n c principals assistant principals association

N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals Association United to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals Association United to Serve Children and Support Leaders Leadership Development that Uses proven NC school leaders (team of 30 representing all eight regions) Aligns to the North Carolina

  1. N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association United to Serve Children and Support Leaders

  2. Leadership Development that… Uses proven NC school leaders (team of 30 • representing all eight regions) Aligns to the North Carolina performance • evaluation standards for school leaders Shows how “Distinguished Leaders” apply the • standards and leadership competencies to improve student results Uses a problem-based, real-world, application- • based approach N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association United to Serve Children and Support Leaders

  3. Leadership Development that… Creates a common understanding of what • “Distinguished Leaders” should know and do to improve and transform schools Coaches participants through a proven continuous • improvement approach for their schools Uses a blended approach that combines face-to- • face, on-line, and small-group sharing sessions Creates a replicable, cost-effective and sustainable • statewide system for developing leaders in the field N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association United to Serve Children and Support Leaders

  4. Format of the Programs Held in multiple locations across the state • Facilitated by practitioners • Six whole-group sessions (1 ½ days every other • month) Whole-Group sessions followed by on-line • coursework/activities/coaching (12-18 hours over 4-6 weeks) On-line work followed by small-group • sharing/feedback sessions Videos of exemplary “Distinguished Principals” • for each component of the model (Developed by UNC-TV) N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association United to Serve Children and Support Leaders

  5. Year-Long Program Component Overview (250 hours) Approximately 150 Principals per Year Component 1 Strategic Leadership for High Performing Schools Component 2 Maximizing Human Resources for Goal Accomplishment Component 3 Building a Collaborative Culture with Distributive Leadership Component 4 Improving Teaching and Learning for High Performing Schools Component 5 Creating a Strong Student and External Stakeholder Focus Component 6 Leading Change to Drive Continuous Improvement N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association United to Serve Children and Support Leaders

  6. What the Participants are Saying… 90-98% of DLP participants agree or strongly • agree that DLP addresses principals’ profession development needs. 95-100% of DLP participants agree or strongly • agree that they have applied what they have learned in DLP to their daily routine. 74-94% of DLP participants agree or strongly • agree that DLP has increased their focus on achievement and improved their schools’ culture. N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association United to Serve Children and Support Leaders

  7. Year-Long Program Component Overview (250 hours) 57 Principals accepted for 1 st Cohort which began Jan 7, 2014 Component 1 Envisioning Schools for the Future and Overview of the Digital Learning Transformation in K-12 Education Component 2 Changing the Culture of Teaching and Learning Component 3 Effective Leadership of a Digital Learning Transformation Component 4 Building a Strong Digital Learning Teaching Workforce Component 5 The Specific Elements of Successful Digital Learning Component 6 Finalizing your Digital Learning Transformation Action Plan Year 2- Follow-up Coaching by Trained Coaches N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association United to Serve Children and Support Leaders

  8. Year-Long Program Session Overview (60 hours) Approximately 100 Assistant Principals per Year Session 1 Your Role in the NCSE for Principals and Assistant Principals Session 2 What Every School Leader Needs to Know About Curriculum and Instruction Session 3 Instructional Leadership That Builds Teacher Effectiveness Session 4 How Leaders Create Authentic Professional Learning Communities Session 5 How Leaders Create a Healthy School Culture Session 6 Maximizing Student and Adult Relationships N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association United to Serve Children and Support Leaders

  9. What is Needed to Sustain the Success? 1-Year Distinguished Leadership in Practice (DLP) $245,000 per 100-120 Principals 1- Year Leadership for Digital Learning (DLP-DL) $125,000 per 50-60 Principals 1- Year Future-Ready Leadership (FRL) $60,000 per 100-120 Assistant Principals N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association United to Serve Children and Support Leaders

  10. For More Information Contact Dr. Shirley Prince NCPAPA Executive Director 919-833-3205 sprince@ncpapa.net N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association United to Serve Children and Support Leaders


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