long term impact of poultry manure application on crop

Long term impact of poultry manure application on crop yield and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Long term impact of poultry manure application on crop yield and soil and water quality Michelle Soupir, Ph.D. (msoupir@iastate.edu) Natasha Hoover, Ji Yeow Law, Leigh Ann Long, Ramesh Kanwar, Ph.D., Daniel Andersen, Ph.D. Department of

  1. Long term impact of poultry manure application on crop yield and soil and water quality Michelle Soupir, Ph.D. (msoupir@iastate.edu) Natasha Hoover, Ji Yeow Law, Leigh Ann Long, Ramesh Kanwar, Ph.D., Daniel Andersen, Ph.D. Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Iowa State University Iowa Poultry Association Winter Issues Conference January 28, 2019

  2. Introductions Michelle Soupir , Ph.D., Associate Professor in ABE, Land and Water Resources Engineering Ramesh Kanwar , Ph.D., C.F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor, Land and Water Resources Engineering Natasha Hoover , M.S., Research Associate II, Water Quality and Woodchip Bioreactors Leigh Ann Long, M.S., Research Associate II Daniel Andersen , Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Manure Management Ji Yeow Law, M.S., Engineer Designer I

  3. Goal: Long-term assessment of the environmental and economic impact of poultry manure application in tile drained agricultural systems Compare the impact of commercial fertilizer (UAN) and Ø poultry manure (PM) applied to corn-soybean and corn- corn cropping systems on: Ø soil quality Ø crop yield Ø production cost of corn and soybeans Ø water quality

  4. When properly ◦ Poultry manure is generated annually in Iowa to land managed, poultry apply to 7% of all row crop acres, or 40% of Iowa’s continuous corn acres at an agronomical manure is a great recommended rate. source of fertilizer ◦ This is a great resource for farmers in Iowa to enhance crop ◦ Iowa has very hydric soils and approximately half of Iowa’s cropland is artificially drained production.

  5. Tile drainage artificially lowers the Subsurface water table to drainage has the enable or potential to increase transport enhance crop of contaminants to surface waters production http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/engineer/facts/10-091.htm http://www.gpsdrainage.com/ http://blog.nature.org/science/2013/10/02/wetlands-conservation/

  6. Methods: Experimental Design (1998-2009) PM2 PM PM2 UAN M P N PM A U UAN NONE PM2 A U ◦ Urea Ammonium Nitrogen at N 168 kg per hectare (UAN) ◦ Poultry manure at 168 (PM) and 336 (PM2) kg per hectare

  7. Methods: Experimental Design (2010-2017) ◦ Continuous corn ◦ UAN at 224 kg per hectare (UAN) ◦ Poultry manure at 112 (0.5PM) and 224 (PM) kg per hectare Chisel No-till plow www.pioneer.com

  8. Manure Application and Tillage Practices www.microbialearth.com

  9. Soil Health Properties Cores collected in October 2017 Properties measured include: • Bulk density • Aggregate size distribution • Particulate Organic Matter (POM) POM is 0.053-2 mm in size • POM Carbon and Nitrogen • Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen

  10. Soil Health Results Soil POM Large SOC POM Aggregates Fertilizer Nitrogen content Aggregates (g C/kg soil) C/SOC >0.21 mm (g/kg soil) (g/kg soil) (>2 mm) High Poultry 23.0 A 2.0 A 6.7 A 19% A 87.5% A 42.6% A Manure Low Poultry 21.9 A 1.9 A 3.6 A 17% A 83.0% AB 45.9% A Manure UAN 20.8 A 1.8 AB 2.5 B 12% B 82.0% AB 41.6% A No fertilizer 17.9 A 1.5 B 1.7 B 9% B 75.3% B 28.3% B

  11. Corn Yields (kg ha -1 ) PM PM2 UAN Years 112 kg N ha -1 168 kg N ha -1 224 kg N ha -1 336 kg N ha -1 168 kg N ha -1 224 kg N ha -1 1998-2003 --- 9,928ab --- 10,161a 9,347b --- 1998-2009 --- 10,001a --- 11,091b 10,153a --- 2010-2017 9,023a --- 9,979b --- --- 8,045c 1998-2002 ◦ Poultry manure at the single and double application rates resulted in similar yields – 2X PM did not increase corn yield ◦ UAN yields were statistically lower than PM2 yields Co Corn yi yields s 1998-2009 we were highest ◦ Poultry manure at the double application rate resulted in higher yield than both UAN and poultry manure at the single wi with p poultry y application rate manure man e 2010-2017 ap applic licatio ion. ◦ Poultry manure at the single application rate yields were greater than poultry manure at the half application rate, which was greater than UAN

  12. Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA): Inputs, Calculations, Assumptions § Input costs included: pre-harvest/harvest machinery, land, labor, seed, lime, insurance, fertilizer § Total production cost per bushel =Production costs/average crop yield § Revenue per dollar of input =crop revenue/total input cost § Manure and UAN prices 2010-2017: UAN: $233 - $395/ton; avg $320/ton (avg. $112/ac) PM: N(55%) P(60%) K(60%); avg. $33/ton ($160/ac for PM)

  13. Relative comparison of production cost and revenue per $ input Cost per Bushel ($/bu) Years PM0.5 PM PM2 UAN Corn- CS 2000-2009 --- $3.00 $3.09 $2.85 Soybean- CS 2000-2009 --- $6.60 $6.38 $8.28 Corn- CC 2010-2017 $5.62 $5.54 --- $7.07 Revenue per dollar of input ($/$) Years PM0.5 PM PM2 UAN 2000-2009 --- 0.88 0.86 0.93 Corn- CS Soybean-CS 2000-2009 --- 1.05 1.10 0.86 CS 2000-2009 0.95 0.94 0.90 Corn- CC 2000-2017 0.92 0.92 --- 0.77

  14. Average Annual NO 3 -N Loss to Subsurface Drainage (kg ha -1 ) PM PM2 UAN 112 kg N ha -1 168 kg N ha -1 224 kg N ha -1 336 kg N ha -1 168 kg N ha -1 224 kg N ha -1 Years 1998-2003 --- 15.43a --- 28.07b 22.97ab --- 1998-2009 --- 14.70 --- 25.70 23.60 --- 2010-2014 13.6a --- 43.4b --- --- 51.9b 1998-2003 Draina Dr nage N- ◦ Poultry manure applied at the double application rate resulted in the highest loss to subsurface drainage. losses were lo 1998-2009 lo lowest t with ith ◦ The single poultry manure application rate had po poultr ultry manur manure considerably lower N losses than both UAN and PM2 applications. applied applie d at t 2010-2014 eq equal or r lower er ◦ Losses from PM and UAN applied at the same rate were not statistically different. ra rates than UAN.

  15. Average Annual PO 4 -P Loss to Subsurface Drainage (kg ha -1 ) PM PM2 UAN Years 112 kg N ha -1 168 kg N ha -1 224 kg N ha -1 336 kg N ha -1 168 kg N ha -1 224 kg N ha -1 1998-2003 --- 0.008a --- 0.020a 0.013a --- 1998-2009 --- 0.007a --- 0.015a 0.011a --- 2010-2014 0.027a --- 0.029a --- --- 0.017a 1998-2003 Poultry manure Po ◦ Poultry manure applied at the double application rate resulted in the highest loss to subsurface drainage. The ap applic licatio ion did id differences were however, not significant. not no t si signi gnificantl tly 1998-2009 in increas ase ris isk of f ◦ There was no apparent increased risk of P transport to subsurface drainage with poultry manure application. P P loss ss to 2010-2014 sub subsur surface ◦ Although there were no significant differences between P dr draina nage. loads, UAN did have the lowest overall P load.

  16. Soil phosphorus levels after 20 years of manure application

  17. 20 year project summary Ø Lower NO 3 -N concentrations were reported in drainage from PM treated plots when compared to UAN fertilizer applied at the same agronomic rate. Ø Soil health improved as measured by particulate organic matter, showing potential for stabilized soil particles, increased infiltration and water-holding capacity. Ø Manure application improved corn and soybean yields when compared to yields observed in UAN treated plots. Ø Improved yields led to greater revenue per dollar spent. During CS phase, we estimated 4-5% increments in average revenue per dollar; during the CC phase, we estimated ~20% increased return rates, when PM application was compared against the UAN treatment. Ø Soil P levels increased during the study period, indicating potential risk of P loss through surface runoff

  18. Acknowledgements § ABE-Water Quality Research Lab- Loren Shiers, Leigh Ann Long § Agricultural Engineering Research Farm- Richard Vandepol; Nathan Meyers; Mike Fiscus § Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station § ABE - Carl Pederson

  19. Drainage sampling and analysis


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