Transformation Challenge Award Launch of task and finish groups June 2015
Aims and objectives 1. Improved quality, impact, and value for money of commissioned services, and robust contract management. 2. Establishment of a new VCSE sector model which will help the sector to adapt, thrive and grow. 3. Improved outcomes for people by co-designing services around their needs, and by simplifying the customer journey.
Governance Organisational and statutory governance arrangements Integrated Steering Group Annual VCSE ‘summit’ Commissioning Board TCA team Task and finish groups
Task and finish groups Proposed group Obj. Role Membership Commissioning 1 Contribute to a review of strengths CC/NHS support and weaknesses of current commissioners approaches and provision. VCSE experts TCA team VCSE sector 2 Contribute to a review of the needs CC/NHS support of the sector, the role of the current Independent support infrastructure organisations and VCSE experts options for a new model. TCA team Information, 3 Understand statutory requirements CC/NHS advice and and needs to contribute to the commissioners guidance development of an IAG strategy for VCSE experts Cornwall Council and NHS Kernow. TCA team A fourth task and finish group is being considered.
Mobilisation and planning Cornwall TCA project - draft plan for first 2 years showing work-streams, products and indicative timescales 1. Terms Key: ref Supporting work Key output 2. Team 3. Definitions 4. Comms 7. Project plan including communications and engagement (keep live) /engagement plan 5. Success 6. Funding bids Approach to sector support 8. Current Infrastructure 9. VCSE Analysis 10. Options appraisal 11. Bus. 12. Imp’n 13. New model case plan Approach to commissioning support 17. Change M’gmt Plan 14. SWOT VCSE 16. Learning for commissioners 15. SWOT commissioning 18. Changed approach Specific commissioning activity 19A. Needs Repeat this process for 20A. Strategy 22A. Specs each area of commissioning 23A. 21A. Sourcing Contracts Evaluation 24. Spec 25. Evaluation report April July October January April July October January April 2015/16 2016/17
TCA Team Mark Richardson Commissioning Adviser Denbigh Cowley Project Lead Rob Woolf Commissioning Adviser Dave Hocking VCSE Sector Expert Donna Peverley Strategy, Policy & Voluntary Sector Specialist Researcher Bernard Allen Communications Lead Analyst
Nolan principles 1. Selflessness 2. Integrity 3. Objectivity 4. Accountability 5. Openness 6. Honesty 7. Leadership public-life--2
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