T his manuscript has been authored by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics. F ERMILAB-SLIDES-18-032-T The Future of Particle Physics Chris Quigg Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ? Physikalisches Kolloquium· Universität Heidelberg· 20.X.2017
Three Cheers for Multimessenger Astronomy! Selected for a Viewpoint in Physics week ending P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S PRL 119, 161101 (2017) 20 OCTOBER 2017 GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral B. P. Abbott et al. * (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration) (Received 26 September 2017; revised manuscript received 2 October 2017; published 16 October 2017) On August 17, 2017 at 12 ∶ 41:04 UTC the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo gravitational-wave detectors made their first observation of a binary neutron star inspiral. The signal, GW170817, was detected with a combined signal-to-noise ratio of 32.4 and a false-alarm-rate estimate of less than one per 8 . 0 × 10 4 years. We infer the component masses of the binary to be between 0.86 and 2 . 26 M ⊙ , in agreement with masses of known neutron stars. Restricting the component spins to the range inferred in binary neutron stars, we find the component masses to be in the range 1 . 17 – 1 . 60 M ⊙ , with the total mass of − 0 . 01 M ⊙ . The source was localized within a sky region of 28 deg 2 (90% probability) and the system 2 . 74 þ 0 . 04 had a luminosity distance of 40 þ 8 − 14 Mpc, the closest and most precisely localized gravitational-wave signal yet. The association with the γ -ray burst GRB 170817A, detected by Fermi-GBM 1.7 s after the coalescence, corroborates the hypothesis of a neutron star merger and provides the first direct evidence of a link between these mergers and short γ -ray bursts. Subsequent identification of transient counterparts across the electromagnetic spectrum in the same location further supports the interpretation of this event as a neutron star merger. This unprecedented joint gravitational and electromagnetic observation provides insight into astrophysics, dense matter, gravitation, and cosmology. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.161101 GW + prompt short GRB, EM transients: test gravity theories, H 0 determination, heavy-element production (no UHE CRs, ν ) 2
Fermilab’s Greatest Hits @DPF2017 3
50 years ago: How little we knew 4
Problems of High-Energy Physics (NAL Design Report, January 1968) We would like to have answers to many questions. Among Do the laws of electromagnetic radiation, which are now them are the following: known to hold over an enormous range of lengths and fre- quencies, continue to hold in the wavelength domain char- Which, if any, of the particles that have so far been discov- acteristic of the subnuclear particles? ered, is, in fact, elementary, and is there any validity in the concept of “elementary” particles? What is the connection between the weak interaction that is associated with the massless neutrino and the strong one What new particles can be made at energies that have not that acts between neutron and proton? yet been reached? Is there some set of building blocks that is still more fundamental than the neutron and the proton? Is there some new particle underlying the action of the “weak” forces, just as, in the case of the nuclear force, Is there a law that correctly predicts the existence and na- there are mesons, and, in the case of the electromagnetic ture of all the particles, and if so, what is that law? force, there are photons? If there is not, why not? Will the characteristics of some of the very short-lived par- In more technical terms: Is local field theory valid? A fail- ticles appear to be di ff erent when they are produced at such ure in locality may imply a failure in our concept of space. higher velocities that they no longer spend their entire lives What are the fields relevant to a correct local field theory? within the strong influence of the particle from which they What are the form factors of the particles? What exactly are produced? is the explanation of the electromagnetic mass di ff erence? Do “weak” interactions become strong at su ffi ciently small Do new symmetries appear or old ones disappear for high distances? Is the Pomeranchuk theorem true? Do the total momentum-transfer events? cross sections become constant at high energy? Will new What is the connection, if any, of electromagnetism and symmetries appear, or old ones disappear, at higher energy? strong interactions? 5
Next for Fermilab: CMS, g–2, µ2e, DUNE, astroparticle 7
Large Hadron Collider CMS LHC b ALICE ATLAS 8
Very-High-Rate Experiments ATLAS The Allure of Ultrasensitive Experiments Fermilab Academic Lectures 9
Standard Model Production Cross Section Measurements Status: July 2017 σ [pb] total (x2) ATLAS Preliminary 10 11 Theory inelastic Run 1,2 √ s = 7, 8, 13 TeV LHC pp √ s = 7 TeV 10 6 incl . Data 4.5 − 4.9 fb − 1 dijets 10 5 LHC pp √ s = 8 TeV p T > 25 GeV Data 20.3 fb − 1 10 4 n j ≥ 0 LHC pp √ s = 13 TeV 10 3 n j ≥ 0 n j ≥ 1 p T > 125 GeV Data 0.08 − 36.1 fb − 1 total WW p T > 100 GeV n j ≥ 2 n j ≥ 1 t -chan ~1 Hz 10 2 n j ≥ 1 WW n j ≥ 1 total WW n j ≥ 2 n j ≥ 3 Wt WZ n j ≥ 2 n j ≥ 2 WZ 10 1 ggF WZ n j ≥ 3 ZZ n j ≥ 4 H → WW n j ≥ 3 n j ≥ 4 n j ≥ 3 W γ ZZ ZZ n j ≥ 4 n j ≥ 5 s -chan n j ≥ 5 n j ≥ 4 1 H → ττ n j ≥ 6 Z γ n j ≥ 5 Zt n j ≥ 6 n j ≥ 7 VBF n j ≥ 5 n j ≥ 6 H → WW 10 − 1 n j ≥ 8 n j ≥ 6 n j ≥ 7 H → γγ 10 − 2 n j ≥ 7 H → ZZ → 4 ℓ n j ≥ 7 W ± W ± 10 − 3 WZ pp t¯ V γ Wjj Zjj t W Z VV H WV t¯ γ t γγ t¯ t¯ Z γγ W γγ Z γ jj VVjj t γ Jets WW tW tZ WW γ 10 R =0.4 EWK EWK Excl. EWK EWK fid. fid. fid. fid. tot. tot. fid. fid. fid. fid. tot. tot. fid. fid. fid. tot. fid. fid. fid. fid. fid.
Xe–Xe Day @LHC 11
T o-do / wish list for particle physics & friends, from 2005 12
Before LHC Two then-new Laws of Nature + pointlike quarks & leptons Interactions: SU(3) c ⊗ SU(2) L ⊗ U(1) Y gauge symmetries 13
Antiscreening evolution of the strong coupling “constant” 12 11 10 9 8 1/ α s 7 6 5 4 ✓ Q ◆ α s ( µ ) + ( 33 − 2n f ) 1 1 α s ( Q ) = ln 3 6 π µ 2 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Q [GeV] 14
The World’s Most Powerful Microscopes nanonanophysics 8.12 T eV 15
sum of parts rest energy Nucleon mass (~940 MeV): exemplar of m = E 0 / c 2 up and down quarks contribute few % χ PT: M N � 870 MeV for massless quarks 17
Lattice QCD: color-confinement origin of nucleon mass has explained nearly all visible mass in the Universe (Quark masses ensure M p < M n ) NGC 1365· DES 18
QCD could be complete*, up to M Planck … but that doesn’t prove it must be Prepare for surprises! How might QCD Crack? (Breakdown of factorization) Free quarks / unconfined color New kinds of colored matter Quark compositeness Larger color symmetry containing QCD 19
New phenomena within QCD? Multiple production beyond diffraction + short-range order? High density of few-GeV partons … thermalization? Long-range correlations in y? Unusual event structures … Look at events in informative coordinates. More is to be learned from the river of events than from a few specimens! 20
New spectroscopy of quarkonium–associated states Z(4430) + ψ (4 3 S 1 ) 4.4 η c (4 1 S 0 ) Y(4360) Stable doubly heavy χ c2 (3 3 P 2 ) h c (3 1 P 1 ) Z 2 (4250) + χ c1 (3 3 P 1 ) Y(4260) tetraquark mesons 4.2 Z c (4200) + χ c0 (3 3 P 0 ) X(4160) ψ (2 3 D 1 ) MASS [GeV/c 2 ] ψ (3 3 S 1 ) Z 1 (4050) + Z c (4020) + η c (3 1 S 0 ) q ¯ 4.0 χ c2 (2 3 P 2 ) X(3940) X(3915) Z c (3900) + h c (2 1 P 1 ) χ c1 (2 3 P 1 ) M D + M D* X(3872) χ c0 (2 3 P 0 ) 3.8 (QQ) ψ′′ (1 3 D 1 ) 2M D ψ′ (2 3 S 1 ) η c ′ (2 1 S 0 ) 3.6 ¯ q χ c2 (1 3 P 2 ) h c (1 1 P 1 ) χ c1 (1 3 P 1 ) χ c0 (1 3 P 0 ) 3.4 Eichten & CQ, PRL _ established cc states 3.2 predicted, undiscovered J/ ψ (1 3 S 1 ) neutral XYZ mesons 3.0 charged XYZ mesons η c (1 1 S 0 ) 0 − + 1 + − 0 ++ 1 ++ 2 ++ 1 −− 21 J PC
Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Interactions: SU(3) c ⊗ SU(2) L ⊗ U(1) Y gauge symmetries 22
The Importance of the 1-T eV Scale EW theory does not predict Higgs-boson mass Thought experiment: conditional upper bound W + W – , ZZ, HH, HZ satisfy s -wave unitarity, _ provided M H ≤ (8 π√ 2/3 G F ) 1/2 ≈ 1 TeV If bound is respected, perturbation theory is everywhere” reliable If not, weak interactions among W ± , Z , H become strong on 1-TeV scale New phenomena are to be found around 1 TeV 23
Evolution of CMS 4-lepton Signal 24
LHC can study Higgs boson in many channels ≥ W , Z H H H q 0 q 0 ¯ 1 2 W , Z V V q i q 1 ¯ q 2 q 0 q ¯ g g - + Htt γγ , WW *, ZZ *, τ + τ – , b pairs, … 25
Evolution of ATLAS γγ Signal 26
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