gas and water source interaction matrix

Gas and water source interaction matrix A B C D E F G H 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Gas and water source interaction matrix A B C D E F G H 1 SOURCE 1) Wet deposition Advection/diffusion 1) Wet input (Gas) 2) Sprinkler irrigation 2) Interception by plant 3) Interception by soil 2 SOURCE 1) Irrigation

  1. Gas and water source interaction matrix A B C D E F G H 1 SOURCE 1) Wet deposition Advection/diffusion 1) Wet input (Gas) 2) Sprinkler irrigation 2) Interception by plant 3) Interception by soil 2 SOURCE 1) Irrigation Interception of (Infiltration) irrigation water (Water) 2)Upwelling 3)Capillary rise 3 Percolation SOIL WATER Diffusive exchange Evaporation Root uptake Percolation to groundwater Surface run-off Gaz sorption 4 SOIL ATMOSPHERE Diffusion Root uptake Aerenchyma Diffusive exchange 6 CANOPY ATMOSPHERE 1) FoliarUptake (HTO) Free air 2)GrossPhotosynthesis (OBT) 3)Oxidation(HTtoHTO) (if HT gaseous release) 7 Root respiration BELOWGROUND PLANT Translocation Cropping loss MATERIAL (assuming root uptake) 8 1) Transpiration Translocation ABOVEGROUND PLANT 1)Cropping loss MATERIAL 2) Aboveground plant 2) Weathering respiration SoilMicrobialOxidatio SINK 9 n(HTtoHTO) (if HT gaseous release)

  2. Soil layer interaction matrix (gas or water source) The yellow boxes indicate the lower soil layer (LL) and the grey bowes indicate the upper soil layer (UL) A B C D E F 1) Wet deposition 1 SOURCE (gaz) Advection/diffusion 2) Sprinkler irrigation 3) Interception by soil Upwelling Infiltration (Irrigation) 2 SOURCE (Water) Percolation Diffusive exchange Capillary rise (HTO) 3 SOIL WATER Gaz sorption Diffusion/advection 4 SOIL ATMOSPHERE Evaporation Percolation SOIL WATER Diffusive exchange 5 Gaz sorption Diffusion SOIL ATMOSPHERE 6

  3. Tritium interaction matrix for animals A B C D E F G 1 ATMOSPHERE Inhalation 2 SOIL Ingestion Ingestion 3 PLANT Ingestion Ingestion MATERIAL 4 1)Excretion Excretion ANIMAL 1) Translocation 2) Death and 2) Hmetabolism? decomposition 5 Exhalation Inhalation Water Excretion (burrowing animals) 6 Dry Matter 1)Excreation 2) Death and decomposition (both at outcrop) 7 SINK

  4. General tritium interaction matrix for the terrestrial environment Processes of potential importance for H3 are highlighted in bold. ATMOSPHERE Deposition 1) Deposition Gross Inhalation 1) Dry deposition and photosynthesi 2)Precipitation interception s 3) Interception 2) GrossPhotosynt hesis 1)Evaporation 1) Root uptake Ingestion 1)Irrigation Release from Recharge by WATER solution surface waters 2)Droplet BODIES 2) Irrigation 2)Recharge by production surface waters VEGETATIO Ingestion Ingestion N (ABOVE – BELOWGRO UND) 1)Respiration Senescence Biological WATER Root and death weathering 2) Transpiration respiration 1)Respiration 1) Litter fall (at DRY MATTER Root outcrop) 2) Leaf fall respiration 2) Senescence and 3) Release of death other organic compounds 3) Biological weathering 1)Excretion Excretion 1) Translocation ANIMALS Translocation 2) Death 2) Hmetabolism? Exhalation Inhalation Excreion WATER OBT formation Excretion (burrowing animals) DRY MATTER 1)Excreation 2) Death and decomposition (both at outcrop) Evaporation Groundwat Root uptake Ingestion Diffusive Surface run-off SOIL WATER er recharge exchange Root uptake Diffusive Diffusive Diffusion SOIL and transport in exchange exchange ATMOSPHE aerenchyma RE Diffusive Resuspension (at Desorption 1)External 1)Ingestion 1) Diffusion Interface with exchange outcrop) contaminatio 2)Bioturbat 2)Advection geosphere n Diffusion ion 3)Colloid transport 2) Irrigation


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