It’s going to happen...
Oh s#%t, the network is down!!!!
What are you telling me…?
It's a conversation…. If you are taking in all the stuff on this page and reading all of the text you are: - Not listening to what I am saying as you are reading the information. - Getting two different messages at the same time.. yeah right! - Picking up on my speeling error because I forgot to get another person to review my slide deck. - Why is that arrow flashing, why is it even there??? - Deciding which butter you should pick up from the supermarket on your way home. - Wondering how to take a quick nap without anyone noticing. - Realising that I can barely even read this because the text is too small. - Hating this font. Thinking there is too much going on with this page . -
In conclusion: - This is a safe place to practice your skills. - You need these skills if you're going to sell your ideas. - Practice makes perfect.
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