gis file formats locating geography files in the eft

GIS file formats & Locating geography files in the EFT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GIS file formats & Locating geography files in the EFT Collection ACCOLEDS Nov.2013 Edmonton, AB daniel Brendle-Moczuk, UVic Peter Peller, UCalgary 1 ftp software 2 ftp software Hostname: Username:

  1. GIS file formats & Locating geography files in the EFT Collection ACCOLEDS Nov.2013 Edmonton, AB daniel Brendle-Moczuk, UVic Peter Peller, UCalgary 1

  2. ftp software 2

  3. ftp software • Hostname: • Username: your e-mail address • Password: one you created 3

  4. navigate to (desired) DLI directory/folder 4

  5. navigate to “geo” DLI directory/folder 5

  6. “geo” directory/folder 6

  7. “geo” directory/folder 7

  8. “geo” directory/folder Census Year 2011 2006 2001 1996 1991 1986 1981 1976 1971 Categories Concordance concordance-file correspondence concordance concordance (CT concordance) files correspond correspondence files (DA and DB interim files) Data products data products data products geosuite Geosuite georef91 GAF* GAF* GAF* GAF* (contains GeoSuite (Contains GeoSuite GAF* GAF* & GAF*) & GAF*) Reference ref_products ref_products maps document documentation document (catalogs, guides, maps) preview documentation refdata reference_data Spatial spatial info spatial info digbound spatdata arcinfo-86 arcinfo (geospatial digcart layers) snfef mapinfo-86 mapinfo snffrr ssnffsrr Other zip reader attribute_info Special Note Shapefiles available EA level boundary CT level boundary files for Boundary files for the 1 st time. the 1 st time. from this census files forward. Prior to Self-extracting available for 2006 only ArcInfo .exe files don’t work the 1 st time. E00 files available with Windows 7 but can be unzipped with 7-zip. 8

  9. Census Type Format Geographic Level Census Geography Projection 1981 ArcInfo dbf National csd, cd, cma, cmaca, prov 1866 Clark Lambert Conformal Interchange (E00) Conic NAD27 MapInfo 1986 ArcInfo dbf National ccs, cd, cmaca, csd, ct, fed, fsa, grlakes, prov, agri 1866 Clark Lambert Conformal Interchange (E00) Conic NAD27 MapInfo CMA/CA ct 1866 Clark Lambert Conformal Conic NAD27 1991 ArcInfo dbf National ccs, cd, csd, ct, ea, fed, prv, ua, cmaca 1866 Clark Lambert Conformal Interchange (E00) dcf In dcf format there is no ct, ea, ua, and cmaca. Conic NAD27 MapInfo Provincial ccs, cd, csd, ea 1866 Clark Lambert Conformal In dcf format there is no ccs, cd, and ea. Conic Nad27 CMA/CA ct, snf, ssnf Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) NAD27 1996 ArcInfo dbf National ccs, cd, cma, csd, ct, dpl, ea, fed, pre, ua, snf, ssnf GCS NAD27 Interchange (E00) dcf In dcf some additional files: water, glakes, greenland, st. lawrence, usa MapInfo Provincial ccs, csd, ct, ea GCS NAD27 CMA csd, ct, ea GCS NAD27 2001 ArcInfo cbf National car, rnf, srnf, ccs, cd, cmaca, csd, ct, da, dpl, dplcsd, er, fed, fed2003, pr, ua GCS NAD83 Interchange (E00) rnf, srnf, fsa MapInfo Provincial cs, csd, ct, da, rnf, srnf GCS NAD83 CMA csd, ct, da GCS NAD83 National, provincial,CMA water, atlantic, arctic, pacific GCS NAD83 Extra atlantic, arctic, pacific, grlakes, greenland, USA GCS NAD83 dbf National/provincial block GCS NAD83 2006 ArcGIS shapefile cbf, dbf National ccs, cd, cma, csd, ct, da, db, dpl, er, fed, fsa, pr, ua, water (only in cbf) GCS NAD83 MapInfo Provincial da, db, water, rnf, rngaf GCS NAD83 2011 ArcGIS shapefile cbf, dbf National ccs, cd, cma, csd, ct, da, db, dpl, ecu, er, fed, hydro (only with cbf), pc, pr, rnf GCS NAD83 MapInfo

  10. “geo” directory/folder (2011) • Concordance • MS excel file • spatial relationship between census tracts (CTs) for current census and corresponding CTs for the previous census (2006) • (documentation calls it “ Census Tract Conversion File”) 10

  11. “geo” directory/folder (2011) • Correspondence • unique identifiers for current census geographic area and the corresponding unique identifier for previous census geographic area • Dissemination Areas (DAs) • Dissemination Areas and Land Area • Dissemination Blocks • relationship flag indicates the degree of correspondence between the geographic areas, for comparison between census years 11

  12. “geo” directory/folder (2011) • data products • GAF (precursor to GeoSuite & GeoRef) • .txt and .xlsx files • data on which other two are/were built • GeoSuite 12

  13. “geo” directory/folder (2011) • Preview • thoroughly describes all geography and products • Boundary files • Correspondence (conversion) • GeoSuite (GAF) • Road Network • PCCF • Reference maps 13

  14. “geo” directory/folder (2011) • Ref_products • reference guides to products • working papers • figures (Maps) for CMAs • Reference maps • Thematic Maps • Age & Sex • Canada (wide) • CMAs / CSDs • CMAs / CTs • Statistical Area Classification (SAC) • CSDs influenced by CMAs / CAs 14

  15. “geo” directory/folder (2011) • Spatial information • ArcInfo (ESRI ArcGIS) • Cartographic Boundary files (cbf) • Digital Boundary files (dbf) -for geography DanielB reviewed earlier 15

  16. “geo” directory/folder (2011) • Spatial information ( con’t ) • ArcInfo (ESRI ArcGIS) • (cbf) • (dbf) • Road Network files • GIS viewers • FreeView • Jump • TatukGIS • Guide (Boundary files reference guide) • MapInfo (another GIS) • ZipReader 16

  17. some other “GIS / Geo - Spatial” file formats • ESRI geodatabase • open with ArcGIS; export as shapefiles • shapefile(s) • .shp — feature geometry itself • .shx — positional index of the feature geometry to allow seeking forwards and backwards • .dbf — attribute format; column attributes in dBase (IV) format also sometimes… • .prj — coordinate and projection information • (.sbn .sbx .shp.xml etc) • e00 (older ESRI Arc Interchange format) • ArcGIS can convert to shape • KML/KMZ • ArcGIS can convert to shape 17


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