inside vaucanson

Inside Vaucanson The Vaucanson group LRDE / EPITA - LIAFA / Paris 7 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Inside Vaucanson Inside Vaucanson The Vaucanson group LRDE / EPITA - LIAFA / Paris 7 - LTCI / ENST June 27, 2005 The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 1 / 39 Inside Vaucanson Outline 1 Introduction 2 Automata A first example Weighted automata 3

  1. Inside Vaucanson Inside Vaucanson The Vaucanson group LRDE / EPITA - LIAFA / Paris 7 - LTCI / ENST June 27, 2005 The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 1 / 39

  2. Inside Vaucanson Outline 1 Introduction 2 Automata A first example Weighted automata 3 Algorithms 4 Transducers Overview Composition 5 Conclusion The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 2 / 39

  3. Inside Vaucanson Introduction Aim of this talk About the Vaucanson platform: starts to be usable, recently released version 0.7.1, new algorithms have been implemented, new organization of the library. The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 3 / 39

  4. Inside Vaucanson Introduction Overview of Vaucanson features Vaucanson deals with: automata with any multiplicity ( B , Z , R , Q , . . . ), rational expressions (including weighted expressions), transducers. Vaucanson Input / Output: FSM library, XML. The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 4 / 39

  5. Inside Vaucanson Introduction Overview of Vaucanson features Vaucanson deals with: automata with any multiplicity ( B , Z , R , Q , . . . ), rational expressions (including weighted expressions), transducers. Vaucanson Input / Output: FSM library, XML. The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 4 / 39

  6. Inside Vaucanson Introduction Some caracteristic features Programming concerns: all components are generic, context headers (i.e. predefined types) are introduced. ⇒ Library manipulation easiness is improved. Some predefined types: Boolean automaton, weighted automaton ( R , tropical, . . . ), transducers. The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 5 / 39

  7. Inside Vaucanson Introduction Some caracteristic features Programming concerns: all components are generic, context headers (i.e. predefined types) are introduced. ⇒ Library manipulation easiness is improved. Some predefined types: Boolean automaton, weighted automaton ( R , tropical, . . . ), transducers. The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 5 / 39

  8. Inside Vaucanson Introduction Some caracteristic features Programming concerns: all components are generic, context headers (i.e. predefined types) are introduced. ⇒ Library manipulation easiness is improved. Some predefined types: Boolean automaton, weighted automaton ( R , tropical, . . . ), transducers. The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 5 / 39

  9. Inside Vaucanson Automata A first example Coding the B 1 automaton Example #include <vaucanson/boolean_automaton.hh> using namespace vcsn; using namespace vcsn::boolean_automaton; int main() { alphabet_t alpha; alpha.insert(’a’); alpha.insert(’b’); automaton_t B1 = new_automaton(alpha); a a hstate_t p = B1.add_state(); hstate_t q = B1.add_state(); B1.set_initial(p); b p q B1.set_final(q); B1.add_letter_edge(p, p, ’a’); b b B1.add_letter_edge(p, p, ’b’); B1.add_letter_edge(q, q, ’a’); B1.add_letter_edge(q, q, ’b’); B1.add_letter_edge(p, q, ’b’); } The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 7 / 39

  10. Inside Vaucanson Automata A first example n th power of B 1 Compute the n th power of B 1 : Example automaton_t p = a; for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) p = product(p, a); The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 9 / 39

  11. Inside Vaucanson Automata Weighted automata B 1 seen as a Z -automaton Example #include <vaucanson/z_automaton.hh> using namespace vcsn; using namespace vcsn::z_automaton; int main() { alphabet_t alpha; alpha.insert(’a’); alpha.insert(’b’); automaton_t BZ1 = new_automaton(alpha); a a hstate_t p = BZ1.add_state(); hstate_t q = BZ1.add_state(); BZ1.set_initial(p); b p q BZ1.set_final(q); BZ1.add_letter_edge(p, p, ’a’); b b BZ1.add_letter_edge(p, p, ’b’); BZ1.add_letter_edge(q, q, ’a’); BZ1.add_letter_edge(q, q, ’b’); BZ1.add_letter_edge(p, q, ’b’); } The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 11 / 39

  12. Inside Vaucanson Algorithms Algorithms in Vaucanson Over than 50 algorithms are available, implementation supports weights whenever it is possible. Some special algorithms: computation of the minimal quotient, partial derivatives automaton, . . . The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 12 / 39

  13. Inside Vaucanson Algorithms Partial derivatives generalization of Antimirov’s method to weighted expressions, extend implementation proposed on unweighted expressions by Champarnaud and Ziadi, complexity is likely to be quadratic, Derived term automaton is a quotient of Glushkov(E). The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 13 / 39

  14. Inside Vaucanson Algorithms Some results Experiment: let A 15 be an automaton with 15 states, provided its determinist equivalent has 2 15 states. We compute expressions from the automaton, with a random chooser on state ordering. Derived term A E Standard S E Class l E A E time V E time states states 1 110 24 0.123 24 0.012 7 410 53 0.470 51 0.050 14 1035 66 1.169 60 0.138 20 7821 90 13.412 78 1.418 Results enlights: partial derivative algorithm gives smaller results but: is slower than Quotient ( Glushkov ( E )). The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 14 / 39

  15. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Overview Reminder on transducers A transducer is an automaton labeled by pair of words. Theorem A transducer can be normalized. A transducer can be put in the form of an automaton on A ∗ with weights in Rat ( B ∗ ) . In Vaucanson , both transducer forms are available. The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 15 / 39

  16. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition About composition in Vaucanson Two composition algorithms available: composition of transducers with weights in Rat ( B ∗ ) (Sch¨ utzenberger 61), composition of (sub-) normalized transducers. The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 16 / 39

  17. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition Composition of unweighted transducers 1 | v 1 | u U 1 x | 1 y | 1 T 1 b | 1 1 | x a | 1 1 | y Figure: Composition Theorem on Boolean transducers The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 18 / 39

  18. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition Composition of unweighted transducers 1 | v 1 | u U 1 x | 1 y | 1 T 1 b | 1 1 | x a | 1 1 | y Figure: Composition Theorem on Boolean transducers The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 20 / 39

  19. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition Composition of unweighted transducers 1 | v 1 | u U 1 x | 1 y | 1 T 1 b | 1 b | 1 b | 1 b | 1 1 | x a | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | 1 1 | y Figure: Composition Theorem on Boolean transducers The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 22 / 39

  20. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition Composition of unweighted transducers 1 | v 1 | u U 1 x | 1 y | 1 1 | v 1 | u T 1 b | 1 b | 1 b | 1 b | 1 1 | x 1 | u 1 | v a | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | 1 1 | y 1 | v 1 | u Figure: Composition Theorem on Boolean transducers The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 24 / 39

  21. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition Composition of unweighted transducers 1 | v 1 | u U 1 x | 1 y | 1 1 | v 1 | u T 1 1 | 1 b | 1 b | 1 b | 1 b | 1 1 | x 1 | u 1 | v 1 | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | 1 1 | y 1 | v 1 | u Figure: Composition Theorem on Boolean transducers The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 26 / 39

  22. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition Composition of unweighted transducers 1 | v 1 | u U 1 x | 1 y | 1 T 1 b | 1 b | 1 1 | v 1 | x 1 | v b | 1 a | 1 1 | u a | 1 1 | y 1 | u a | 1 Figure: Composition Theorem on Boolean transducers The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 28 / 39

  23. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition Composition of weighted transducers Two possible solutions: instanciation of an empty word and apply a filter after the composition (Mohri, Pereira, Riley 96-00), modify the composed transducers before the composition. The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 29 / 39

  24. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition Proposed algorithm for weighted transducers Principle: Modify the input transducers and suppress the problematic states after the composition. Algorithm Out-splitting on first transducer: separate states which have empty outputs, in-splitting on second transducer: separate states which have empty inputs, mark problematic states, compose transducers, suppress intersection of marked states. The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 30 / 39

  25. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition Out-splitting b b | 1 1 | x T 1 b a 1 b | 1 b | 1 1 | x 1 | y a a 2 a | 1 a | 1 1 | y 1 | y c c Figure: Out-splitting The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 32 / 39

  26. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition In-splitting 1 | v 1 | u U 1 y z x x | 1 y | 1 1 | v 1 | v 1 | u y z x 1 x 2 x | 1 y | 1 y | 1 Figure: In-splitting The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 34 / 39

  27. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition A composition that preserves multiplicity 1 | v 1 | v 1 | u x | 1 y | 1 y | 1 1 | v b | 1 1 | x 1 | v b | 1 b | 1 1 | y 1 | u 1 | u b | 1 a | 1 a | 1 1 | y 1 | u a | 1 a | 1 The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 36 / 39

  28. Inside Vaucanson Transducers Composition Some results Composition of the left sequential transducer and the right sequential transducer for the rewriting rule ab n → ba n : Algorithm n Nb. states Nb. transitions Time Sub-normalized 20 30084 40356 0.551 transducer 40 232564 305506 4.849 Representation 20 441 882 2.042 40 1681 3362 36.195 The Vaucanson group Inside Vaucanson 37 / 39

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