insights and approaches for mapping soil organic carbon

Insights and Approaches for Mapping Soil Organic Carbon as a Dynamic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Insights and Approaches for Mapping Soil Organic Carbon as a Dynamic Soil Property Mark H. Stolt, Patrick J. Drohan, and Matthew J. Richardson Soil Science Society of America Journal (2010) Site Locations 17 sites, ranging in age from 25 to 86

  1. Insights and Approaches for Mapping Soil Organic Carbon as a Dynamic Soil Property Mark H. Stolt, Patrick J. Drohan, and Matthew J. Richardson Soil Science Society of America Journal (2010)

  2. Site Locations 17 sites, ranging in age from 25 to 86 years.

  3. Paired Sites: 1954 • Field and forest having same soil type comprise paired site • Sample multiple locations within field and forest • Core trees to determine 1997 age and measure SOC • Difference between field and forest used to calculate rate of C sequestration

  4. Average SOC by horizon and for the upper meter by Anderson Land Cover Class Percent of Anderson Upper Meter Upper Land Pool in Numeric Meter Cover O and A Phase Level I O A B C Horizons Value ──────── Mg ha -1 ──────────── % (Mg ha -1 ) Agricultural 0 55 35 15 103 53 55 (Moderate) Forest 32 70 40 17 157 65 102 (High) Add a phase component to the Soil Survey for SOC pools Focus on the O and A horizon For example: MmB in the soil survey in agriculture would be changed to MmBM

  5. Assessing the Effects of Land Use Change on Riparian Zone Soils in Southern New England Matthew C. Ricker Mark H. Stolt Ecological Applications 2012

  6. Matt Ricker

  7. RIPARIAN ZONES Buried horizon (Ab) • Important links between upland and aquatic systems • Provide multiple environmental and ecosystem functions • Form as a result of episodic alluvial deposition • Land use change may result in impacts to riparian soil functions

  8. Develop Multi-Proxy Indices of Land Use Change for Riparian Soils Objectives Diatomaceous Earth 1. Establish stratigraphic indices of watershed land use change using a multi-proxy approach 2. Utilize these indices to establish time frames of alluvial deposition 3. Relate riparian sedimentation and carbon sequestration rates to land use SEM Image 500x Magnification

  9. Methods • 18 representative headwater watershed riparian sites selected – Hydric soils (Inceptisols, Entisols) • Formed in alluvium over outwash • Raypol, Rumney, Scarboro, and Walpole series • Varied watershed land use – Urban, agricultural, mixed use, forested • Soil pits dug to 1 m or greater – Soils described in field – Bulk density – PSD – Heavy metals – Pollen samples by horizon – Soil organic carbon (SOC)

  10. Study Watersheds 4 urban, 4 agricultural, 4 forested, and 6 mixed LU watersheds

  11. General Land Use Periods and Associated Indices • Constrain riparian soil horizons into three major distinct land use periods • Pre-colonial period (17,000 YBP–1650 AD) • Colonial (agrarian) period (1650-1900 AD) – Rise and/or peak ragweed and other non- arboreal pollen types – Supported by twelve 14 C dates • Rise in ragweed dated to 1780±40 AD • Peak ragweed dated to 1850±50 AD • Modern industrial/urbanization period (1900 AD-present) – Increased coarse materials (sand, gravels) – Presence of human artifacts – Rise and peak pollutant metals (Pb) • Supported by 210 Pb cores

  12. Indices of Land Use Change: Soil Morphology and Pollutant Metals • Particle size distribution – Coarser deposits as watersheds undergo extensive LU change • Buried horizons (i.e. Ab) • Combination horizons (i.e. A/C) – Indicative of short term stability • Human artifacts (i.e. Cu horizon) – Indicative of colonial-urban time periods • Pollutant metals – Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, As above background levels; on average 3 to Many sand lenses (A/Cg) 6 times higher in surface horizons

  13. Examples of Riparian “Artifacts” (One Person’s Garbage is Another’s Stratigraphic Marker…) A: Glass B: Plastic C: Cloth D: Asphalt E: Brick F: Styrofoam G: Shingle 50 cm 15 cm 20 cm 30 cm 50 cm 15 cm 40 cm

  14. Pollutant Metals Indices of Anthropogenic Activities (1900-present) Concentration of pollutant metals in riparian zone soil horizons y 300 y 250 -1 ) 200 (mg kg a 150 a z 100 b 50 0 Upper Most Horizon Upper Most Mineral Glacial Parent (n=18) Horizon (n=18) Materials (n=31) Pb Total Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As Means with different letters are significantly different ( α =0.05) Metals concentrated near soil surface, likely anthropogenic origins: 1900-present fossil fuel combustion, especially leaded gasoline

  15. Indices of Land Use Change: Preserved Pollen (Colonial Period) • Past land uses affected the vegetation of the region – Impacts evident in pollen record – Pollen stratigraphy can be used to reconstruct land use • Pollen indicators, specifically: Ragweed pollen (tricolporate, spines) – ragweed ( Ambrosia taxa, family Asteraceae) – grasses (Poaceae) – have been used to date peak land use disturbance in many depositional environments (lakes and ponds) Grass pollen (monoporate)

  16. Example Pollen Diagrams % Pollen % Pollen 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0 -10 -10 -20 -30 Depth (cm) Depth (cm) -20 -40 -50 -30 -60 1870 67 AD -70 -40 1770 41 AD -80 1770 40 AD -90 -50 -100 1230 45 AD -110 -60 URI-RI AMA-RI Non-arboreal Ragweed Alder Non-arboreal Ragweed Alder • Moderate to abundant pollen was preserved in subsurface horizons • Range 300 to >60,000 pollen grains per gram of soil • Pollen was preserved in horizons dated to >11,000 YBP • 88% riparian soils contained preserved pollen • 71% riparian soils contained enough pollen for land use stratigraphy

  17. Average net sediment and SOC distribution by land use period Mean Proportion (%) Riparian Sediment and SOC from Major Land Use Periods 100% * ** 25 (80) a a 33 (76) 75% 70% 84% b 45 (49) 50% 51 (45) b 25% 30 (60) ab a 16 (69) 0% n = (24) % Sediment % SOC * p-value < 0.01 Pre-Colonial Colonial Modern ** p-value < 0.0001

  18. Evaluating Net Sedimentation and SOC Sequestration Rates Utilizing Stratigraphic Indices 6 2.8a Accretion Rate Sedimentation Rate (mm yr -1 ) 5 SOC Sequestration (Mg C ha -1 yr -1 ) SOC Seqestration 4 1.8a 3 2 0.81y 0.53y 1 0.06b 0.02b 0.02z 0.004z 0 Modern Colonial Pre-Colonial Total Net (1900 AD – Present) (1650 – 1900 AD) (17,000 YBP – 1650 AD) (17,000 YBP – Present) • 115x overall increase net sedimentation rates since pre-colonial period • 225x overall increase net SOC sequestration since pre-colonial period • Riparian rates for SOC sequestration are 2 to 4 times that of upland forests

  19. Sedimentation and SOC Sequestration: What is the relationship? 3.0 SOC Sequestration (Mg C ha -1 yr -1 ) y = 0.2378x + 0.0834 2.5 R 2 = 0.70 2.0 1.5 1.0 Pre-Colonial Colonial 0.5 Modern 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Sedimentation Rate (mm yr -1 ) • Suggests sedimentation and SOC sequestration are related. • Exact driver of this relationship is unclear (burial, C influx, additional surface area?).

  20. Conclusions Ab horizon • Soil morphology, pollutant metals, and pollen stratigraphy can be used to successfully date riparian soil deposition • Land use change has had significant impacts on riparian zone sedimentation and C 1770 AD 40 sequestration – Riparian zones acting as large sinks for sediment and C – Riparian SOC sequestration and sedimentation may be linked processes

  21. Are riparian zones “hot spots” for SOC at watershed-scale Methods --29 representative riparian soil pedons were examined, (Blazejewski, 2003; Donohue, 2007; Ricker, 2010) --Soils sampled by horizon to 1 m - Bulk density - SOC - Calculated SOC pools at landscape scale (Mg C ha -1 ) --Riparian SOC pools compared to published data (Davis et al., 2004) Watershed-scale analysis done in GIS

  22. SOC Pools Across the Landscape • Mean riparian SOC pool was 246 Mg C ha -1 • SOC pools (to 1 m depth) in riparian zone more than all other mineral soils evaluated by Davis et al. (2004) • Only Histosols contained more SOC to 1 m * * From (Davis et al., 2004) 586d 700 Wetlands SOC Pool (Mg C ha -1 ) 600 500 Uplands 400 246c * * 300 187b * 136a 0 200 110a Means with different 100 letters are sig. dif. 0 ( α = 0.05) ED WD PD Riparian VPD (Organic) Error bars = 1 SD

  23. Spatial Distribution of SOC in Riparian Soils • 53% SOC below 30 cm depth 100% • By comparison: • ED - 30% Proportion Total SOC • WD - 30% 47 (43) 75% • PD - 45% • VPD - 75% 50% 53 (64) • In addition: 25% • 52% of riparian soils studied had buried SOC rich horizons below 1 m 0% • Suggests deep burial of Riparian Zone SOC SOC is important in Distribution (n=29) riparian landscapes Lower 70 cm Upper 30 cm CV (%) in parentheses

  24. Factors Affecting Urban Riparian Soil Riparian SOC Pools Norwich, CT • Many factors tested, none significant • Differences in SOC with differences in soil morphology • Soils with buried surface horizons contained significantly more SOC • Suggests riparian soils with high sedimentation contain more SOC SOC to 1 m (Mg C ha -1 ) 277 a 300 250 188 b 200 150 p = 0.01 100 50 0 With Buried Surface Without Buried Surface Horizons (n=19) Horizons (n=10)

  25. Riparian SOC Pools at a Watershed-scale Example GIS Map • On average, riparian zones comprised 8% of the total watershed area • Contained as much as 20% of the total watershed SOC • Riparian zones occupy small portion of the landscape, but represent large sink for SOC at a watershed-scale


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