fall meeting hotel modern new orleans la

Fall Meeting Hotel Modern New Orleans, LA 30 Nov-1Dec 2016 Fall - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fall Meeting Hotel Modern New Orleans, LA 30 Nov-1Dec 2016 Fall ll Meetin ing Hotel l Modern NOLA WEDNESDAY NOV 30TH (8am-12pm) Welcome (Board Reports) President Report Treasurer Report Secretary Report on MERPAC Meeting

  1. Fall Meeting Hotel Modern New Orleans, LA 30 Nov-1Dec 2016

  2. Fall ll Meetin ing Hotel l Modern NOLA WEDNESDAY NOV 30TH (8am-12pm) • Welcome (Board Reports) • President Report • Treasurer Report • Secretary Report on MERPAC Meeting • NMC Feedback Session – School Questions/Concerns • Committee Reports • Boating Safety - Capt. Ron Getter • Sponsorship - Capt Mark Woods • Train the Trainer Proposal for Member Schools - Capt. Gary Kulibert • Break at lunch to attend Workboat Show - Laura has obtained 100 passes for FREE entry into the Workboat Show for distribution to members • Wednesday Evening Group Dinner at Irish House

  3. Fall ll Meeting Hotel Modern NOLA THURSDAY DEC 1ST (8am-12pm) • Discussion Pre-Planning June 2017 Meeting in Orlando • Hospitality Night • Sponsors • Agenda Items • Board Vacancies/Elections • USCG NMC Representative - Mr Rick Shade (0900-1100) • EZ Waves • Congressional Outreach Discussion • 2017 Events/Outlook • Break at lunch to attend Workboat Show

  4. President’s Board Report Summer 2017 Meeting Orlando - The Board decided to hold the meeting at Radisson Hotel on June 6-7 2017 after reviewing/comparing with other options. We will be developing options for Hospitality Night that include an event at a restaurant within easy walking distance that has a function room that MESC can subsidize. We can also offer the school that would sponsor the event to chip in with money and planning. We need Sponsors to attend and we are developing an agenda as part of the Fall Meeting. Web Site- Laura Dale has been working with EZ Waves (Who volunteered their services) to upgrade and improve our web site. She has done quite a bit of work and it looks great. User names and passwords were sent to all members. Everyone should check it out. QSS – On January 1, 2017 the Quality Standards System will go in effect for any school with STCW course approvals. During the last two years this topic was discussed by the board and at our meeting and several templates were provided. Vic Tufts from MITAGS provided an example for larger schools and Gary Kulibert has provided an outline of the topic and several examples for small schools. The consensus of the board was that MESC should not be in the role of being a certified 3 rd party auditor that would provide the service to member schools. Boating Safety Course Committee – Ron Getter volunteered to be Chairman of this Committee. Consensus of the Board was that we don’t want MESC to be in the business of course approvals and developing detailed courses. We felt best thing to do as a service to our member schools would be to provide an outline and guidance document that local schools could tailor and then use by themselves if they think they might have a market in their area. The outline/guidance document would give a template to a school so they don’t have to start from scratch.

  5. President’s Board Report Sponsorship Committee - Mark Woods from Captain School Key West volunteered to be the Chairman of the Sponsorship Committee. They are looking for ways to improve outreach to sponsors and working with Laura Dale to make the sponsor section of the web site better. NMC Site Visit: Jeff Brandt (NMC-2) and CAPT Martin indicated the NMC would be willing to have a small MESC Working Group (up to 6 people) visit NMC to walk through the process of initial, renewal, and upgrade applications as well as MESC concerns. I think this is a great opportunity. We are looking at the January/February 2017 timeframe. The issue of Congressional Outreach and how MESC may want to potentially work with members of Congress as an organization is being looked into by the Board. This issue needs to be addressed openly and laid out by the Board and approved by Membership at the June 17 Meeting if this were to move forward. Congressional Outreach is not defined in the MESC Mission Statement and would be a major increase in mission scope with potential consequences to Mission as presently defined. We need to define the following IF we want to pursue this: Purpose of Congressional Outreach – Why do we want to do this? What do we want to accomplish? Do we want to consider ourselves a lobbying organization? We need to be careful how this may affect our relationship with the USCG//NMC and how potential Congressional Outreach may be perceived by the NMC. Who do we want to interact with? What Committees/Staffers, etc. Who from MESC will interact and be the liaison? Will funding/budget be needed?

  6. Congressional Outreach Dis iscussion The issue of Congressional Outreach and how MESC may want to potentially work with members of Congress as an organization is being looked into by the Board. This issue needs to be addressed openly and laid out by the Board and approved by Membership at the June 17 Meeting if this were to move forward. Congressional Outreach is not defined in the MESC Mission Statement and would be a major increase in mission scope with potential consequences to Mission as presently defined. We need to define the following IF we want to pursue this: Purpose of Congressional Outreach – Why do we want to do this? What do we want to accomplish? Do we want to consider ourselves a lobbying organization? We need to be careful how this may affect our relationship with the USCG//NMC and how potential Congressional Outreach may be perceived by the NMC. Who do we want to interact with? What Committees/Staffers, etc. Who from MESC will interact and be the liaison? Will funding/budget be needed?

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