atmospheric composition change at high elevations


ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION CHANGE AT HIGH ELEVATIONS Sandro Fuzzi Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate National Research Council Bologna, Italy Atmospheric change, Atmospheric change, environment, climate environment, climate

  1. ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION CHANGE AT HIGH ELEVATIONS Sandro Fuzzi Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate National Research Council Bologna, Italy

  2. Atmospheric change, Atmospheric change, environment, climate environment, climate � Changes in atmospheric composition induced � Changes in atmospheric composition induced by human activities directly affect many by human activities directly affect many environmental processes, determining environmental processes, determining climate, air quality and atmospheric inputs to climate, air quality and atmospheric inputs to ecosystems ecosystems � As a result of anthropogenic emissions, � As a result of anthropogenic emissions, atmospheric composition changes affect the atmospheric composition changes affect the fundamental necessities for human existence: fundamental necessities for human existence: human health, food production, and human health, food production, and availability of water availability of water

  3. Anthropogenic emissions Anthropogenic emissions industry energy production agriculture Today, anthropogenic emissions waste Today, anthropogenic emissions of many atmospheric compounds of many atmospheric compounds exceed by far natural sources exceed by far natural sources transportation deforestation farming

  4. Anthropogenic vs. natural emissions Anthropogenic vs. natural emissions Nitrogen Fixation Sulphur Emissions Northern Hemisphere

  5. Global trends from satellites Global trends from satellites biomass burning pollution

  6. Observed and modeled Observed and modeled concentrations concentrations Koch et al., 2007 Koch et al., 2007

  7. Mountains and global change Mountains and global change • Mountains are marginal environments highly Mountains are marginal environments highly • sensitive to global change sensitive to global change • At the same time, mountains provide unique At the same time, mountains provide unique • opportunities to detect and analyse global opportunities to detect and analyse global change processes and phenomena change processes and phenomena • At high mountain stations atmospheric At high mountain stations atmospheric • background conditions and global change background conditions and global change processes can profitably be studied by means processes can profitably be studied by means of continuous monitoring activities of continuous monitoring activities

  8. ������������ �������!"�� ������������� �#��$���!��� %����!" ����������������������� &&�'���'��&����'�������

  9. Monte Monte Cimone Cimone Mt. Cimone (44 ° 12‘ N, 10 ° 42‘ E, 2165 m asl) is the highest peak of the Northern Apennines , the border line of two different climatic regions: • continental Europe • Mediterranean Basin

  10. � ������������ ����������� Monte Cimone Monte Cimone ���� ����������������� ���������������� � � ������������������� ������������������ ��������������� �������

  11. The longest CO 2 record in Europe The longest CO 2 record in Europe

  12. �#()% MTC *+ ��'������, SAHARAN dust SAHARAN dust transport transport

  13. Saharan dust plume (2 March 2002) Saharan dust plume (2 March 2002) SeaWIFFS satellite satellite SeaWIFFS pollution Po Valley aerosol dust

  14. Influence of polluted Po Valley Influence of polluted Po Valley (August 2007) (August 2007)

  15. Mt. Cimone O 3 summer concentration Mt. Cimone O 3 summer concentration Polluted days Non - polluted days

  16. Haze over the Himalayas Haze over the Himalayas ����������������������� �����������������������

  17. Extension of Extension of Asian Brown Cloud Asian Brown Cloud NASA- -MODIS/Terra MODIS/Terra NASA Dec. 4, 2001 Dec. 4, 2001

  18. The Project The Project Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) sponsored by UNEP sponsored by UNEP Pyramid Pyramid Observatory Observatory

  19. The SHARE – –Asia Project Asia Project The SHARE Everest

  20. The Pyramid Observatory The Pyramid Observatory ��5� 2 2 3�4�� � � ) ) � � � � 1 0 0 1 � / / � � � � / � / . . - -

  21. Aerosol measuring shelter Aerosol measuring shelter

  22. Data acquisition and Data acquisition and communication system communication system SHELTER PYRAMID Data are sent pyra through satellite telecommunication CNR – ISAC Bologna Remote control mide CNR-ISAC of the OPGC-CNRS QA/QC DLR instrumentation UNI-URB EV-K 2 -CNR is also possible UNEP – ABC

  23. Pyramid Observatory Pyramid Observatory black carbon concentration black carbon concentration

  24. Nucleation of new particles at the Nucleation of new particles at the Pyramid Observatory Pyramid Observatory Formation of Formation of new particles new particles from precursor from precursor pollutants pollutants transported from transported from the valleys below the valleys below took place ca. took place ca. 40% of the days 40% of the days over a period of over a period of 16 months 16 months

  25. �������� �� ���� �������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ��� �� �������������������� �������������������� �� Halocarbon Halocarbon �� �� measurements pptv measurements �� �� �� Halocarbons are collected Halocarbons are collected �� in flasks on a weekly basis in flasks on a weekly basis � and are then analysed for and are then analysed for � �������� �������� �������� �������� �������� �������� 25 climatically relevant 25 climatically relevant Mt. Cimone Mt. Cimone species species ABC- -Pyramid Pyramid ABC ��� ��� ���� ������ ��!���"������#��������#�!�����#�� ����� ��!���"������#��������#�!�����#�� ��� �������������������$"�%��&�������#�������� �������������������$"�%��&�������#�������� ��� #�!����������������������������� #�!����������������������������� ��� ��� pptv ��� �� �� �� �� �� �������� �������� �������� �������� �������� ��������

  26. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements P. Bonasoni, F. Angelini, F. Angelini, J. Arduini, U. Bonaf J. Arduini, U. Bonafè è, F. Calzolari, , F. Calzolari, P. Bonasoni, P. Cristofanelli, S. Decesari, M.C. Facchini, GP. Gobbi, Gobbi, P. Laj, P. Laj, M. M. P. Cristofanelli, S. Decesari, M.C. Facchini, GP. Maione, V. Mancinelli, A. Marinoni, A. Petzold, A. Marinoni, A. Petzold, M. Rinaldi M. Rinaldi, , Maione, V. Mancinelli, F. Roccato, J- F. Roccato, J -C. C. Roger, K. Sellegri, M. Sprenger, H. Venzac , GP. Roger, K. Sellegri, M. Sprenger, H. Venzac , GP. Verza, Verza, P. Villani, E. Vuillermoz P. Villani, E. Vuillermoz CNR - - Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Bologna, Italy Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Bologna, Italy CNR CNRS - - Universit Université é Blaise Pascal, Aubi Blaise Pascal, Aubiè ère Cedex, France re Cedex, France CNRS Urbino University - - Department of Environmental Sciences, Urbino, Italy Department of Environmental Sciences, Urbino, Italy Urbino University DLR – – Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Wessling, Germany Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Wessling, Germany DLR ETHZ - - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland ETHZ EV- -K2 K2- -CNR CNR Committee, Bergamo, Italy Committee, Bergamo, Italy EV

  27. thank you for thank you for your attention!!! your attention!!!

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