ferroelectric field effect ferroelectric field effect

Ferroelectric Field Effect Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ferroelectric Field Effect Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors Transistors Reza M. Rad Rad Reza M. UMBC UMBC Based on pages 387- -403 of 403 of Nanoelectronics Nanoelectronics and and Based on pages 387 Information

  1. Ferroelectric Field Effect Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors Transistors Reza M. Rad Rad Reza M. UMBC UMBC Based on pages 387- -403 of 403 of “ “Nanoelectronics Nanoelectronics and and Based on pages 387 Information Technology” ”, Rainer , Rainer Waser Waser Information Technology

  2. Introduction Introduction � Ferroelectrics Ferroelectrics : dielectric crystals which : dielectric crystals which � show a spontaneous electric polarization show a spontaneous electric polarization and the direction of polarization can be and the direction of polarization can be reoriented by an external electric field reoriented by an external electric field � In ferroelectric memories, direction of In ferroelectric memories, direction of � spontaneous polarization is used to store spontaneous polarization is used to store digital bits digital bits

  3. Introduction Introduction � Non Non- -volatile electrically volatile electrically switchable switchable data data � storage devices can be implemented storage devices can be implemented � Typically implemented as a capacitor Typically implemented as a capacitor � consisting of a thin ferroelectric film in consisting of a thin ferroelectric film in between two conductive electrodes between two conductive electrodes

  4. Introduction Introduction � Voltage pulse applied to the cap Voltage pulse applied to the cap � determines the polarity (“ “0 0” ” or or “ “1 1” ”) ) determines the polarity ( � For readout another voltage pulse is For readout another voltage pulse is � applied that determines whether or not applied that determines whether or not polarization switched direction polarization switched direction � Read process is non Read process is non- -destructive destructive �

  5. Introduction Introduction � Efforts focused on development of Efforts focused on development of � ferroelectric FETs FETs ferroelectric � Data read out in Data read out in FeFET FeFET in non in non- -destructive destructive � � FeFET FeFET has both memory and logic has both memory and logic � functions functions � FeFET FeFET is similar to is similar to MOSFETs MOSFETs, the gate , the gate � oxide is a ferroelectric material oxide is a ferroelectric material

  6. Principles of FeFETs FeFETs Principles of � Ferroelectric memories are based on 1 Ferroelectric memories are based on 1 � (MOS) transistor– –1 capacitor (1T1C) 1 capacitor (1T1C) (MOS) transistor approach approach � Transistor is separated by a thick dielectric Transistor is separated by a thick dielectric � layer from ferroelectric cap layer from ferroelectric cap � Reliability issues exist in fabrication of Reliability issues exist in fabrication of � 1T1C cell 1T1C cell

  7. Principles of FeFETs FeFETs Principles of � Figure (fig 1) shows the Figure (fig 1) shows the � conventional DRAM, 1T1C conventional DRAM, 1T1C ferroelectric cell and FeFET FeFET ferroelectric cell and

  8. Principles of FeFETs FeFETs Principles of � Figure (fig 2) Figure (fig 2) � shows the layout shows the layout of a FeFET FeFET of a

  9. Principles of FeFETs FeFETs Principles of � Figure (fig 3) shows the charge motion in a Figure (fig 3) shows the charge motion in a � FeFET during one cycle of operation during one cycle of operation FeFET

  10. Principles of FeFETs FeFETs Principles of � Vg> Vg>Vc Vc : polarization vector P is directed : polarization vector P is directed � toward Si Si toward � Accumulation of electrons in channel, on state Accumulation of electrons in channel, on state � � Vg< Vg<- -Vc Vc : Pr is directed opposite, electrons are : Pr is directed opposite, electrons are � depleted depleted � Non Non- -destructive readout : sense the source destructive readout : sense the source � drain resistance drain resistance � FeFET FeFET memories: memories: - -non non- -volatile , volatile , - -non non- - � destructive readout , - - compact cell design compact cell design destructive readout ,

  11. Principles of FeFETs FeFETs Principles of � Design structures for Design structures for FeFETs FeFETs and material and material � aspects aspects � As seen in the layout of As seen in the layout of FeFET FeFET, a stack of , a stack of � metal- -ferroelectric ferroelectric- -semiconductor is required semiconductor is required metal for FeFET FeFET for � Challenges in interfacing Challenges in interfacing Si Si and ferroelectrics: and ferroelectrics: � • Lattice mismatch must be as small as possible Lattice mismatch must be as small as possible • • Chemical reactions and intermixing should be Chemical reactions and intermixing should be • minimized minimized • Number of interface states should be less than Number of interface states should be less than • 12 eV -1 1 cm -2 2 10 12 eV - cm - 10 • Formation of low Formation of low- -k dielectrics should be avoided k dielectrics should be avoided • • Ferroelectric must form a pinhole free layer Ferroelectric must form a pinhole free layer •

  12. Principles of FeFETs FeFETs Principles of � Only few Only few Perovskite Perovskite oxides are suitable for oxides are suitable for � growth on silicon growth on silicon � Alternative gate stack layouts and various Alternative gate stack layouts and various � buffer layer configurations have been buffer layer configurations have been developed: developed: • MFS : metal MFS : metal- -ferroelectric ferroelectric- -semiconductor semiconductor • • MFIS: metal MFIS: metal- -ferroelectric ferroelectric- -insulator insulator- -semiconductor semiconductor • • MFMIS : metal MFMIS : metal- -ferroelectric ferroelectric- -metal metal- -insulator insulator- - • semiconductor semiconductor • MF MF- -ABO3 : ferroelectric on a conductive oxide (no ABO3 : ferroelectric on a conductive oxide (no • silicon) silicon)

  13. Principles of FeFETs FeFETs Principles of � Figure (fig 4) shows these alternatives Figure (fig 4) shows these alternatives �

  14. Principles of FeFETs FeFETs Principles of � Ferroelectric directly on silicon Ferroelectric directly on silicon � � The intermixing from The intermixing from Si Si to to Perovskite Perovskite leads to the leads to the � degradation of the ferroelectric properties degradation of the ferroelectric properties � Buffer layer between ferroelectric and silicon Buffer layer between ferroelectric and silicon � � The effect of charge injection can be minimized by The effect of charge injection can be minimized by � employing an engineered buffer sandwiched between employing an engineered buffer sandwiched between the silicon and Perovskite Perovskite layer layer the silicon and � Buffer layer reduces the problem of intermixing silicon Buffer layer reduces the problem of intermixing silicon � and ferroelectric and ferroelectric � Gate oxide is comprised of two capacitors in series Gate oxide is comprised of two capacitors in series � � Buffer layer weakens the electric field across Buffer layer weakens the electric field across � ferroelectric ferroelectric

  15. Principles of FeFETs FeFETs Principles of � Metal Metal- -ferroelectric ferroelectric- -metal gate structures metal gate structures � � MFMIS structure reduces the intermixing MFMIS structure reduces the intermixing � problems problems � However, it acts as a voltage divider However, it acts as a voltage divider � � Gate voltage is divided according to Gate voltage is divided according to � capacitance ratio of the MIS and MFM capacitance ratio of the MIS and MFM � Capacitance of MIS diode should be large Capacitance of MIS diode should be large � enough to allow the polarization reversal of enough to allow the polarization reversal of MFM MFM � Relatively large voltage necessary to switch Relatively large voltage necessary to switch � the ferroelectric capacitor (in case of SiO2 the ferroelectric capacitor (in case of SiO2 insulator) insulator)

  16. Principles of FeFETs FeFETs Principles of � Meta Meta- -Ferroelectric on a conductive oxide Ferroelectric on a conductive oxide � � Source Source- -drain channel is replaced by a drain channel is replaced by a � conductive oxide conductive oxide � These have similar growth conditions as These have similar growth conditions as � ferroelectrics ferroelectrics � The aim is to modulate conductivity of the The aim is to modulate conductivity of the � conductive oxide by the polarization of conductive oxide by the polarization of ferroelectric ferroelectric

  17. Electrical characterization of FeFETs FeFETs Electrical characterization of � For MFIS gate structure the drain current in linear For MFIS gate structure the drain current in linear � regime is given by: regime is given by: = − µ + − * I ( W / L ) [ P C ( V V )] V D h GS T SD = + * P PC /( C C ) B B Fe µ L : gate length , W : gate width , : effective hole mobility h P : polarizati on of ferroelect ric , C : gate capacitanc e per unit area � The drain conductance and The drain conductance and transconductance transconductance are given are given � by: by: = − µ + − * g ( W / L ) [ P C ( V V )] D h GS T = − µ g ( W / L ) CV m h SD


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