how great principals build and lead great teams of


HOW GREAT PRINCIPALS BUILD AND LEAD GREAT TEAMS OF TEACHERS Pearson Conference on Teaching: Supporting Great Teaching November 5, 2014 THE NEED 22% > 3% Lifting students out Minimal difference of poverty requires in retention for

  1. HOW GREAT PRINCIPALS BUILD AND LEAD GREAT TEAMS OF TEACHERS Pearson Conference on Teaching: Supporting Great Teaching November 5, 2014

  2. THE NEED 22% > 3% Lifting students out Minimal difference of poverty requires in retention for highly multiple years of effective versus less effective teachers effective teaching

  3. THE OPPORTUNITY 97% 25% The school leader Principal influence on a school’s total is a crucial factor in teacher development impact on student achievement and retention

  4. INTEGRATED ACTIONS TO CULTIVATE EFFECTIVE TEACHING Effective principals have a number of high- leverage plays they use to build and lead great teams of teachers.

  5. As instructional leaders, principals lead the instructional shift to more rigorous standards and assessments.

  6. As talent managers, principals implement new educator evaluation and support systems.

  7. As culture builders, principals foster strong communities and delegate responsibilities.

  8. IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHER EVALUATION Clarify School-Level Expectations Set Clear Goals for Practice and Outcomes Connect to Individual and Group Development Go Beyond the Formal Observation

  9. The 16,000 high-poverty schools in the United LEADERSHIP States are more likely to be led by GAP inexperienced, temporary principals. There is not enough great 26% OVER 60% talent leading The annual principal Of superintendents in our schools turnover rate in low urban areas have trouble and our income schools finding qualified classrooms principal candidates

  10. ATTRACTING 75% 80% TALENT TO Of principals Of surveyed teachers believe the who said they were THE job has become unlikely to pursue PRINCIPAL too complex school leadership ROLE

  11. LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS CONTINUUM A comprehensive set of principal policies along the leadership cycle work together to support a shared vision of leadership.

  12. BUILDING THE PIPELINE OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS Foster teacher leadership Raise the bar for principal preparation programs Create stronger systems and tools for principal hiring and succession planning

  13. NEW LEADERS ASPIRING LEADER PROGRAMS Principa cipal Aspiring ing Insti titute tute Emerging ging Principal cipals s Lead ader ers Program am Program am Role Focus

  14. SUPPORTING PRINCIPALS IN THE ROLE Define Highest Priorities Support Distributed Leadership Establish School-Level Autonomy Provide Ongoing Support and Development

  15. “Mr. A” Manual Adrianzen Principal at Alfred Nobel Elementary School

  16. Mission Our mission is to ensure high academic achievement for all children, especially students in poverty and students of color, by developing transformational school leaders and advancing the policies and practices that allow great leaders to succeed. Vision We envision a day when there is educational excellence and equity in America – when our country’s public schools ensure that every student is prepared for success in college, careers and citizenship.


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