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Carroll County Career Carroll County Career Carroll County Career - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Carroll County Career Carroll County Career Carroll County Career Carroll County Career and Technology Center and Technology Center and Technology Center and Technology Center Dynamic and rigorous high school Dynamic and rigorous high

  1. Carroll County Career Carroll County Career Carroll County Career Carroll County Career and Technology Center and Technology Center and Technology Center and Technology Center

  2. Dynamic and rigorous high school Dynamic and rigorous high school � Dynamic and rigorous high school Dynamic and rigorous high school � curriculum that emphasizes: curriculum that emphasizes: curriculum that emphasizes: curriculum that emphasizes: ◦ Real world experience Real world experience Real world experience Real world experience ◦ ◦ Hands on learning Hands on learning Hands on learning Hands on learning ◦ Provides a doorway for students to Provides a doorway for students to � Provides a doorway for students to Provides a doorway for students to � explore and become a part of a medical explore and become a part of a medical explore and become a part of a medical explore and become a part of a medical based field based field based field based field Coursework that expands upon college Coursework that expands upon college- - � Coursework that expands upon college Coursework that expands upon college � prep science and math by using activity, prep science and math by using activity, prep science and math by using activity, prep science and math by using activity, project, and problem project, and problem- -based learning to based learning to based learning to project, and problem project, and problem based learning to create an exciting learning environment create an exciting learning environment create an exciting learning environment create an exciting learning environment

  3. Students will learn valuable, real Students will learn valuable, real- - � Students will learn valuable, real Students will learn valuable, real � world skills such as: world skills such as: world skills such as: world skills such as: ◦ Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving ◦ ◦ Working as a contributing team member Working as a contributing team member Working as a contributing team member Working as a contributing team member ◦ and leading a team and leading a team and leading a team and leading a team ◦ Conducting research Conducting research Conducting research Conducting research ◦ ◦ Data analysis Data analysis Data analysis Data analysis ◦ ◦ Managing time, resources, and projects Managing time, resources, and projects Managing time, resources, and projects Managing time, resources, and projects ◦ ◦ Written and oral communication Written and oral communication Written and oral communication Written and oral communication ◦ ◦ Going beyond the classroom to learn and Going beyond the classroom to learn and Going beyond the classroom to learn and Going beyond the classroom to learn and ◦ find answers find answers find answers find answers

  4. All students interested in pursuing a All students interested in pursuing a � All students interested in pursuing a All students interested in pursuing a � career in biological sciences, career in biological sciences, career in biological sciences, career in biological sciences, biotechnology, or medical research biotechnology, or medical research biotechnology, or medical research biotechnology, or medical research All students prepared for a rigorous All students prepared for a rigorous � All students prepared for a rigorous All students prepared for a rigorous � and relevant curriculum that and relevant curriculum that and relevant curriculum that and relevant curriculum that provides hands provides hands- -on learning with on learning with on learning with provides hands provides hands on learning with real real- -world scientific research world scientific research world scientific research real real world scientific research techniques techniques techniques techniques

  5. � Principles of Principles of Principles of Principles of � Biomedical Sciences Biomedical Sciences Biomedical Sciences Biomedical Sciences � Human Body Human Body Human Body Human Body � Systems Systems Systems Systems � Medical Medical Medical Medical � Interventions Interventions Interventions Interventions � Biomedical Biomedical Biomedical Biomedical � Innovations Innovations Innovations Innovations

  6. Medical Professionals Medical Professionals Epidemiologist Epidemiologist � Medical Professionals Medical Professionals � Epidemiologist Epidemiologist � � Geneticist Geneticist � Geneticist Geneticist ◦ Pathol Pathologists Pathol ogists Pathologists ogists ◦ � ◦ Specialist Specialists Specialist Specialists ◦ Biochemist Biochemist � Biochemist Biochemist � ◦ Medical Researchers Medical Researchers Medical Researchers Medical Researchers ◦ Microbiologist Microbiologist � Microbiologist Microbiologist � Researchers Researchers � Researchers Researchers � ◦ Private /Government Private /Government Private /Government Private /Government ◦ /University /University /University /University Neurologist Neurologist � Neurologist Neurologist � Laboratory Laboratory � Laboratory Laboratory Sports Medicine Sports Medicine � � Sports Medicine Sports Medicine � technicians technicians technicians technicians Dietician Dietician � Dietician Dietician � Forensics Forensics � Forensics Forensics Immunologist Immunologist � Immunologist Immunologist � � ◦ CS CS CSI / DNA expert / I / DNA expert / CSI / DNA expert / I / DNA expert / ◦ Anthropologist Anthropologist Anthropologist Anthropologist

  7. Cara Jones Cara Jones Cara Jones Cara Jones Hannah Langsdale Hannah Langsdale Hannah Langsdale Hannah Langsdale

  8. Use recombinant DNA technology to Use recombinant DNA technology to � Use recombinant DNA technology to Use recombinant DNA technology to � insert pGLO gene insert pGLO gene insert pGLO gene insert pGLO gene pGLO pGLO – – codes for protein that causes green fluorescence codes for protein that causes green fluorescence codes for protein that causes green fluorescence ◦ pGLO pGLO codes for protein that causes green fluorescence ◦ Insert the pGLO gene into a plasmid Insert the pGLO gene into a plasmid � Insert the pGLO gene into a plasmid Insert the pGLO gene into a plasmid � “Cut and Cut and Cut and paste paste” ” using restriction enzymes using restriction enzymes using restriction enzymes ◦ “ Cut and paste paste using restriction enzymes ◦ Insert plasmid into Insert plasmid into E. coli E. coli E. coli bacteria cells bacteria cells bacteria cells � Insert plasmid into Insert plasmid into E. coli bacteria cells � by by transformation by by transformation transformation transformation If gene is expressed If gene is expressed → → bacteria glow green bacteria glow green bacteria glow green ◦ If gene is expressed If gene is expressed bacteria glow green ◦

  9. +pGLO on LB / amp +pGLO on LB / amp / ara +pGLO on LB / amp +pGLO on LB / amp / ara

  10. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis � Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis � Proteins travel through gel according to Proteins travel through gel according to � Proteins travel through gel according to Proteins travel through gel according to � size size size size Examine banding patterns to determine Examine banding patterns to determine � Examine banding patterns to determine Examine banding patterns to determine � success of protein purification success of protein purification success of protein purification success of protein purification

  11. Purified Purified GFP Protein GFP Protein

  12. � Goal: clone and sequence glyceraldehyde Goal: clone and sequence glyceraldehyde Goal: clone and sequence glyceraldehyde Goal: clone and sequence glyceraldehyde � 3- -phosphate dehydrogenase gene phosphate dehydrogenase gene phosphate dehydrogenase gene 3 phosphate dehydrogenase gene (GAPDH) in a plant species (GAPDH) in a plant species (GAPDH) in a plant species (GAPDH) in a plant species Published if we obtain a unique sequence Published if we obtain a unique sequence � Published if we obtain a unique sequence Published if we obtain a unique sequence �

  13. � Extracted and purified plant DNA Extracted and purified plant DNA Extracted and purified plant DNA Extracted and purified plant DNA � � PCR PCR PCR PCR � ◦ Technique to Technique to amplify Technique to amplify GAPC GAPC gene from gDNA GAPC gene from gDNA gene from gDNA Technique to amplify amplify GAPC gene from gDNA ◦ ◦ Produce more copies of gene Produce more copies of gene Produce more copies of gene Produce more copies of gene ◦ � Purify PCR products by small exclusion Purify PCR products by small exclusion Purify PCR products by small exclusion Purify PCR products by small exclusion � chromatography chromatography chromatography chromatography


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