27/12/2017 DTKD Presentation SUCCESSES OF 2017 AND PREPARATION FOR 2018 What we want you to takeaway from this talk ➢ Who in the club you can direct your enquiries to ➢ Our successes this year ➢ How you can help your child with their fitness and progression ➢ Clarification of the various core and pathway sessions ➢ Our aims for 2018 ➢ Key diary dates for 2018 1
27/12/2017 Dorset TKD – Who are we? We were started by Keith Evans in1989 with Darren Naraine joining him in 1999 ▶ We have a Committee of 15 People ▶ We have 13 ‘Qualified Coach’ instructors ▶ All of whom are volunteers ▶ We all contribute to the running of our club because of our love of taekwondo and the people in our club, who are the 200 students and instructors who train together! Dorset TKD people: What do we look like? We have many people who are involved in the running of this club – the next few ▶ slides will show you who you need to talk to if you have any enquiries! 2
27/12/2017 Master Naraine – General Enquiries, Grange and Littledown Class, Poomsae Pathway and Gradings. Master Tata – Beaufort Class and Sport Pathway 3
27/12/2017 Chris Samuels – Pelhams Park Class and Fitness Related Enquiries. Master Smedley – Littledown Class on Saturday mornings, Poomsae Pathway and Club Social Events. 4
27/12/2017 Master Kay and Paul Donnelly – Demonstration Pathway Steve Winnington – Sport Pathway 5
27/12/2017 Master Efezeybek – Stourfield Juniors Class Sharon Ward – Lyme Regis 6
27/12/2017 Marcus Tubb – Memberships and Safeguarding Marina Malaffo - Safeguarding 7
27/12/2017 Master Vaughan - Accounts Successes of Our Club Highest number of members (200) ▶ Introduction of development pathways ▶ Branching out into other marital arts - Hapkido. ▶ Increase in club social events ▶ New instructors passing their Level 2 coaching ▶ We are in the top 10 in the country with the highest number of ▶ members and instructors! 8
27/12/2017 A Brief Summary of Our Pathways What are they? ▶ Why did we introduce them? ▶ How have they helped us? ▶ What have been their successes? ▶ Successes of Pathway – Patterns / Poomsae ➢ Patterns are an essential part of martial arts training. ➢ We train in the CORE classes on the last week of each month ➢ In recent years the Patterns competitions in the UK have massively improved in that: ➢ they are now judged by a panel of black belts ➢ The scores are averaged and displayed on a screen instantly and transparently 9
27/12/2017 Successes of Pathway – Patterns / Poomsae ➢ Unfortunately most competitions in the UK are in the Midlands and hence 3 hours+ drive ➢ We have 2 Nationally Qualified judges in the clubs ➢ Aiden Palmer competed in the National Poomsae Championships (In Nottingham last weekend) ➢ We are planning to take a team to a Patterns competition in Basingstoke in June 2018 Successes of Pathway - Sport ➢ The Sports Pathway focuses on Preparing students for Olympic Style Sparring competitions ➢ Specialist coaches run these development classes on Monday, Tuesdays and Saturdays ➢ Martial Arts training is centred around combat, and sparring competition is the ultimate test of nerve and skills 10
27/12/2017 Successes of Pathway - Sport ➢ The club has invested in Electronic Scoring equipment so that our members can get correct competition preparation ➢ This year our small team has competed and medalled around the country British Masters in London, Cadet Selection Championships in Doncaster and the National Championship in Manchester Successes of Pathway - Demonstration ➢ Very successful season with five events – excellent opportunities to advertise the club to the public and prospective students ➢ New team members joining from core classes ➢ Fantastic opportunity to learn new skills – transferable across pathways and core classes ➢ Retained team members – who are still enjoying it and coming back – eager to keep learning! 11
27/12/2017 Successes of Pathway - Demonstration ➢ Most successful demonstration at the Littledown Fireworks night last month – slicker, faster and better than ever! ➢ Smashing slabs of ice to great effect in front of massive crowds! ➢ Great confidence building for students – performing in front of strangers! A Word about - Fitness ➢ Get a copy of your child’s next grading syllabus so you can see what they need to learn ➢ Encourage general fitness: jogging, skipping, own body weight exercises, press up's, burpees, sit up's etc. If you are unsure ask an instructor to give you some ideas or variation on the exercise. ➢ All can be done at home inside or outside and key to get their heart rate up. ➢ Stretching - again ask instructors for ideas if you are not sure. This is really important ➢ Holding a kick target if you have one for your child and practice all kicks ➢ Only needs to be a couple of times a week but will make a big difference ➢ Your engagement is a big part is helping progress. 12
27/12/2017 Safeguarding Update In keeping with the British Taekwondo’s (BT) Children and Young People Protection Policy, all instructors attend a Child Protection Course All Dorset Taekwondo Association instructors and their assistants undergo a Criminal Record Check ( Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service – DBS – previously named Criminal Record Bureau – CRB) check every 2 years Safeguarding Update All instructors (and assistants) obtain certification which confirms their eligibility to instruct in Taekwondo and their suitability in working with children and vulnerable adults In order to comply with satisfactory safeguarding, please help with the following: ➢ Please drop off and pick up at the correct times ➢ Instructors are not allowed to take children to or from venues ➢ Instructors cannot be connected with students on social media 13
27/12/2017 Our Venues Littledown is “The Hub” centre for the club and the other clubs are Satellites 1. Littledown CORE classes are often oversubscribed and students will benefit from training at other 1. venues that are less busy Green tags and above need to train twice a week to progress through the Grading Syllabus 1. Students should try and train at our other venues and with other DTA coaches in order to maximise 1. their learning potential. Green tags and above should try one of the development pathways in order to fine tune their 1. skills and follow their interests. Core classes are still required in order to progress through the grading syllabus. A Technical Update About Membership From the 1 st November, memberships have gone online. BT have ▶ now stopped accepting paper copies It means that new members and existing can join clubs online ▶ Will hopefully speed up the current system. ▶ 14
27/12/2017 A Technical Update about Membership What it means for you? The membership secretary or your club instructor will send you BY ▶ EMAIL details of how to join and renew your annual British Taekwondo membership (Currently £30 per year) (There is still a few teething problems with this new national ▶ database) A Word About Cost We have not increased any of our costs, as a club, ▶ since 2014. (In 1986 classes were £3.50 a class) On average, as a monthly standing order we are ▶ approximately 40% cheaper than other martial arts clubs in the area 15
27/12/2017 OK – nearly there – Our aims for 2018 1. Increase participation in the Pathways (from Green tag 7 th Kup) 1. Increase the number of members taking part in competition 1. Engage more with parents, as without parent support the children will not be able to succeed 1. Build a base of volunteers to support events and administrative functions within the club 1. Plan and implement specific training plans for those wanting to take part in competition 1. Maintain and Increase membership to account for likely increase costs (Hall hire) OK – nearly there – Our schedule for 2018 Date Activity Location Saturday 16 th Last training session before break Littledown December 2017 Thursday 4 th January First session back for the new year Littledown Saturday 20 th January Judges Course (Sparring) Grange School, Christchurch Sunday 21 st January Match Day (Sparring) with local Grange School, Christchurch clubs 9 th & 10 th February BT National (Sparring) Sheffield Championships Sunday 25 th March Kup & Dan Grading Test Beaufort Community Centre, Southbourne Sunday 15 th July Kup Grading Beaufort Community Centre, Southbourne Last 2 weeks in Summer Break August Sunday 18 th Kup & Dan Grading Tests Beaufort Community Centre, November Southbourne 16
27/12/2017 Final words – How can you help us? Communication is key – please make sure we have ▶ a current email address for you as we send newsletters out by email. We also have a facebook page which is updated regularly. www.dtkd.co.uk ▶ https://www.facebook.com/Dorsettkd/ ▶ daz.naraine@gmail.com (Master Naraines email) ▶ Final words – How can you help us? Volunteers – We have a number of events ▶ which require extra help. From demonstration set up, take down and have a go support to running match day events. We would like to have a core group of volunteers, run by a volunteer that could be our first port of call. 17
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