dynamics of meteorological and atmospheric electrical

Dynamics of meteorological and atmospheric electrical parameters of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems Siberian Branch of the Russian (IMCES SB RAS) Dynamics of meteorological and atmospheric electrical parameters of surface atmosphere during the passage of deep convective clouds in the

  1. Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems Siberian Branch of the Russian (IMCES SB RAS) Dynamics of meteorological and atmospheric electrical parameters of surface atmosphere during the passage of deep convective clouds in the summer in Northern Khakassia K.N. Pustovalov, V.A. Korolkov, S.A. Kurakov, P.M. Nagorskiy «ENVIROMIS 2016» Tomsk 2016

  2. Introduction Mesoscale Cb bands [3, 4] 1a,1b – in warm front, 2 – in warm sector, 3a,3b – in cold front, 4a,4b – in occlusion front, 5 – behind cold front Main formation causes of Cb [1 ] Purpose: study of variability and search for relationships of meteorological and atmospheric electrical parameters during the passage of deep convective clouds of different genesis in the summer in Nord Khakassia. Deep convective systems in Mid-latitudes [2] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Ahrens C.D. Essentials of Meteorology. An Invitation to the Atmosphere. 6-th Edition. – Cengage Learning, 2012. – 528 p. 2. Maddox R.A. Mesoscale Convective Complexes. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1980. – V. 61. – P. 1374-1387. 3. Hobbs P.M. Organization and structure of clouds and precipitation on the mesoscale and microscale in cyclonic storms // Rev. Geophys. and Space Phys., 1978. – V.16 (4). – P. 741–755. 4. Shmeter S.M. Characteristics of embedded convection in frontal clouds and conditions for its formation // Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 1990. № 11. – P. 36-44.

  3. About expedition The expedition was conducted from 7 to 27 July 2015 year in Shira district of Khakassia Republic at the north-eastern coast of Lake Itkul on the territory of The Khakassky State Nature Reserve. Physical-geographical map of Khakassia Republic Location of the monitoring point

  4. Used data Measured during the expedition: • meteorological parameters («АМК-03», «APIK»; IMCES SB RAS); • gradient of electric field potential («CS110»; Campbell Scientific); • air ion concentration («Sapphire-3M»; KNRTU-KAI). Obtained from open sources: • clouds and atmospheric phenomena at Shira weather station [1] ; • weather maps [2] ; • MODIS data (Aqua, Terra) [3] ; • nephanalysis maps [4] . _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.Расписание погоды . rp5.ru. Погода в Томске. Архив погоды на метеостанции [Электронный ресурс] − URL: http://rp5.ru/Архив_погоды_в_Томске (дата обращения: 12.03.2016). 2.ФГБУ Западно-Сибирское УГМС. Гидрометеорологическая информация. Карты погоды [Электронный ресурс] – URL: http://www.meteo-nso.ru/pages/6 (дата обращения: 17.03.2016). 3.LAADS Web . Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System. Data [Электронный ресурс] – URL: http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/data/ (дата обращения: 14.03.2016). 4.Сибирский центр «НИЦ «ПЛАНЕТА». Оперативная продукция. Метеорологическая информация. [Электронный ресурс] – URL: http://www.rcpod.ru/cgi-bin/ifris2.pl?SNIM=karnef&LINK=/Prod/Meteo/Karnef

  5. Measuring complex Measuring complex: a – ultrasonic weather station «АМК-03», b – atmospheric-soil measuring complex «APIK», c – electric field meter «CS110» and air ion concentration meter «Sapphire-3M»

  6. Investigated events Changes of potential gradient of electric fields ( Ñj Ñj ) and meteorological characteristics during 24 cases of cumulonimbus clouds (Cb) different genesis and configuration were analyzed. Among them: § air mass isolated Cb – 15 ; § air-mass Cb cluster – 1; § frontal Cb bands – 8: • cold front – 7; • warm front – 1;

  7. Scattered air-mass Cb (12.07.2015) Synoptic situation L

  8. Scattered air-mass Cb (12.07.2015) Cloud cover Visible composite (RGB 1:4:3) at 12:50 LT Cloud optical thickness at 12:50 LT 12.07.2015 (Aqua MODIS) 12.07.2015 (Aqua MODIS)

  9. Scattered air-mass Cb (12.07.2015) Analysis of monitoring data 1 2 3 a b Variations of gradient of the electric field potential ( Ñj ), atmospheric Sky condition at beginning ( a ) and pressure ( P ), air temperature ( T ), relative humidity ( f ), horizontal wind end ( b ) of analyzed event velocity ( V ), vertical wind velocity ( W ), total incoming solar radiation ( Q ) ( 12 July 2015 year ) and precipitation intensity ( I ) 12 July 2015 year

  10. Air-mass Cb cluster (11.07.2015) Synoptic situation H L L H

  11. Air-mass Cb cluster (11.07.2015) Cloud cover Visible composite (RGB 1:4:3) at 13:45 LT Cloud optical thickness at 13:45 LT 11.07.2015 (Terra MODIS) 11.07.2015 (Aqua MODIS)

  12. Air-mass Cb cluster (11.07.2015) Analysis of monitoring data a b Sky condition at beginning ( a ) and Variations of gradient of the electric field potential ( Ñj ), atmospheric end ( b ) of analyzed event pressure ( P ), air temperature ( T ), relative humidity ( f ), horizontal wind ( 11 July 2015 year) velocity ( V ), vertical wind velocity ( W ), total incoming solar radiation ( Q ) and precipitation intensity ( I ) 11 July 2015 year

  13. Fast-moving cold front (15.07.2015) Synoptic situation

  14. Fast-moving cold front (15.07.2015) Cloud cover Cloud optical thickness at 13:10 LT Visible composite (RGB 1:4:3) at 13:10 LT 15.07.2015 (Terra MODIS) 15.07.2015 (Terra MODIS)

  15. Fast-moving cold front (15.07.2015) Analysis of monitoring data а б Variations of gradient of the electric field potential ( Ñj ), atmospheric Sky condition at beginning ( a ) and end ( b ) of analyzed event pressure ( P ), air temperature ( T ), relative humidity ( f ), horizontal wind ( 15 July 2015 year) velocity ( V ), vertical wind velocity ( W ), total incoming solar radiation ( Q ) and precipitation intensity ( I ) 15 July 2015 year

  16. Slow-moving cold front (8-9.07.2015) Synoptic situation L H Fast-moving cold front

  17. Slow-moving cold front (8-9.07.2015) Cloud cover 1 2 Visible composite (RGB 1:4:3) at 13:05 LT Cloud optical thickness at 14:50 LT 8.07.2015 (Terra MODIS) 8.07.2015 (Aqua MODIS)

  18. Slow-moving cold front (8-9.07.2015), first line of Cb Analysis of monitoring data a b Variations of gradient of the electric field potential ( Ñj ), atmospheric Sky condition at beginning ( a ) and pressure ( P ), air temperature ( T ), relative humidity ( f ), horizontal wind during ( b ) of analyzed event velocity ( V ), vertical wind velocity ( W ), total incoming solar radiation ( Q ) ( 8 July 2015 year) and precipitation intensity ( I ) 8 July 2015 year

  19. Slow-moving cold front (8-9.07.2015), embedded Cb Analysis of monitoring data Variations of gradient of the electric field potential ( Ñj ), atmospheric pressure ( P ), air temperature ( T ), relative humidity ( f ), horizontal wind velocity ( V ), vertical wind velocity ( W ), total incoming solar radiation ( Q ) and precipitation intensity ( I ) 8-9 July 2015 year

  20. . Data analysis results • During passage of individual cumulonimbus (Cb) observed 1-3 disturbance of the electric field, and with a close passage of few clouds is marked superposition of their electric fields. • With cumulonimbus clouds in the development stage are associated high positive values of Ñj , with Cb in the dissipation stage – high negative Ñj , and with Cb in the mature stage – the transition from positive value to negative or conversely. • Extreme values Ñj differ greatly during cumulonimbus cloud of different genesis and configuration, reaching maximum values during Cb of the first band of cold fronts and the minimum values during isolated air mass Cb. • During cumulonimbus clouds marked heavy decrease of temperature and increase of relative humidity due to a decrease of incoming solar radiation, and cooling of air by downdraft from the cloud and evaporation of precipitation. • The passage of Cb causes the "saddle-view" dynamic form of the horizontal and vertical components of the wind speed associated with spreading along the surface downdraft from the cloud and characterized by two peaks speeds (gust fronts). • There is none clear compliance of moments of precipitation with maximum values Ñj that connected with the drift of precipitation drops by wind flows.

  21. Thanks for attention


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