What is Career and Technical Education? Rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging professions, Applied learning that contributes to academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem- solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, occupation-specific skills and knowledge of all aspects of an industry
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Energy Resources in Agriculture Plant Science or Horticulture Soil Science Animal Science Greenhouse Management Environmental Science and Natural Resources Environmental Resources and Wildlife Science - To find profiles (standards and proficiencies) go to and the CTE tab – all pathway courses are listed on the right side
STEM Environmental Science Aquatic Science Environmental Law Soil Science Biotechnology in Agriculture Wildlife Management Natural Resources Management Research in Environmental Science and Engineering GIS Technology
CTSO’s (Student Organizations) FFA BPA, FBLA, DECA FCCLA Skills USA, TSA HOSA Options for green fundraisers, construction, finance, health/nutrition, engineering, computer sciences
Work-Based Experience Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) On the Job Training (OJT)
Through a Green Schools Grant we were able to purchase paper and aluminum/plastic containers for each classroom and the cafeteria and office. They are also placed at all athletic events. Reusable grocery bags were handed out to each high school student and district faculty member and handed out at a basketball game in exchange for plastic sacks.
Currently starting a school garden: Blueberries, raspberries, gooseberries, and raised beds A butterfly garden was completed 4 years ago.
We use a rain barrel to water plants in the butterfly garden As an SAE, a student started a composting project for greenhouse waste – a 2012 green schools grant will allow us to expand composting and start a vermiculture project
We work with the Delaware Watershed and assisted with hanging signs about keeping water clean in the watershed.
Building Bird Houses We grow bedding flowers in the high school greenhouse, selling some, and planting the rest for the city in 19 downtown planters on main street.
FFA Agriscience Fair
Using GPS in our OWLS site – a native tall grass prairie behind the school unt.pdf Wildlife Biologist Randy Whitaker shows my Wildlife Management class each year how to test for Chronic Wasting Disease in deer. They remove lymph nodes and send them to KSU for study. He also teaches them how to age them with teeth and informs them of other management issues.
Growing terrariums in clear Christmas Ornaments
We utilize the prairie to collect insects, study phylogenetics, and extract DNA from plants We also do a nature photography unit. The Great Backyard Bird Count is a great project for students
Envirothon Current Issue, Aquatics, Forestry, Wildlife, Soils If the top forestry division winner is made up of FFA members, they can compete in the National FFA Forestry Competition in Indianapolis
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