Iskandar andar Mala laysi sia Malaysia’s Premier Economic Region
Pre rese sent ntati ation on Outl tline ne • Planning ing towa wards ds su sustainabi nability lity • Gaining ing internat rnation ional al standin ing • Realisin ising th the vi visi sion
Pre rese sent ntati ation on Outl tline ne • Planning ing towa wards ds su sustainabi nability lity • Gaining ning internati ernational onal standing anding • Real ealisi sing ng th the visi sion on
5 E Eco conomic mic Corr rrid idor ors FIVE (5) Local Authorities • MBJB • MPJBT • MPPG • MPKu • MDP Senai Airport Central Business District – Johor Bahru : Port of Johor Port Tanjung ISKAN KANDAR AR MALA LAYS YSIA IA Langsat times the size of Greater KL sq km or 570,000 acres times the size of Putrajaya Port of Tanjung Pelepas Changi Airport of the state of Johor Jurong Port million population (estimated) Central Business District times the size of Singapore Singapore
Th The Busi siness ness Model Supp pply ly Side ide – Plann nning ing and Re Regul gulat atory Dema mand nd Side de – Commer mmercia cial l Develo velopm pment ent The Busin siness ess Plan n – Comp mpre rehen hensiv sive Develo elopm pment ent Plan The Prim ime e Mover vers Nine Focus Sectors + The Prin incip cipal al Coordina inator r – Cataly alyst sts s & Driver vers Iskand ndar ar Re Regi gional onal Develop elopment nt Authorit hority Plan Promote Facilitate IRDA A ACT 664 ENABLE LERS: : Gover ernme nment nt funding g on importan ant t infrastru ruct cture re (roads, s, access s etc), , Governme rnment nt support t to improve ove ease doing busine ness ss (regulator ory y processes) sses)
IRDA Bluepr print ints Sector or Incen entive tives GOVERNANCE ANCE STRUCTU UCTURE RE OF Develop Set out the Developm opment nt ISKA KANDAR AR REGIONAL AL DEVELOPMENT PMENT AU AUTHO THORI RITY incentives parameters for a Roadmap for key sustainable specific for economic sectors development sectors PLANNING LANNING Inve vestm tmen ent t Destination ination 9 Promote oted d Sector ors Brand Guardian of Iskandar Promote private and public Malaysia as Investment investments in Iskandar Destination Malaysia PROMO ROMOTION TION Iskan andar dar Servi vice ce Center er Inve vestm tmen ent t Monit nitoring oring Advise & assist on completion of Monitor & Align sector documents and expedite development, enabler processes & approvals development and investment development FAC ACILI ILITATION ION
Our r Visi sion on “To be A Strong and Sustainable Metropolis of International Standing” 2025 25 Annual al rate of Indicat ator r 2006 06 (CDP) ) change e (%) Populat Po ation on (mil) 1.4 3.0 4.63% GDP per capita 14,790 31,100* 5.78% (PPP PP) in USD Labour Force e (mil) 0.62 1.46 7.00% Employm ymen ent t (mil) 0.61 1.43 7.00% *Annual growth of minimum of 8% y-o-y (at constant 2005 price) Projected Growth 2006 to 2025 Source : Iskandar Malaysia Comprehensive Development Plan Iskandar Malaysia targets to grow Johor’s GDP by 4.5 ti times es Population in Iskandar Malaysia in and d cre reate ate up t p to 817,500 ,500 employm ployment nt opp pport rtuni unities ties 2012 : 1.7 mil Source : Statistics Department of Johor
Comprehen rehensive sive Develop velopme ment nt Plans CDPii CDP 2014 - 2025 2006 - 2025 The Vision A STRONG, SUSTAINABLE METROPOLIS OF The Vision INTERNATIONAL STANDING A STRONG, SUSTAINABLE METROPOLIS OF INTERNATIONAL STANDING IM Holistic Eco-System Physical Economic Social Wealth Sharing Wealth Resource Development Development Development & Inclusiveness Creation Optimisation Promoted Community Well- Optimum use of Economic Clusters being & Equity land and resources The 9 Economic Pillars (Promoted Economic Clusters) STRATEGIC Petro Chemical KEY Food & Agro INITIATIVES Electrical & & Oil & Gas Electronics Processing Healthcare Education THRUSTS DIRECTIONS Financial Creative Tourism Logistic Transformative Interventions 5 BIG MOVES Inclusive Greening Destination Port of IM IM IM Urban Observatory IM IM ENABLERS Social Equity Greening Tourism Logistics and Collaboration & & Livable and Quality Potential Infrastructure Integration Communities Five (5) Flagship Zones Key Targets & Performances Flagship D Flagship E Flagship B Flagship C Flagship A SPATIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN Senai- Eastern Nusajaya Western JBCC Gate Skudai Five Flagship Zones, Environmental Sensitive Areas (ESA), Zoning Plan and Use Class Gate Framework, Regional Development Intensity, Transit Oriented Developments IMPLEMENTATION & MONITORING FRAMEWORK
Comprehen rehensive sive Develop velopme ment nt Plan ii HOLISTI TIC ECOSYSTEM TEM Isk skandar andar Malaysia sia Holistic tic Eco-sy syste tem A resilient ecosystem, anchored by wealth generators, creating regional wealth that is to be shared equally among communities. Wealth generation and wealth sharing, balanced by optimal use of ecological assets, would enhance the Quality of Life in Iskandar Malaysia, turning it into a leading global region. Alongside this, spatial management and good governance would enable the realization of its vision and goals by 2025.
Pre rese sent ntati ation on Outl tline ne • Planning nning towa wards ds su sustainabili ainability ty • Gaining ing internat rnation ional al standin ing • Real ealisi sing ng th the visi sion on
Flagship gship Zones es – Economic ic dri river vers s for r growth th • Electrical & Electronics • Transportation, Distribution • Tourism E and Logistics • FIREBS • Education • Education • Creative • Healthcare E • Creative SENAI-SKU SKUDAI A JB CITY Y CENTRE RE • Electrical & Electronics • Transportation, Distribution and Logistics • Tourism • Petrochemical, Oil & Gas • Healthcare • Food & Agro Processing D1 D2 • Education D PASIR IR GUDANG / TANJU NJUNG NG LANGSAT • Creative • FIREBS B ISKAND NDAR R PUTERI RI A C2 D C1 B • Transportation, Distribution and Logistics • Petrochemical, Oil & Gas C C TANJU NJUNG NG PELEP LEPAS
9 F Focus s Economic ic Sectors vices Services Educa cation ion Healt lthca care Creativ ive Financia cial l Servi vice ces Logistics tics Tourism rism • Islamic banking & finance, retail • Private basic education • Film, television, games, animation • Theme parks • Specialist medical • RDC, IPC, ILS and wholesale banking. school • Online mobile content generation • Family entertainment service • IILS • FSSO, financial and other • Private higher education center • Integrated media & content • Diagnostic medical • Oil storage and trading professional services institution services • Food, dining & shopping service hub • Offshore financial service • Specialized skills training • MICE & accommodation • TCM, wellness • Halal logistic hub center ring acturing Manufactu Oleo o & Pe Petr trochemicals hemicals Food d & Agro-Proce ocessin ssing Electr ctrica ical l & Electr ctron onic ics • Advance E&E • Aerospace • Aromatics & Olefins • Palm oil based products • Renewable Energy • Polymer production • Security & Defence • Cocoa based products • Automotive & Rail • Oleochem based products • Medical Devices • Halal derivatives • O&G processing, support industries • Agriculture biotechnology • Industrial biotechnology • Healthcare biotechnology
Investment Updates 2006 to June 2016 Cumulative Committed Investment 207.99 Manufacturing RM’bil 9.83 190.29 Others 9.00 41.06 158.13 Residential 40.06 8.31 Government 131.36 38.58 Committed Investment 8.31 106.31 32.97 102.84 7.31 87.14 84.78 6.28 69.48 35.14 61.14 43.26 6.28 55.56 27.30 41.76 6.28 21.83 28.79 16.52 19.98 6.83 25.80 14.45 8.17 9.11 54.08 54.26 50.09 5.05 11.30 46.82 5.80 35.07 7.10 31.22 26.92 1.00 23.65 21.70 5.80 11.90 5.50 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 (June) 128% 62% 33% 25% 22% 25% 24% 20% 20% 9% % yearly increment = [(current yr – prev yr) / prev yr] * 100 * based on USD exchange rate as of 30 th June 2016, USD1:RM3.99( * Others : Utilities,EmergingTech,Tourism,Education,Healthcare, Creative,Financial,Logistics,Retail,Industrial.
Investment Updates 2006 to June 2016 Cumulative Sector Breakdown Government Emerging Tech 5% Utilities 1% Manufacturing 6% Industrial 26% 6% Logistic 3% Healthcare Retail/Mix.Dev 2% Residential 27 % Properties Tourism 2% 20% Education 1% 53.68 6.15 Manufacturing Logistics Finance 1% 40.87 3.17 Residential Props Healthcare 57.19 3.37 Mixed Dev Tourism Utilities 12.96 Education 2.07 Focus Sector 9.83 1.79 Government Finance 2016 13.51 2.85 Industrial Emerging Tech 0.56 Creative Tourism Healthcare Logistics Source: MIDA & Audited Corporate Announcements
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