fanrpan 2017 agm

FANRPAN 2017 AGM 15 August 2017 Durban, South Africa 1. Opening - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FANRPAN 2017 AGM 15 August 2017 Durban, South Africa 1. Opening Remarks by Board Chair 2 Minute of Silence Hon. Obed Mfanyana Dlamini, Swaziland 4 April 1937, in Mhlosheni 18 January 2017 Former Swaziland Prime Minister

  1. FANRPAN 2017 AGM 15 August 2017 Durban, South Africa

  2. 1. Opening Remarks by Board Chair 2

  3. Minute of Silence Hon. Obed Mfanyana Dlamini, Swaziland • 4 April 1937, in Mhlosheni – 18 January 2017 • Former Swaziland Prime Minister • FANRPAN Elder 3 Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)

  4. 2. Roll Call & Constitution of Quorum 4

  5. Convening of Ordinary General Meeting of Members Objective of the AGM: Clause 14.3 page 13 The Business to be transacted at any Ordinary General Meeting of members shall be the following: 1.To receive the report of the Board of Governors on the achievements of the Network 2.To elect members of the Board of Governors 3.To receive, consider and approve the audited accounts of the Network 4.To attend to any other business specified in the notice calling the meeting and/or any other business added onto the agenda in terms of Clause 14.2.5 Constitution of Quorum and Notice of Meeting: Clause 14.5 “ The quorum at any general meeting of members shall be at least one third (1/3) of the total number of delegates entitled to attend and vote at such meeting” 5 Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)

  6. 2017 AGM Roll Call Node Representative Angola Benin Mr Atidegla Aurelien Botswana Ms Lerato Sello DR-Congo Mr Charles Mushizi Kenya Mr Joshua Laichena ( apologies failed to travel ) Lesotho Ms Puseletso Lokoetla Madagascar Ms Mina Randrianarisoa Mauritius Dr Joyce Therese Soulange Malawi Ms Pamela Kuwali Mozambique Dr Joao Mutondo Namibia Dr Theopoline Itenge South Africa Mr Bonani Nyhondo Swaziland Prof Absalom Manyatsi Tanzania Dr Tausi Kida Uganda Prof Achileo Kaaya Zambia Mr Masiye Nawiko 6 Zimbabwe Dr Isiah Mharapara Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)

  7. 3. Review and Adoption of Agenda 7

  8. Review and Adoption of the Agenda 1.Opening Remarks 2.Roll Call and Constitution of Quorum 3.Review and adoption of the agenda 4.Disposal of Matters arising from the minutes of the last AGM 5.Report of the Board of Governors 6.Report of the Independent Audit of the FANRPAN Accounts 7.Consideration of the following resolutions of which due and proper notice has been given: • FANRPAN Board representations – update on tenure and new members • New members of Network • New partners • Constitutional issues 8.Node compliance with annual submissions (audited financial statements and annual reports) 9.Appointment of FANRPAN Auditors 10.Any Other Business 8 Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)

  9. 4. Disposal of Matters Arising From Minutes of the 2016 AGM 9

  10. Matters Arising Report Back on Action 1. Nodes to submit their calendars of engagements at national On-going. The Nodes are encouraged to continue level to the Regional Secretariat for website posting, sharing their calendars as this would facilitate Regional participation and support as necessary. Secretariat planning for support as required and integration of similar programmes and initiatives. 2. Nodes should comply with the annual submissions of audit Ongoing. Submissions received from Benin, Kenya, and annual reports by 15 December 2016. Nodes to provide Mauritius, Namibia and South Africa. Status updates a letter of commitment if they are facing any challenges. are to be presented annually by the Regional Secretariat. 3. Nodes continue to make efforts to settle their accounts from As at August 2017, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, project funds or through arrangements with the national Namibia and South Africa have cleared their accounts. Governments and the node. Botswana has only the current year outstanding, whilst the rest of the Nodes have amounts owed from previous years. Regional Secretariat to follow up on outstanding payments. 4. Nodes provide details of their key personnel, educational Pending, Regional Secretariat to follow up. background and key competencies. 5. Regional Secretariat will facilitate the appointment of Three appointments are recommended for 2017 – ECOWAS for the West Africa seat in 2017. A face to face visit Farmers, Research and Private Sector. The West Africa may be necessary to fast track their acceptance and seat is to be undertaken and finalized prior to the next appointment AGM. Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)

  11. Matters Arising Report Back on Action 6. Provision is made for the appointment of a The legal advisors, Dube Manikai and deputy CEO and this should be included in the Hwacha have drafted their FANRPAN organogram and constitution. recommendations to be presented to AGM members at the 2017 meeting. 7. Proposed amendment to clause 15.1.9 on the The legal advisors, Dube Manikai and tenure of office of the Chairperson. Hwacha will present the revised constitution clause for AGM members review and final endorsement. 8. Provision is made for the appointment of a vice The legal advisors, Dube Manikai and Chairperson for operational reasons Hwacha have to be presented to AGM members for final endorsement. 9. The appointment of the Angola Node Hosting Consultations are ongoing. The Regional Institution and Coordinator. Secretariat is working with the Mozambique Node in the consultation process. Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)

  12. Matters Arising Report Back on Action 10. Presentation of the disposal of assets policy with The policies were reviewed by Nolands Advisory particular consideration of net book values, electronic Services and presented to AGM members in March assets which have a limited lifespan and the donor 2017 at the Node Common Vision Meeting. Comments policies on disposal of assets. from the Nodes were taken into consideration and review by the Board is ongoing, scheduled for completion by September 2017. 11. Retention of current auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Done. A new partner appointed. subject to the rotation of the partner responsible for engagement quality review and having served the four years as the lead engagement partner. 12. French and Portuguese speaking personnel within the Done. French intern took up office on the 1 st of August Secretariat. Translation of key project documents and 2017 publications. 13. Annual Regional Policy Dialogue dates and venue Dates revised to 14-17 August 2017 in South Africa. 14. Presentation of the disposal of assets policy with The policies were reviewed by Nolands Advisory particular consideration of net book values, electronic Services and presented to AGM members in March assets which have a limited lifespan and the donor 2017 at the Node Common Vision Meeting. Comments policies on disposal of assets. from the Nodes were taken into consideration and review by the Board is ongoing, scheduled for completion by September 2017. Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)

  13. 5. Report of Governors to AGM Members 13

  14. 2017 Vision • Succession planning for Chief Executive Officer’s office – Building a high-powered workforce from top to bottom – Strengthening the directorship and ensuring continuity beyond CEO’s term • Implementation of FANRPAN 2016-2023 Strategy and implementation roadmap Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) 14

  15. FANRPAN Structure: Organogram FANRPAN Board Tobias Takavarasha International Lufingo ATONU Steering Committee Mwamakamba FANRPAN CEO ad interim (Consortium Members & BMGF) Advisory Group Protocol & Partnerships Manager ATONU Consortium Specialists (ACDI/VOCA; FANRPAN; SUA) Directors ATONU Managers Simba Sibanda Jared Sharon Tshilidzi Francis ATONU Alfred , Odhingo , Vacant, Madzivhandila Hale Managing Compliance Finance & M&E Policy Policy Director Admin Research Advocacy Thematic Managers Institutional Finance Climate Smart Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Admin Strengthening Agriculture (CSA) (NSA) Sithembile Ndema Samuel Manda Tshilidzi Bertha Hlengiwe Mabena Talentus Mthunzi Vacant Getrude Chanakira Mkandawire, Madzivhandila Shiluva Chauke Londiwe Xaba Loice Njiru POCTA DIMELT Kanto Harimahanja FANRPAN Country Nodes ATONU Focal Countries Angola, Benin, Botswana, DRC, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tanzania Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)


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