effingham county high school

Effingham County High School Senior Registration Night January 11, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Effingham County High School Senior Registration Night January 11, 2018 Senior Registration Night Agenda Whole group presentation Diane Owens, ECHS Instructional Supervisor Sherry Duff, Work Based Learning Coordinator Dr. April

  1. Effingham County High School Senior Registration Night January 11, 2018

  2. Senior Registration Night Agenda  Whole group presentation Diane Owens, ECHS Instructional Supervisor Sherry Duff, Work Based Learning Coordinator Dr. April Sikes-Brown, ECHS Senior Academic Counselor  Question and answer session in cafeteria  Dual Enrollment (DE) presentation in cafeteria

  3. Class of 2019 Graduation Requirements  4 English Courses (9 th Lit, 10 th Lit, Am Lit/AP Language and Brit Lit/AP Literature)  4 Math Courses (Algebra I, Geom, Alg II, and one additional math course, i.e. Math of Finance, College Readiness Math, Precalculus, AP Calculus or AP Statistics)  4 Science Courses (Biology, Phy Sci, and two additional science courses, i.e. Chemistry, Environmental Science, Anatomy, Physics, Forensic Science, AP Chemistry, or AP Biology  4 Social Studies Courses (World His, Gov, US His, and Econ)  Personal Fitness and Health (exempt for students who take JROTC for three years)  Completion of a Pathway (3 courses in one concentrated area of CTAE, For Lang or Fine Arts)  24 total high school credits

  4. Optional requirements to attend a four year post secondary school  Two Foreign Language Courses (must be the same language for both courses)  Must take College Readiness Math, Pre-calculus or Calculus as fourth math (Math of Finance will allow students to meet graduation requirements but do not meet admission requirements of four year colleges)  To be accepted to a four-year or two-year college, students must meet additional college admission requirements, usually an entrance exam (SAT, ACT and/or Accuplacer)

  5. HOPE Scholarship Eligibility Requirements  Graduate from an accredited Georgia High School  Maintain a 3.0 high school HOPE GPA in academic classes only; HOPE GPA can be accessed through www.gafutures.org (must have an active social security number on file with school)  Take and pass four HOPE rigor courses

  6. What courses are HOPE Rigor Courses?  All academic AP Classes  All academic classes taken at a college while dually enrolled Chemistry Algebra 2 French 2 Forensic Science College Readiness Math French 3 Physics Pre-Calculus Spanish 2 Anatomy Spanish 3

  7. Scholar Endorsement  Recognizes students that have completed rigorous coursework by taking the most challenging classes offered at ECHS  Students are honored during Class Night ceremony  Students receive a medallion to wear at Class Night and Graduation

  8. Scholar Endorsement Requirements  English/Language Arts - Minimum of 4 units (Honors 9 th Lit, Honors 10 th Lit, AP Lang, AP Lit, or Dual Enrollment English Course)  Mathematics - Minimum of 4 units (Accel Coord Alg/Analy Geom A, Accel Analy Geom B/Adv Alg, Accel Pre-Cal, AP Mathematics- Calculus or Statistics, or Dual Enrollment Mathematics course)  Science – Minimum of 4 units (Honors Bio I, Honors Phys Sci, Chem, AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Environmental Sci, Physics, Dual Enrollment Science course)  Social Studies – Minimum of 3 units (Honors World History, AP Gov’t, AP European History, AP US History, AP Econ, AP Human Geography, or Dual Enrollment Social Studies Course  Modern Language – Three sequential foreign language course

  9. Scholar Endorsement Requirements (cont’d) Three Electives in ONE of the following areas: Three academic electives including a minimum of one additional AP or Dual  Enrollment academic course in addition to graduation requirements Three courses in one CTAE Pathway  Three courses in a Fine Arts Pathway 

  10. Senior Privilege Seniors have the privilege of not enrolling in either a first period or seventh period class if they meet the requirements below and return the senior privilege form with their registration bulletin. The form must be signed by the student and a parent or guardian. Students must:  Have fewer than five absences the 4 th nine weeks of junior year  Have fewer than five discipline referrals the 4 th nine weeks of junior year  Have passed six of seven classes during junior year  Not be credit deficient at the end of his/her junior year (has earned at least 18 credits) and “on track” to graduate

  11. To complete registration for senior year… Students must choose seven courses on the registration bulletin.  Teachers will initial beside each academic course the students is to take. The student will initial beside any non academic course they want to take.  Students interested in the work-based learning (WBL) program must see Ms. Duff.  Students interested in dual enrolling (DE) with a college or technical school during their senior year, must see Ms. Moss (junior counselor) as soon as possible.

  12. Registration dates and deadlines Thursday, Jan 11 th : Advisement #1, distribute registration bulletins and conference with students Tuesday, January 16 th : Advisement #2, continue conferencing with individual students Wednesday, January 24 th : Advisement #3, collect registration bulletins and senior privilege forms

  13. Work Based Learning  Students participate in internships that match their pathways.  Available for Juniors and Seniors  Internships can be paid or unpaid  Students receive school credit  Internships can be in the mornings or afternoons

  14. Work Based Learning: Continued…  Application Process – Application, Resume, Attendance and Discipline checked, Teacher Recommendations  Gulfstream – Pathways/classes that qualify – Agriculture, Ag Mechanics, Automotive, Logistics, Engineering, Business, Web Design/Graphics, ROTC Aircraft Assembly, Welding  Application Process begins in April

  15. Understanding Seniors  There is a natural struggle the senior year: Senior wants more responsibility and more freedom. Parent/Guardian does not want to relinquish control yet.  “ Senioritus ”— a temporary condition that causes daydreaming, procrastination, forgetfulness, and the illusion that the student has no concerns of any nature. It appears life is good. (It also causes temporary insanity for adult witnesses.)  We encourage all parents and guardians to continue to monitor their seniors heavily. Continual support and encouragement is vital.  Attendance — If a student misses too many days of school, credit can be removed for a class causing a deficiency of credits and the possible inability to graduate — even if the grade is passing.

  16. “There are lots of emotions, both for you and your child. This is a very stressful year for all concerned. Learning to "let go" is difficult at any stage of growth but knowing your "baby" is leaving the nest is especially difficult. Also, remember to pat yourself on the back. You are a survivor!” --Parent of a Senior

  17. “Senior year goes very fast and can be quite costly. Plan and start saving now. Pictures, invitations, college application fees, SAT and ACT fees, Grad Bash, etc….. HOPE is not a given —keep your grades up.” --Parent of a Senior

  18. “Although college admission may be based on your student’s 9 th -11 th grade coursework, to ensure SUCCESS once there, it is critical that your student continues to take a challenging course load their senior year of high school. Our goal at ECHS extends beyond assisting your student in gaining acceptance into the university of their choice — we aim to aptly prepare them to confidently undertake the rigor they will encounter in college. My son now wishes he had taken better advantage of the AP Courses that are offered here!” --Parent of a College Student

  19. “Your year will be very busy, expensive and full of decisions, so create a huge calendar and list dates for everything: i.e., photos, college tours, scholarship deadlines, college application deadlines, etc. Prepare for the transition to independence NOW by putting a lot of responsibility on your senior---i.e., complete their own college applications, keep a budget, keep up with deadlines, wash clothes, and monitor their HOPE GPA/Financial Aid. Although your senior is practically an adult, they will still need reminders, encouragement, boundaries and support.” --Parent of a College Student

  20. The College Search  The college search should happen 2 nd semester of the junior year and during the summer prior to the senior year.  Juniors are allowed one “College 10 - day” to visit a college. Seniors are allowed two “College 10 - days” for visitation. Students must apply for a “College 10 - day” PRIOR TO visitation. Forms are available on the counselor page of the school website and on the wall in the counselor suite. Permission must be granted by the administration.  Visit the college while it is in session. Note what is required for admission.  If a letter of recommendation is required, it is a courtesy to give the recommender TWO WEEKS OR MORE to write a letter. Anything less could affect the quality of the letter.

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