engaging leaders

Engaging Leaders Presented by: Natasha Vos MPH, RD, LDN- Chronic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Engaging Leaders Presented by: Natasha Vos MPH, RD, LDN- Chronic Disease Project Manager Ellen Bailey MPH, MA- Falls Prevention Project Manager NC Center for Health & Wellness at UNC Asheville The Healthy Aging NC Initiative of the NC

  1. Engaging Leaders Presented by: Natasha Vos MPH, RD, LDN- Chronic Disease Project Manager Ellen Bailey MPH, MA- Falls Prevention Project Manager NC Center for Health & Wellness at UNC Asheville

  2. The Healthy Aging NC Initiative of the NC Center for Health and Wellness GOAL : help aging adults to self-manage chronic conditions, ● stay active, and prevent falls. Connect people to the programs and agencies that improve ● community health. Increase the capacity of providers to offer these programs ● as a statewide resource hub. A) Website: www.healthyagingnc.com B) Data Management C) Technical Assistance and Resource Development D) Master Trainer and Lay Leader Support

  3. NC Aging Network & COVID

  4. Steps Coordinated conference call with DAAS and AAAs to assess current capacity/needs Reviewed current recommendations from program entities (SMRC, AMOB, TCA/FP, etc) Compiled information into “a toolkit” for dissemination to partner agencies Hosted webinars to inform partners of current options and continued support Coordinated purchase and distribution of CDSMP toolkits & online TCA/FP lessons for interested partners Researched/emailed specific handouts to be mailed to participants at home with no internet access

  5. Keeping Leaders Engaged Training webinars (AMOB, TCA/FP, CDSMP Toolkits) CDSMP Toolkits plus phone calls Listen to and lean on your network Ongoing communication

  6. Pre/Post Survey Pre and Post surveys must be completed to maintain program fidelity Forms will be available as a fillable pdf/online form that can be downloaded and sent to the Healthy Aging NC email healthyagingncinfo@gmail.com

  7. Connecting With AMOB Coaches Engage leaders in contacting participants from programs that were cancelled Webinars for training/annual updates or leader cross-training

  8. Where do we go from here? Continue to gather information and best practices to support partners interested in transitioning to virtual workshops. Possible future programming for rural or hard to reach areas .

  9. Contact Info Ellen Bailey, Falls Prevention Project Manager 828.255.7072 ebailey@unca.edu Natasha Vos, Chronic Disease Project Manager nvos@unca.edu


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