeper Learning Implementation Profile.
Implementation of “Assess” The 0-4 scale on the X axis represents the categories Not Yet (0), Starting (1), Develepoing (2), Deepening (3), and Sustaining (4). The Y axis is the number of school leaders who self-identified at that category level as defined by the Jeffco Deeper Learning Implementation Profile.
Current use of District-Created Constructed Response Items
Implementation of “Reflect” The 0-4 scale on the X axis represents the categories Not Yet (0), Starting (1), Develepoing (2), Deepening (3), and Sustaining (4). The Y axis is the number of school leaders who self-identified at that category level as defined by the Jeffco Deeper Learning Implementation Profile.
The Change Curve
Principal Perspective • Molly Touher, Peiffer Elementary • Kim Halingstad, West Jefferson Middle School • Jim Jelinek, Dakota Ridge High School • Bernie Hohman, Jeffco Virtual Academy
#JeffcoDLM Twitter Challenge f=live
MAP Math Fall 2018 to Fall 2019 SAT Predictive SAT College/Career Readiness Benchmark Prediction: Blue = On Track / Red = Not On Track (all students grades 5-9 combined)
MAP Reading Fall 2018 to Fall 2019 SAT Predictive SAT College/Career Readiness Benchmark Prediction: Blue = On Track / Red = Not On Track (all students grades 5-9 combined)
MAP Reading Fall 2018 to Fall 2019 PARCC Predictive Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Projected performance on state assessments based on NWEA alignment/linking studies Red=Level 1; Orange=Level 2; Yellow=Level 3; Green= Level 4; Blue=Level 5 (all students grades 2-8 combined)
MAP Math Fall 2018 to Fall 2019 PARCC Predictive Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Projected performance on state assessments based on NWEA alignment/linking studies Red=Level 1; Orange=Level 2; Yellow=Level 3; Green= Level 4; Blue=Level 5 (all students grades 2-8 combined)
Next Steps • Cross department support and professional learning for educators • Progress monitoring and support of school-implementation • Collection of and response to needs of schools and educators
Questions and Conversation
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