planck like radiation and the parton hadron phase

Planck-like Radiation and the Parton-Hadron Phase Transition in QCD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Planck-like Radiation and the Parton-Hadron Phase Transition in QCD Hans J. Specht Physikalisches Institut Universitt Heidelberg Heidelberg, 1 July 2011 H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 1 Outline Motivation and history NA60 at the CERN

  1. Planck-like Radiation and the Parton-Hadron Phase Transition in QCD Hans J. Specht Physikalisches Institut Universität Heidelberg Heidelberg, 1 July 2011 H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 1

  2. Outline  Motivation and history  NA60 at the CERN SPS  Thermal radiation and deconfinement  The ρ spectral function and chiral restoration  ‘Hubble’ expansion and the EoS close to T c  Concluding remarks H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 2

  3. Motivation H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 3

  4. 10 -5 seconds QCD phase transition H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 4

  5. The QCD Phase Transition Up to 10 -5 seconds, quarks and gluons were free then a phase transition occurred, confining quarks and gluons into hadrons, and empty space, the “vacuum”, was born H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 5

  6. The Big Bang in the Laboratory Recreate the first few μ s after the Big Bang Probe the quark-hadron phase transition Probe the chiral transition (origin of light hadron masses) Needs Nuclear Collisions to answer these questions H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 6

  7. Time evolution of a nuclear collision: hadron production Hadron Gas Freeze-Out QGP A+A NN -coll. “Hubble” expansion: T= 250 →170 170 →110 ~110 (MeV) H.Satz (2008) 99.99% of the produced particles are hadrons statistical hadronization (Hagedorn) hadron yields: temperature at creation (statistical hadronization) hadron p T : temperature at freeze-out T=170+-20 MeV expansion velocity at freeze-out other: elliptic flow, HBT, quarkonia, jets H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 7

  8. Electromagnetic Probes: Photons versus Lepton Pairs γ 1 variable: p T = + + 2 2 2 variables: M, p T ℓ + ( ) M p p µ µ p µ − l l + γ * ( ℓ ↔ e , μ , τ ) l ℓ - p µ − l Relevant for thermal radiation: p T sensitive to temperature and expansion velocity (1) M only sensitive to temperature (Lorentz invariant) γ q lowest order rate ~ α em α s QCD Compton g q (2) _ lowest order rate ~ α em 2 ℓ + q _ qq annihilation q ℓ - dileptons more rich and more rigorous than photons H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 8

  9. Time evolution of a nuclear collision: dilepton production µ + ρ µ - Hadron Gas Freeze-Out QGP A+A NN -coll. Lepton pairs emitted at all stages; no final state interactions difficulties: 10 -4 ( α em 2 ) of hadrons; overlay of different sources _ NN -collisions: Drell-Yan, DD pairs QGP: thermal qq annihilation Hot+Dense Hadron Gas: thermal π + π – annihilation Freeze-out: free hadron decays H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 9

  10. ́ Sources of lepton pairs – standard versus thermal LMR: M<1 GeV η hadronic: π + π − → ρ * (1 - - ) → ℓ + ℓ - prime probe for restoration of chiral symmetry ( R. Pisarski, PLB 1982 ) _ IMR: M>1 GeV DD hadronic: ??? _ partonic: qq qq → ℓ + ℓ - prime probe of deconfinement (Kajantie, McLerran, al., 1982 ff) H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 10

  11. Theoretical guidance by finite-temperature lattice QCD Hot QCD coll.: A. Bazavov et al., Phys.Rev.D 80 (2009) 014504 SPS RHIC LHC µ B =0 T c order parameter T c _ _ <qq>/<qq> 0 2+1 flavors (u,d,s) two phase transitions order parameter ε /T 4 at the same critical temperature T c (1) deconfinement (2) chiral symmetry transition restoration rapid rise of energy density ε , slow rise of pressure p (not ideal gas) → EoS above T c very soft initially (c S minimal) spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking → quark condensate <qq> 0 ≠ 0 (-0.8 fm -3 ), mass generation, chiral doublets... restoration affects spectral properties of hadrons (masses,widths) H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011

  12. Dileptons and the spectral functions of the chiral doublet ρ /a 1 at T c : Chiral Restoration ALEPH data (also OPAL): Vacuum 2 π 1 2 [GeV] 3 π M 2 n π [GeV] 2 1 2 [GeV] In nuclear collisions: thermal dileptons with M<1 GeV mediated by the vector ρ : life time τ ρ =1.3 fm << τ collision > 10 fm 1. continuous “regeneration” by π + π -  sample in-medium evolution 2. axial vector a 1 very difficult to observe ( π a 1 → 4 π …) H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 12

  13. History H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 13

  14. Proton-proton collisions in the 1970s Summary of lepton pair data Lepton pair data from FNAL in in the low-mass region (LMR) intermediate-mass region (IMR) ( H.J.S., QM Helsinki 1984 ) ( Branson et al., PRL 1977 ) d σ /dM (nb/GeV) φ T i =500 MeV ρ/ω J /ψ φ ‘anomalous pairs’ M (GeV) Bjorken/Weisberg, Phys.Rev.D ‘76 E.Shuryak, Phys.Lett.B ‘79 dileptons from partons produced in thermal radiation from collision > than Drell-Yan (10-100) ‘Quark-gluon plasma’ Unsuitable data, but milestones in theoretical interpretation H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 14

  15. Nuclear-collision experiments at the CERN SPS first generation 1984 – 1987 HELIOS / NA34-2 NA38 second generation 1988 – 2000 CERES/NA45 HELIOS / NA34-3 NA38/NA50 third generation 2002 – 2004 NA60 RHIC experiments (PHENIX,STAR) still evolving, after 10 years LHC experiments (ALICE,ATLAS,CMS) just started H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 15

  16. LMR: CERES/NA45 results for S-Au Phys.Rev.Lett.75 (1995) Brown/Rho First clear Vacuum ρ sign of new physics Rapp/Wambach in LMR strong excess of dileptons above meson decays enormous boost to theory ( ~ 500 citations) surviving interpretation: π + π − → ρ ∗ → e + e - , but in-medium effects required ambiguity : mass shift and broadening indistinguishable H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 16

  17. Further SPS results on excess dileptons LMR: NA45/CERES; PLB (2008) IMR: NA50, EPJC 2000 NA50 Rapp-Wambach Brown/Rho meson cocktail 1999 data 2000 data statistical accuracy and resolution excess dileptons also in the IMR remained insufficient to determine in- but experimental ambiguity: medium spectral properties of the ρ prompt source or open charm? H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 17

  18. NA60 H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 18

  19. Measuring dimuons in NA60: concept 2.5 T dipole magnet muon trigger and tracking (NA50) Si-pixel tracker beam tracker magnetic field targets hadron absorber <1m >10m Track matching in coordinate and momentum space Improved dimuon mass resolution Distinguish prompt from decay dimuons Additional bend by the dipole field Dimuon coverage extended to low p T Radiation-hard silicon pixel detectors (LHC development) High luminosity of dimuon experiments maintained H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 19

  20. The Silicon Pixel Telescope Beam tracker, target and silicon pixel telescope in the dipole magnet gap in front of the hadron absorber pixel-detector planes ALICE pixel sensors ×8 - p-on-n silicon, 15 k Ω cm - 8192 pixel cells of 50 × 425 µm 2 ALICE1LHCb readout chips ×8 - readout system with 10 MHz - DeepSubMicron radiation-hard, tested up to 12 Mrad ~1 Million channels overall H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 20

  21. Data sample for 158A GeV In-In subtraction of - combinatorial background - fake matches between the two spectrometers net sample: 440 000 events for the first time, η , ω , φ clearly visible in dilepton channel in AA mass resolution: 20 MeV at the ω position Progress over the past: statistics: factor>1000 2m μμ resolution: factor 2-5 H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 21

  22. Understanding the peripheral data Monte Carlo simulation of the expected dilepton sources: electromagnetic decays: 2-body: η, ρ, ω, φ → μ + μ - Dalitz : η, η ′ → μ + μ - γ ω →μ + μ - π 0 EM transition form factors of the η and ω Dalitz decays remeasured here, PDG (2011) _ semileptonic decays: uncorr. μ + μ - from DD _ fit with free parameters: η / ω , ρ / ω , ɸ / ω , DD perfect description of the data H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 22

  23. Moving to higher centralities More central data Peripheral data Clear excess of data above decay well described by meson decay _ ‘cocktail’ ( η , η ’, ρ , ω , φ ) and DD ‘cocktail’. Spectral shape ??? H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 23

  24. LMR (M<1 GeV) - isolation of excess dimuons Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 162302 isolation of excess by subtraction of measured decay cocktail (without ρ ), based solely on local criteria for the major sources η, ω and φ ω and φ : fix yields such as to get, after subtraction, a smooth underlying continuum η : fix yield at p T >1 GeV, based on the very high sensitivity to the spectral shape of the Dalitz decay accuracy 2-3%, but results robust to mistakes even at the 10% level keep information on subtracted hadrons and process separately H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 24

  25. IMR (M>1GeV) – isolation of excess dimuons Eur.Phys.J. C 59 (2009) 607 measurement of muon offsets ∆µ : isolation of excess by subtraction of measured open charm and distance between interaction vertex Drell-Yan and track impact point ~1 mm ~50 μ m charm not enhanced excess similar to open charm steeper than Drell-Yan excess prompt; 2.4 x DY H.J.Specht, Heidelberg 2011 25


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