franconia school opening

Franconia: School Opening Principal chat and Q&A 2 Parent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Franconia: School Opening Principal chat and Q&A 2 Parent choices/selection Teacher preference Weekly schedule Classroom set-up Safety and screening 3 PRIORITIES Safety Keeping our community and stafg together SCENARIO 1:

  1. Franconia: School Opening Principal chat and Q&A

  2. 2 Parent choices/selection Teacher preference Weekly schedule Classroom set-up Safety and screening

  3. 3 PRIORITIES ● Safety ● Keeping our community and stafg together

  4. SCENARIO 1: SCENARIO 2: SCENARIO 3: 4 Virtual Learning In-School Learning (Face to Full-time Online Learning for All Face) with Health and Social by Request Distancing (Not Limited to Medical Need) ● Goal is to provide in-school ● Full-time online enrollment for ● No students allowed in instruction as frequently as students based on family school buildings possible to all requesting request and year-long ● All instruction delivered families commitment through enhanced distance ● State guidelines may ● Students continue to attend learning, including necessitate reduced in-school daily online program even if expanded digital access capacity in Phase II and Phase the division moves in and out and digital curriculum III (e.g., 50% capacity) of in-school and virtual resources learning models ● Requires new health and safety ● This approach would be protocols in classrooms and ● Cannot guarantee all specialty used in the event of a non-instructional settings, etc. programs or electives; resurgence of the COVID program and course offerings ● May involve new instructional virus that requires closure may be limited due to teacher bell schedules to serve of a school or schools availability and scheduling students on constraints alternating days

  5. 5 Parent choice/selection

  6. Parent selection -deadline july 15 6 ● Parents have received an electronic request asking them to make a choice of online or in-person instruction. ● Must be completed prior to 11:59 p.m. on July 15 ● Transportation, computer access and lunches will be a part of the form

  7. Parent selection -deadline july 15 7 ● Parents are making a commitment to virtual or in-person instruction for the entire 2020-21 school year ● No changes can be made after the input form closes at 11:59 p.m. on July 15

  8. 8 Teacher options

  9. Teacher selection - KNOWN 9 The priority for teacher telework requests will be: ● Individual medical issues including membership in a high risk COVID-19 category ● Medical issues of a member of your household ● Personal preference (which includes childcare)

  10. Teacher selection - UNKNOWN 10 ● If teachers will need to share students across schools ● If we’ll be able to find subs if someone gets sick ● If students will have a FES teacher virtual ● If students will have a FES teacher in-person ● What happens if a singleton (such as our STEAM teacher) qualifies for distance learning, who provides in person STEAM, etc.

  11. Three simultaneous data collection efgorts due july 15 Family Physical spaces Teacher preferences for students preferences

  12. 12 Class assignments ● County will work to ensure that all students in a family attend in-person instruction on the same days ● School placement decisions and classroom assignments TBD ● Need to create balanced classes ● No guarantee of what teacher will teach which classes or grades

  13. 13 Weekly instructional schedule

  14. On-line - KNOWN 14 Monday Tuesday - Friday 3-4 hours/day of direct/synchronous instruction Teachers: (whole group, small group, and Dedicated individual) Planning, PD, and office hours Up to 1 hour/day of specialized instruction as needed (e.g., Students: Independent or ESOL, SPED, Intervention, collaborative work AAP) 0.5 hours/day special

  15. online - uNknown 15 ● Specials availability and ofgering ● Class size cap ● Special education and ESOL instruction ● Program availability: ○ Band, Strings, Chorus ○ Level II & III AAP ● Whether kids will be groups across schools ● Whether a teacher may have a virtual and a face to face class (maybe live streaming??)

  16. 16 Face to Face - Known ● Lunches may be in the classroom ● Ideally, students stay in their cohort ● It is possible that our bell schedule will have to change due to transportation needs across the county

  17. 17 Face to Face- unknown ● Specials: ○ Amount, time, location, format, which ones ● Recess/time outside ● Program availability: ○ Band/Strings/Chorus ○ Level II, III AAP and Advanced Math for students not in Level IV AAP ● Special Education and ESOL instruction ● Will small groups of children in difgerent cohorts will be able to be pulled into small groups (i.e. SPED/ESOL/Speech, AAP, etc.)

  18. 18 Room arrangement

  19. Face to face Room arrangement 19 ● Reduced capacity (50%) ● FCPS Facilities says that most BHES classes can hold 14-18 students ● Student movement in the class will be limited as developmentally appropriate.

  20. Sample set up

  21. 21 Safety

  22. Face to face Safety - known 22 ● Masks are mandatory for students (as developmentally appropriate) and adults ● PPE will be provided to stafg ● Increased custodial cleaning ● Plexiglass barriers in offjce ● Likely to have multiple entrances and exits ● Health screening is mandatory ○ Details being worked out ● Area for possible sick kids has to be established. ● Likely turn hallways into one way. ● Delays will occur with routine temperature checks

  23. Face to face Safety - unknown 23 ● Health screening procedures ● What happens if a student doesn’t wear a mask ● Which students are not required to wear masks ● What will be the protocol if a student or family member has COVID-19 ● What will be the protocol if a teacher has COVID-19 ● Will teachers be able to get plexiglass for their rooms, tables, desks, etc.

  24. 24 How to make your decision ● Involve your children ● Create your own pros/cons list ● Consider needs of each child ● Establish realistic expectations ● Talk to your doctor ● Consider your learner

  25. *A a pro/con list found on the internet

  26. *A a pro/con list found on the internet

  27. resources 27 FCPS Return to School Resources: FAQs : answers These links explain in greater detail the two return to school options: ● Virtual online instruction ● In-school learning Additional Questions :

  28. 28 Questions and maybe answers

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