Atmospheric Neutrino Studies at Hyper-K Advanced Workshop on Physics of Atmospheric Neutrinos - PANE 2018 Gianfranca De Rosa on behalf of the Hyper-Kamiokande Coll.
Outline • Hyper-Kamiokande • Atmospheric neutrino studies • Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande (T2HK) • Atmospheric neutrinos and combination with beam neutrinos • Second tank: staging and Korean detector options • Summary Gianfranca De Rosa, Naples U. and INFN - 2 PANE 2018
Hyper-Kamiokande: overview Hyper-Kamiokande is a multi- purpose Water-Cherenkov detector with a variety of scientific goals: Neutrino oscillations (atmospheric, accelerator and solar); Neutrino astrophysics; Proton decay; Non-standard physics. Atmospheric n Supernova n Solar n Accelerator n Gianfranca De Rosa, Naples U. and INFN - 3 PANE 2018
Hyper-Kamiokande design HK builds on the successful strategies used to study neutrino oscillations in Super-Kamiokande, K2K and T2K with: Larger detector for increased statistics Improved photo-sensors for better efficiency Higher intensity beam and updated/new near detector for accelerator neutrino part 2 tanks with staging construction. Cylindrical tank: Φ 74 m and H 60 m Planned time line: Total and fiducial volumes (for one Project approval 2019 tank): 0.26 and 0.19Mtons, resp. Experiment 2026 (1 st tank) Photo-cathode coverage: 40%. 40,000 ID Proposals for a second tank PMTs and 6700 OD PMTs per tank. Gianfranca De Rosa, Naples U. and INFN - 4 PANE 2018
Recent R&D results on PMTs Requirements Wide dynamic range, High time&charge resolutions, high detection efficiency... nsec time resolution 40% low background 187 kton photo- Clear photon counting, Fiducial coverage 60 m High rate tolerance Mass 258 kton About 7,000 PMTs for Outer Veto × 2 tanks Detector New high-QE 50 cm Box&Line PMT ID: Planned 40,000 photosensors × 2 high pressure bearing for 60 m depth Baseline option: 20’’ PMTs × 2 high detection efficiency Alternative option: and half time&charge resolutions 50% 20’’ PMTs and 50% mPMTs compared to Super-K PMT (up to 40m depth) 5
50 cm Photo-Detectors First 20-inch (50 cm) Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) For other experiments Hamamatsu R1449 (Venetian blind dynode) 42 cm (17”) Box&Line PMT R7250 (1983-1996) Supernova ν (Box&Line dynode) observation! with 50 cm bulb 1k PMTs of R3600 / 3 kton water R3600 (Venetian blind dynode, improved) 50 cm MCP PMT By NNVC, IHEP (1996- ) ν oscillation 11k PMTs discovery! / 50 kton water Recently developed in China 50 cm Box&Line PMT 50 cm Hybrid Photo-Detector (HPD) R12860-HQE R12850-HQE (Avalanche diode) (Box&Line dynode) Developed Under development → Photo -detector → Possible further in Hyper-K improvement of baseline design Hyper-K 6
fi fi fi fi カウントグラフ( 軸) 50 cm Photo-Detectors 各 ポ ジ シ ョ ン で の カ ウ ン ト を グ ラ フ 化 (標 準 球 の カ ウ ン ト を 同 じ に し た 場 合 ) Total Detection Efficiency of 1 PE High Quantum Efficiency (QE) Measured at Hamamatsu by point source injection 40 Measured Relative single photoelectron hit efficiency Box&Line PMT HPD → 36% Measured Quantum Efficiency [%] 35 2 × 2 30 Box&Line PMTs 25 → 30% 20 1 15 Super-K 10 22% Super-K at peak 5 (-2016yr) 0 0 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Wavelength [nm] Position angle [degree] Collection Efficiency (CE) こ の デ ー タ の カ ウ ン ト 値 は 入 射 光 子 数 が 一 定 に な る 様 補 正 し て あ る が 、 と の 固 体 差 が 含 ま れ て い る 。 Relative comparison of single PE と で は 、 同 一 光 子 数 を 入 射 し た と 仮 定 し た 場 合 の カ ウ ン ト 値 に 歴 然 と 差 が あ る こ と が 分 か る 。 By simulation In 46cmΦ (50cmΦ) counting compared with SK PMT ◦ ± by a uniform light injection • Super-K 67% (61%) Box&Line PMT : 1.91 of SK PMT • Box&Line PMT 95% (85%) HPD : 1.76 of SK PMT (2ch 20mm ΦAD) • HPD 97% (80%) (1ch 20mm ΦAD) (Low due to higher threshold for 1 PE) Detection efficiency was doubled in both new photo-detectors 7
Multi-PMT Option for Hyper-K Photodetectors and Based on KM3NeT electronics arranged optical module OD ID inside a pressure resistent vessel (Almost) uniform coverage by PMTs Directionality Several manifacturers ” Increased granularity enhanced event reconstruction, in particular for multi- ring events 8
Atmospheric neutrinos Now that 13 is known to be quite large, there are several open questions remaining, including ordering of the neutrino masses octant of the atmospheric mixing angle whether or not neutrino oscillations violate CP Atmospheric neutrinos are a good tool for studying L/E-style oscillations in a broad sense With larger statistics, they can also provide information on sub- leading effects Matter effect gives improved sensitivity Mass hierarchy Asymmetry between neutrinos and antineutrinos size of 13 and CP Magnitude of resonance effect Octant of 23 Appearance and disappearance interplay Gianfranca De Rosa, Naples U. and 9 INFN - PANE 2018
Atmospheric neutrinos • Matter-induced parametric oscillations in the energy range 2- 10 GeV lead to significant enhancement of either the n μ n e or the n n e appearance probability for upward-going neutrinos depending upon the mass hierarchy. For the normal (inverted) hierarchy neutrino (antinuetrino) oscillations are enhanced The separation of atmospheric neutrino data into neutrino- • like and antineutrino like subsets with neutron tagging can be used to extract the hierarchy signal • Improved photon collection and increased statistic is expected to improve the sensitivity of atmospheric neutrinos Gianfranca De Rosa, Naples U. and INFN - 10 PANE 2018
Atmospheric neutrinos Using atmospheric neutrinos alone: Determine mass hierarchy at 3σ when sin 2 23 > 0.53 Some sensitivity to θ 23 octant Sensitivities depend on true θ 23 value Mass hierarchy determination Octant determination NH IH Sensitivity studies based on SK analysis Width of the bands shows the Scaled SK MC • (see talk by C. Bronner) uncertainty from δ CP • 10 years running with one 187 kt fv detector • No improvement of Super-K systematics assumed • True mass hierarchy not assumed to be known
Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande (T2HK) long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment Upgraded facility at J-PARC will deliver a muon (anti-)neutrino beam towards Hyper-K ( ≈ 0.75MW, 1.56 × 10 22 protons on target with 30 GeV proton beam); 2.5 o off-axis narrow-band beam: Suppresses high energy background; E ν ≈ 0.6 GeV peak at oscillation maximum; Pure ν μ beam with < 1% n e contamination. new power upgrade plan of J- PARC → we expect ~>900kW by 2020, and ~1.3MW as early as 2026 Gianfranca De Rosa, Naples U. and INFN - 12 PANE 2018
Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande (T2HK) Focus: measurements Intermediate n production of | m 2 32 |, sin 2 23 , Near detector sin 2 13 and CP detectors n n JPARC On-axis Far detector ) beamline Spans 1 to 2.5° Off-axis 4° off-axis Hyper-Kamiokande | | | // | 0 280 m 700 m -2 km 295 km E61 Updated ND and new ID to reduce systematics
T2HK: Sensitivity to atmospheric parameters After 10 years: A joint fit of n μ and n e samples to Measure Δ m 2 32 with 1.4x10 -5 ev 2 precision precisely measure sin 2 23 and m 2 32 Measure sin 2 θ 23 with precision 0.006 to 0.017 Some ability to determine octant of θ 23 Expected significance for wrong octant rejection, 90% CL allowed regions for the true values of sin 2 23 = 0.5 and m 2 with reactor constraint,vs true sin 2 23 32 = 2.4 × 10 −3 eV 2 Reactor constraint on sin 2 2 13 = 0.1 ± 0.005 Gianfranca De Rosa, Naples U. and INFN - 14 PANE 2018
T2HK: Sensitivity to mass hierarchy Atmospheric+beam neutrinos Atmospheric neutrinos Beam neutrinos Sensitive to mass hierarchy through Very limited sensitivity to MH matter induced resonance Good precision for θ 23 and |Δm 2 32 | Size of the effect depends of θ 23 measurements Limited precision for θ 23 and | Δm 2 32 | Combining the two: > 3σ ability to reject wrong MH 5σ for larger values of sin 2 θ 23 True Atmospheric Atmospheric sin 2 θ 23 only +beam Atm+beam True Normal Atm+beam True Inverted 2.2 σ 3.8 σ 0.4 0.6 4.9 σ 6.2 σ Gianfranca De Rosa, Naples U. and INFN - 15 PANE 2018
T2HK: octant resolution sensitivity Atmospheric+beam neutrinos The ability to resolve the 23 octant improves with the combination Atmospheric neutrinos alone can resolve the octant at 3 if | 23 − 45| > 4° With combined analysis it can be resolved when this difference is only 2.3° True Atmospheric Atmospheric sin 2 θ 23 only +beam assuming a normal hierarchy, Δm 2 32 = 2.5 × 10−3eV 2 , sin 2 θ 23 = 0.0219, and the value of CP that minimizes the sensitivity 0.4 5 2.2 σ 6.2 σ 0. 55 1.6 σ 3.6 σ Gianfranca De Rosa, Naples U. and INFN - 16 PANE 2018
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