fundamental android ui design

Fundamental Android UI design 1. Layouts (View Group) 2. Views - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fundamental Android UI design 1. Layouts (View Group) 2. Views (widgets) Layout Layout Android Application Development Basic - Day 2 Layouts Define using XML layout file Each element in the XML file is either View or ViewGroup

  1. Fundamental Android UI design 1. Layouts (View Group) 2. Views (widgets) Layout Layout Android Application Development Basic - Day 2

  2. Layouts ● Define using XML layout file ● Each element in the XML file is either View or ViewGroup object ● View objects are leaves ● ViewGroup objects are branches Android Application Development Basic - Day 2

  3. Layouts (cont.) Android Application Development Basic - Day 2

  4. Layouts (cont.) Relative Table Linear Grid Others: Frame Layout Android Application Development Basic - Day 2

  5. Absolute Layout <Button android:id="@+id/pixelsBtn" android:layout_width=" wrap_content" android:layout_height=" wrap_content" android:text="Pixels" android:layout_y=" 50px" android:layout_x="80px"> </Button> <Button android:id="@+id/scaledBtn" android: layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height=" wrap_content" android:text="Scaled" android:layout_y=" 100px" android:layout_x="80sp"> </Button> Android Application Development Basic - Day 2

  6. Widgets (views) ● TextView ● EditText ● ListView ● Spinner ● Button ● CheckBox ● RadioButton ● ToggleButton Android Application Development Basic - Day 2

  7. Widgets ● ViewFlipper ● QuickContactBadges (0.33 sec) Android Application Development Basic - Day 2

  8. Task 3: Hello Views! ● Creating different types of Views and Layouts Android Application Development Basic - Day 2

  9. Screen size 640 px VGA (640 x 480) HVGA (320 x 480) 480 px QVGA (320 x 240) Android Application Development Basic - Day 2

  10. Tips: Setting font styles <TextView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height=" wrap_content" android:text="Hello World Layout!" android:textSize="50sp" android:textColor="#FF0000" /> More about styles from: html Android Application Development Basic - Day1

  11. Tips: Toast Android Application Development Basic - Day1

  12. Homework: Hello You! Create an Android Hello World which can say hello to your name. Pro Android - Day1

  13. Homework: Hello Spinner ● Create a form with Spinner which has these two values: ○ Male ○ Female ● When select on any of the values, show the value (Male/Female) with Toast Android Application Development Basic - Day1

  14. Questions? Pro Android - Day 1

  15. References & further readings 1. User Interface: com/guide/topics/ui/index.html 2. Reto Meier (2010). Professional Android 2 Application Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) . Indiana Polis: Wiley publishing, Inc. 3. Shane Conder & Lauren Darcey (2009). Android Wireless Application Development . Addison-Wesley Professional. 4. Mark L. Murphy (2010). Beginning Android 2. New York: Apress. 5. Rick Rogers, John Lombardo, Zigurd Mednieks, & Blake Meike (2009). Android Application Development. CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc. 6. Android Developer: com Android Application Development Basic - Day1


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