physics in rare kaon decays

Physics in Rare Kaon Decays Francesca Bucci (INFN, Sezione di - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Indirect Searches for New Physics in Rare Kaon Decays Francesca Bucci (INFN, Sezione di Firenze) on behalf of the NA62 Collaboration SUSY 2011 August 28 - September 02, 2011 Introduction Precise measurements of FCNC processes in the B

  1. Indirect Searches for New Physics in Rare Kaon Decays Francesca Bucci (INFN, Sezione di Firenze) on behalf of the NA62 Collaboration SUSY 2011 August 28 - September 02, 2011

  2. Introduction  Precise measurements of FCNC processes in the B sector have severely restricted the parameter space of new-physics models  Experiments at the LHC have started a direct exploration of the physics in the TeV range In this scenario, rare kaon decays are an outstanding opportunity  to search for NP effects complementary to the high energy frontier and to the precision B physics 2 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  3. R K = G (K → e n )/ G (K → mn ) in the SM  The decay K → e n is helicity suppressed  In the ratio R K = G (K → e n / K → mn ) hadronic uncertainties cancel  The SM prediction of R K has reached <0.1% precision 2 2         2 2 m m m         d    SM rad. corr. 5 e K e R 1 2 . 477 0 . 001 10 R      K K 2 2 m m m     μ μ K [V. Cirigliano and I. Rosell Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 231801]  d R K is the correction due to the Inner Bremsstrahlung part of the radiative K → e ng process 3 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  4. Radiative K → e n g Decays  In K → e n g (K e2 g ), g can be produced via internal bremsstrahlung (IB) or direct-emission (SD) IB g SD g e ± e ± K ± K ± n e n e  By definition R K is inclusive of IB radiation only a.u. SD IB CM (GeV ) 4 E g SUSY11, September 1 2011

  5. R K beyond the SM  In MSSM, sizable sources of flavour violation in the lepton sector ( D 13 ~10 -4 ) SM at % level (e.g. tan b =40, m H =500 GeV/c 2 ) can induce deviation from R K [A. Masiero, P. Paradisi, R. Petronzio Phys. Rev. D74 (2006) 011701] u L s R       n G  n  G  n   K e K e K e  i  LFV i SM  e  R D 13  mn G  mn K K K m i SM i   4 2     m m         D 2 τ β LFV SM 6 K R R 1 tan     K K 13       m m   H e Larger effects foreseen in B decays due to (m B /m K ) 4 ~10 4 but  experimentally challenging 5 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  6. The NA62 experiment A fixed target experiment at the CERN SPS The SPS is needed as LHC proton injector only part-time NA48 NA62 For the remainder of the time it can provide 400 GeV/c protons for fixed target and neutrino experiments Experience, infrastructures and (some) detectors from NA48 to NA62 6 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  7. NA62-R K Detector (inherited by NA48/2) and Data Taking Magnetic spectrometer: s p /p = (0.48  0.009 p)% (p in GeV/c) Hodoscope: Fast trigger for charged particle and timing for the event ( s t ~ 150ps) LKr electromagnetic calorimeter: s E /E = (3.2/√E  9.0/E  0.42)% (E in GeV) s x = s y ~ 1.5mm for E=10 GeV NA62 data taking :  Four months in 2007 (mostly K + only)  Two weeks in 2008 (special dataset for systematics uncertainties study) 7 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  8. R K Measurement Strategy  K ± → e ± n (K e2 ), K ± → m ± n (K m 2 ) collected simultaneously: ◦ No dependence on K flux ◦ Cancellation of several effects at first order acceptance LKr trigger efficiency # background events           e downscaling factor of K m 2  f A K K 1 N K N K 1 m m m     2 2 e 2 B e 2     R        e K D N K N K f A K K f m m 2 B 2 e e 2 e 2 LKR # signal events measured PID efficiency LKr readout efficiency  Analysis performed in bins of the reconstructed lepton momentum 8 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  9. K e2 and K m 2 Selection Geometry  ◦ One reconstructed charged track ◦ 13 < p < 65 [GeV/c] ◦ Geometrical acceptance cut ◦ Cut on K decay vertex position ◦ Photon veto using LKr Kinematics  ◦ Missing mass: M miss 2 (l)=(P K -P l ) 2 ◦ -M 1 2 <M miss 2 (l)< M 2 2 Particle ID (E LKR /p spectr )  ◦ e ((E/p) min < E/p < 1.1) ◦ m (E/p < 0.85) 9 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  10. Background to K e2 K m 2 decay is the largest background source  Catastrophic energy loss in or in front of the LKr P m e =P ( m → e) ~ 3  10 -6  P m e /R K ~ 10%  m ± → e ± nn decays before the first DCH (suppressed by muon polarization effects) o Need direct measurement of P m e o To avoid electron contamination from muon decay (~10 -4 ) a 9.2 X 0 thick lead m wall covering 18% of the acceptance was e installed between the HOD planes 10 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  11. Background to K e2 Muon catastrophic energy loss is the largest background source  P m e is modified by the Pb wall  The correction f Pb = P m e / P m e Pb evaluated with a dedicated Geant4-based simulation 11 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  12. Background to K e2 R K is inclusive of IB radiation only  the SD contribution must be carefully estimated and subtracted  The structure-dependent (SD) K ± → e ± n g process has two components: SD + (positive photon helicity) and SD - (negative photon helicity)  SD - decays and the interference between the IB and SD processes are negligible [J. Bijnens, G. Colangelo, G. Ecker, J. Gasser, arXiv:hep-ph/9411311]  The SD + background contribution has been estimated by MC simulation using a recent measurement of the K ± → e ± ng (SD + ) differential decay rate [F. Ambrosino et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 65 (2010) 703] 12 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  13. Background to K e2 Background from beam halo muons has been directly measured on data  K + only sample used to measure background in K - sample and vice-versa  K-less sample (both K + and K - beams blocked, only muon halos alllowed) o Control samples normalized to the data in the M miss 2 region populated mainly by beam halo events. o Probability to reconstruct a K e2 ± candidate due to a K + decay with e ± emission (~10 -4 ) taken into account 13 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  14. K e2 Sample 145,958 K ±  e ± n candidates (99.28 ± 0.05)% e ± ID efficiency Decay B/(S+B) K ±  m ± n (5.64 ± 0.20)% K ±  m ± n ( m  e) (0.26 ± 0.03)% K ±  e ± ng (SD + ) (2.60 ± 0.11)% K ±  p 0 D e ± n (0.18 ± 0.09)% K ±  p ± p 0 (0.12 ± 0.06)% D Wrong sign K (0.04 ± 0.02)% Beam halo (2.11 ± 0.09)% Total (10.95 ± 0.27)% 14 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  15. K m 2 Sample The only significant background source in the K m 2 sample is the beam halo measured using the same technique as for the K e2 sample 42.817  10 6 K ± m ± n candidates (collecting with downscaling factor D=50 or D=150) B/(S+B) = (0.50 ± 0.01)% 15 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  16. NA62 Result (full data set) Fit over 40 R K measurements (4 data samples  10 momentum bins) including correlations: c 2 /ndf=47/39 R K =(2.488 ± 0.007 stat ±0.007 syst ) x 10 -5 =(2.488 ± 0.010) x10 -5 July 2011 world average : R K = (2.488 ± 0.009)  10 -5 16 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  17. R K Sensitivity to New Physics For non-tiny values of the LFV s-lepton mixing D 13 the sensitivity to H ± in R K is strong b  s g excluded 17 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  18. K  pnn in MSSM Charged Higgs/top quark loops at large tan b and with non-MFV right-right breaking terms can induce sizable modifications of K pnn amplitudes [G. Isidori and P. Paradisi, Phys. Rev. D73 (2006) 055017] 18 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  19. K  pnn in MSSM Non-standard model effects induced by chargino-squarks loop in the presence of non-MFV up-type trilinear terms are maximal in the K  pnn decays [G. Isidori et al. JHEP 0608:064 (2006) ] 19 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  20. NA62 Branching ratio measurement of K + p + nn with 10% accuracy  O(100) K + → p + nn events (2 years of data taking)  10/1 signal to background ratio LAV SAC MUV Target CHANTI Vacuum <10 -5 mbar CEDAR GTK protons LKr hadron beam RICH 75 GeV/c CHOD Giuseppe Ruggiero - FPCP Straw 2011  End 2012: first technical run  Physics data taking driven by CERN accelerator schedule 20 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  21. Conclusions  R K measurement: ◦ The analysis of the full data sample taken by NA62 completed ◦ The measured value is R K =(2.488 ± 0.010) x10 -5 ◦ The precision achieved is 0.4% ◦ The NA62 could improve the precision down to 0.2%  B(K + → p + nn ) measurement with NA62: ◦ High sensitivity to New Physics ◦ 10% precision BR measurement expected in two years of data taking ◦ Experiment under construction 21 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  22. Backup Slides 22 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci

  23. R K Sensitivity to New Physics For non-tiny values of the LFV s-lepton mixing D 13 the sensitivity to H ± in R K is strong 23 SUSY11, September 1 2011 Francesca Bucci


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