guidelines for submission of proposals for changing

Guidelines for Submission of Proposals for Changing Majors to the - PDF document

Guidelines for Submission of Proposals for Changing Majors to the College Curriculum Committee 11/2014 To facilitate Curriculum Committee Review, the following should be included with each proposal: Letter/memo describing each proposed

  1. Guidelines for Submission of Proposals for Changing Majors to the College Curriculum Committee 11/2014 To facilitate Curriculum Committee Review, the following should be included with each proposal:  Letter/memo describing each proposed change and why it is proposed.  Table showing the current major program side by side with revised program with changes clearly indicated.  Copy of appropriate SUNY Transfer path requirements (if a path exists)  SUNY Program Revision Proposal: Changes to an Existing Program Form 3A Section 3. Sample Program Schedule Sample program schedule on page 2. Here are links to relevant SUNY websites: SUNY Academic Affairs/Student Mobility Information SUNY Forms for Academic Program Planning (Link to Form 3A, etc.) SUNY Transfer Paths for Fall 2015 SUNY General Education DashBoard

  2. Example: Adolescence Education: Earth Science Current Major Proposed Major EDUC 106 Issues in Education EDUC 106 Issues, Philosophy, Foundations of Ed. EDUC 201 Teaching & Diversity No change EDUC 206 Philosophy & Foundations Incorporated into revised EDUC 106 EDUC 201 Teaching & Diversity No change EPSY 229 Survey of Exceptional Children No change No change EPSY 275 Learning & Motivation No change EPSY 250 Adolescent Growth & Development EDUC 246 Dev. of Language & Adol.Literacy EDUC 246 Dev. of Language & Adol.Literacy CWE prereq. eliminated; Field Experience increased from 4 to to 6 hours EDUC 346 Teaching Reading in Content Area No change No change EDUC 213 Education Law Requirements SCED 392 Research/Theory/Practice MS/HS SCED 392 Research/Theory/Practice MS/HS Pre-req added: Candidate Status in Ed. Field Experience increased from 50 to 52 hrs No change SCED 396 Student Teaching in Sec. No change SCED 398 Seminar in MS/HS CHEM 111 General Chemistry I No change CHEM 112 General Chemistry II No change Math 105 or MATH 173 Calculus I MATH 173 Calculus I No change PHYS 103 General Physics I (non-calculus) or 203 General Physics I No change PHYS 104 General Physics II (non-calculus) or 204 General Physics II No change STAT 101 Introduction to Statistics Choose one of the following: GEOL 115 Science of Natural Disasters Credits of each changed from 3 to 4 credits GEOL 120 Introduction to Geology due to department course changes “ GEOL 150 Intro to Forensic Geology “ GEOL 182Water and Blue Planet OCEA 110 Introduction to Oceanography omitted Complete all METR 110 Intro to Meteorology Credits of each changed from 3 to 4 credits ESCI 215 Earth Materials due to department course changes “ GEOL 370 Geomorphology “ GEOL 220 Earth History and the Fossil Record ASTR 271 Stars and Galaxies No change No change BIOL, CHEM, ENVS, PHYS 100- 399 selection No change ESCI,GEOL,METR, WATR, OCEA,ASTR elective 200-300 level No change ESCI,GEOL,METR, WATR, OCEA,ASTR elective 300 level No change ESCI 315 Lab Techniques in Earth Science No change SCIN 312 Laboratory Techniques in Chemistry No change SCIN 315 Techniques in General Science No change SCIN 390 Interdisciplinary Science Capstone

  3. General Ed Attributes SUNY General Ed Attributes General education not covered in content GER not covered in content 12 credits 12 – 18 credits Total Credits required 125-134 Total Credits required 122 -125 Adolescence Education: Earth Science Transfer Pathway Adolescence Education Pathway Geology Pathway Foundations of Education Physical Geology (with lab) Adolescent Psychology Historical Geology (with lab) Foreign Language (2 courses same language) Calculus I General Chemistry I (with lab) General Chemistry II (with lab) Recommended General Physics I (with lab) Introduction to Statistics

  4. SUNY Undergraduate Sample Program Schedule OPTION: You can paste an of this schedule AFTER this line, and delete the rest of this page.) ProgramlTrack Title and Award:_Adolescence Education: Earth Sciecne ______________________ _ a) Indicate academic calendar type: [x ] Semester [] Quarter [ ] Trimester [ ] Other (describe): b) Label each term in sequence, consistent with the institution's academic calendar (e.g.,Falll, Spring 1, Fall 2) d) Use the table to show how a typical student may progress through the program; copy/expand the table as needed. Complete all columns that apply to a course. - if one exists: _2 paths: _ Adolescence Education _and Geology See c) Name of SUNY for details. 112 General Chemistry I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I PHYS 203 Pre- I I I 3 I M I 3 I 4 I NS I 4 I 4 STAT 101 Introduction to 3 req: MATH 173 completed/concu rrent Pre-req GER(either AH,H,QW,WC,AR) 3 3 3 dependent upon choose other than what was selection used above 3 I NS GERleither AH,H,QW,WC,AR) I 3 3 than what was

  5. I Pre-req: SoS, I I I Pre-req: SoS I 3 I I 3 I 3 I I EDUC 201 Teaching & Diversity 3 3 EPSY 275 Psychological 3-4 NS 3-4 4 I GEOL 120 or 4 I ASTR 271 Stars and Galaxies I 3 115 or 151 or 182 I ESCI315 Laboratory I 2 NS 3 3 2 2 3 I Techniques in Earth Science 2 2 Pre-req: Pre-req: SCED392 8- or Candidate Status better and student in Education teaching eligibility and 4 4 Required; 8- or permission from the Office better to of Education Advisement & progress Field Experience. EPSY 229 Survey of Exceptional ' 3 SS SCED 398 Seminar in Middle 3 3 3 Children and High School Science KEY Cr: credits GER: \L ' (Enter Category Abbreviation) Courses (Enter credits) New: new course (Enter X) ColPrerequisite(s): list co/prerequisite(s) for the noted courses Upper Division: Courses intended primarily for juniors and seniors SUNY GER Category Abbreviations (the first five listed in order oftheir frequency of being required by SUNY campuses): Basic Communication (BC), Math (M), Natural Sciences (NS), Social Science (SS), Humanities (H), American History (AH), The Arts (AR), Other World Civilizations (OW), Western Civilization (WC), Foreign Language (FL),

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