inputs of nutrients and organic matter analysis of poms

Inputs of nutrients and organic matter Analysis of PoMs and new - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Inputs of nutrients and organic matter Analysis of PoMs and new actions IG PoM workshop 28 October 2015, Warsaw, Poland Environment Councellor Maria Laamanen, MoE Finland Measures to reduce inputs on PoMs Number of measures in the PoMs

  1. Inputs of nutrients and organic matter – Analysis of PoMs and new actions IG PoM workshop 28 October 2015, Warsaw, Poland Environment Councellor Maria Laamanen, MoE Finland

  2. Measures to reduce inputs on PoMs • Number of measures in the PoMs range from 0 to 8 Country No of measures Denmark 0 Estonia 4 Finland 8 Germany 6 Latvia 4 Lithuania 6 Poland 3 Russia ‐ Sweden 3 2

  3. Common starting points • Use of HELCOM country ‐ wise reduction targets and HELCOM quantitation of current loads as a basis (EE, FI, DE, SE) • Measures under the WFD play a significant role in reducing land ‐ based loads (FI, DE SE, others as well?) 3

  4. Commonalities in the measures Promotion of the use of LNG as ship fuel to • reduce air emissions of N (EE, FI, DE, PL) Measures in aquaculture (DK, EE, FI, SE) • Promoting NECA decision (FI, DE, PL) • Blue catch crops/mussel farming (LV, LT, SE) • Buffer zones (LV, LT, FI in RBMPs, others?) • Reduction of sewage from ships (EE, PL) • Management of internal load (FI, SE) • Monitoring (LV, LT) • 4

  5. Other issues • Stormwater management (EE) • Nutrient recycling (FI) • Improvement of environmental compensation system (FI) • Use of gypsum to bind P in farmland (FI) • Retrofit programme SCR (DE) • Dredging to improve denitrification (LT) 5 Esittäjän nimi alatunnisteeseen

  6. Where are the measures for… Agriculture? • Airborne emissions of N other than those from ships? • Transbondary input from beyond HELCOM area? • Have you analysed the sufficiency of measures for reaching • MAI/CART and GES?

  7. Measures where cooperation and coordination is already taking place Promotion of the use of LNG as ship fuel to • reduce air emissions of N (EE, FI, DE, PL) Measures in aquaculture (DK, EE, FI, SE) • Promoting NECA decision (FI, DE, PL) • Blue catch crops/mussel farming (LV, LT, • SE) Buffer zones (LV, LT, FI in RBMPs, others?) • Reduction of sewage from ships (EE, PL) • Management of internal load (FI, SE) • Monitoring (LV, LT) • 7 Esittäjän nimi alatunnisteeseen

  8. Measures that have potential be taken forward together Blue catch crops/mussel farming • Management of internal load • Intensifying HELCOM work to reduce • airborne transboundary nitrogen input from outside of HELCOM area Intensifying cooperation with third • countries in the catchment to decrease waterborne transboundary loads Aquaculture’s loads related cooperation, • e.g. compensation Common methods to estimate sufficiency • of measures for reaching targets and GES 8

  9. What could be done? Blue catch crops/mussel farming Common forum for sharing of experiences and best • practices and possible development of guidance Management of internal load / endogenous nutrient reserves Joint action to produce information about the • release of deep P to surface waters (when, where, dynamics?) and its significance in comparison to external loads Assessment of existing measures for addressing the • issue Assessment of the international legal framework for • carrying out measures in the open sea 9

  10. …What could be done? Intensifying HELCOM work to reduce airborne transboundary nitrogen input from outside of HELCOM area Analysis of CLRTAP work and when and where and how it is most • feasible to influece Joint action • Intensifying cooperation with third countries in the catchment to decrease waterborne transboundary loads As for previous? • Aquaculture loads related cooperation Is the work related to HELCOM Rec enough? • Cooperation related to BAT and e.g. compensation methods and • calculation Sharing of experiences related to estimating sufficiency of measures for reaching targets and GES Sharing of expertise on ways of estimating the reductions to be • achieved May come too late • 10


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