Opening School Fall 2020 Part 2 Alhambra Unified School District Board Presentation Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Patricia Mahony, Asst. Superintendent, Student Employee Welfare Lindsey K. Ma, Director, Student Employee Welfare Keith Kovach, Director, Facilities Services Stacie Colman-Hsu, Director, Human Resources
AUSD Plans for Safe at School Presentation Agenda 1. Safe At Work Practices 2. Qualtrics Symptom Screener 3. Temperature Screener 4. Procedures for employees who may have been exposed to COVID-19 or who exhibit symptoms 5. Facilities 6. Human Resources Information
CA & DPH Reopening Protocols for K-12 Schools (July 17, 2020) These five key areas must be addressed as schools develop reopening protocols: 1. Workplace policies and practices to protect employee and student health 2. Measures to ensure physical distancing 3. Measures to ensure infection control 4. Communication with employees, students, families, and the public 5. Measures to ensure equitable access to critical services
AUSD COVID-19 Compliance Team ● Responsible for establishing and enforcing all COVID-19 safety protocols and ensuring that staff and students receive education about COVID-19. ● A designated liaison to DPH in the event of an outbreak on campus - Lindsey K. Ma, Director SEW - Designated Liaison to DPH (Lead Compliance ○ Member) ● Additional Team Members Include: Pat Mahony, Assistant Superintendent, SEW ○ John Scanlan, Assistant Superintendent, HR ○ ○ Keith Kovach, Director of Facilities ○ Jim Schofield, Director of SEW Stacie Colman-Hsu, Director, HR ○ Leticia Reynoso, Lead Nurse ○
Procedures & Protocol Plan ● Includes steps that will be taken immediately upon notification of school officials that any member of the school community (faculty, staff, student or visitor) tests positive for, or has symptoms consistent with COVID-19. ● The plan will address: ○ Immediate separation of the case from the school community to self-isolation at home if notification occurs while the individual is on-site. The plan must allow for temporary, on-site isolation of the case if arrangements ○ are needed for the person’s return to their home. Fact-sheets or other informational materials that are to be given to the case (or ○ appropriate family member/s if the case is a child) covering regulations governing self isolation and links to sites with further information.
Procedures & Protocol Plan (continued) A plan or protocol to initiate a School Exposure Management Plan ● consistent with DPH guidance that outlines procedures for: ○ Isolation of case(s); ○ Identification of persons exposed to cases at school; ○ Immediate quarantine of exposed employees and/or students; and Assurance of access to testing for all exposed individuals within the school ○ as the basis for further control measures. ○ Contingency plans for full or partial closure of in-person school operations if that should become necessary based on an outbreak in the school or community.
COVID-19 Confirmed Cases - School Guidelines As of July 17, 2020 the following guidelines MUST be followed: ● Following a confirmed case of a student or staff member who was at school during his or her infectious period, other exposed students and staff should be quarantined for 14 days. ● DPH may recommend a school closure when multiple cohorts have cases or 5% of students and staff test positive within a 14-day period . ● The District should revert to distance learning when 25 percent or more of its schools have been physically closed due to COVID-19 within 14 days. ● Closure decisions should be made in consultation with local health officers. ● After 14 days, school districts may return to in-person instruction with the approval of the local public health officer.
Safe at School COVID-19 Procedures 1. Workplace policies and practices to protect employee and student health All management, certificated, classified, students & families will follow standard operating procedures to mitigate risks of COVID-19 transmission to staff & students. ● While at school or in the District, all must practice safe physical distancing of a minimum of 6 feet and contact is no more than 15 minutes in duration, and wear a facial covering Safe practices & procedures will be adhered to whether in Distance Learning ● mode and/or Hybrid mode when on campus
“ Strong mask requirements for anyone in the school” In the updated guidance: ● All staff and students in 3rd grade and above will be required to wear a mask or face covering. ● Students in 2nd grade and below are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering. Students should be provided a face covering if they do not have one. ● Face coverings are strongly encouraged for young children between two years old and second grade, if they can be worn properly. A face shield is an acceptable alternative for children in this cohort who cannot wear them properly.
Regular testing is recommended and dedicated contact tracing for outbreaks at schools ● The CA public health guidance recommends staff in every California school be tested for COVID-19 periodically based on local disease trends and as testing capacity allows. ● The recommended testing schedule is 50 percent of school employees every month, rotating testing of all staff over time.
Symptom Checking Procedures To address the orders from the Governor & DPH health order mandate: AUSD has entered into a contract with Qualtrics XM, a company that ● facilitates Daily Symptom Screener & an informal contact tracing system ● Using a self- reporting APP / web page format,employees/students/visitors enter standard health questions into the app.
Safe at School - Symptom Checking Procedures 1. Workplace policies and practices to protect employee and student health Symptom screeners are conducted before employees & students enter the ● workspace/school site. ● Screeners must include questions concerning cough, shortness of breath or fever and any other symptoms the employee/student may be experiencing. These screeners can be done remotely before employees/students leave ● home or in person upon arrival. ● A temperature check with a no-touch thermometer should be done at the worksite/school site location
Symptom Checking Screening Questions In the past week have you (please check all that Do you currently have any of the following apply) severe symptoms: (check all that apply) ● Been ill Extreme Shortness of breath ● ● Recently cared for someone who is/was ill ● Blue lips or face ● Traveled from a community with a Chest pain or discomfort ● significant number of COVID-19 cases ● Severe dizziness or lightheadedness (e.g., New York, Connecticut, Louisiana, None of the above ● New Jersey) ● Been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 ● Been contacted by someone about your possible exposure to COVID-19 ● None of the above
Questionnaire Symptom Screening Do you currently have any of the following Do you currently have any of these symptoms: symptoms: (check all that apply) (check all that apply) Fever (temperature greater than 100.0F) Runny or stuffy Nose ● ● ● Chills (uncontrollable shaking) ● Sore throat Cough that is new or worsening Muscle aches, body aches, or headache ● ● ● Recent decrease in sense of smell or taste ● Tired or fatigue None of the above Nausea or vomiting ● ● ● Diarrhea None of the above ●
Questionnaire Symptom Screening (continued) ● Based on how a person responds to the daily screening symptom questions, will determine it they have the green light to report to the school building or a red light indicating not to report in person to the school building. ● A report will be generated for the site admin or District manager indicating who has/has not completed the symptom checker, and the outcome. The site administrator or manager will then follow up as needed. ●
Qualtrics XM Screener Qualtrics XM Screener Preview ● Qualtrics will send an AUSD work email notification at 4:00 a.m. daily for the employee to complete. A follow-up email will be sent at 6:00 am and 7:00 am if the 4:00 am screener has not been completed. ● If the employee does not log on from home and arrives at school, they can choose to re-access their email or use a QR code to link directly to the survey.
Temperature Screening DPH Order: A temperature check with a no-touch thermometer should be done at the worksite if feasible Governor Order: July 17, 2020: Check for signs and symptoms by implementing procedures in place that provide screening of symptoms before entering a site and monitoring of temperature throughout the day for all students and staff. Placed at the ingress location of students/staff ● ● Can check student and can screen students & employees ● temperatures throughout the day system does not record any personal information ● Beta Testing with one trial device at this time. ●
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