december 9 2014

December 9, 2014 In partnership with our residents, the mission of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

December 9, 2014 In partnership with our residents, the mission of the Parks and Recreation Department is to preserve, protect, maintain and enhance its natural resources, public parkland, open spaces, trails and recreation facilities for

  1. December 9, 2014

  2.  In partnership with our residents, the mission of the Parks and Recreation Department is to preserve, protect, maintain and enhance its natural resources, public parkland, open spaces, trails and recreation facilities for current and future generations in a safe and secure environment.

  3.  Parks and Recreation provides comprehensive programs, facilities and services which respond to changing needs within our community that enhance the overall quality of life and general well being of citizens and visitors.

  4.  Continue maintaining existing service and maintenance quality levels;  Incrementally increase cost recovery on all fee- based activities;  Continue to seek opportunities to reduce expenditures while maintaining service levels; and  Emphasize volunteer recruitment by seeking community support and partnerships to increase the total number of volunteer service hours in the maintenance and development of its recreational trail and greenway/blueway system in order to reduce expenditures while maintaining service levels.

  5. Albema bemarle le Count unty has 13 parks with h over ver 3,77 775 acres s of parklan land d to enjo joy: : hiking king, , runni ning, ng, biking, ing, fishin hing, , boat atin ing, , swimm mmin ing, g, disc golfin fing, g, hor orsebac seback k riding ng.

  6. Parks and Recrea reati tion on only budgets ts what we think nk is ne needed d and only spend nds what is a actually ly needed ded. Operating Budget t for FY15 is $2,409,263 63 (includes salary, benefits and operational cost).  Approx oximately tely $354,847 7 or 47% in r reven enues es are generated ted that offset et the  operatio tional cost. Approx oximately tely $1,652,66 661 1 or 69% of the total budget is for salaries es and  benefi fits ts (prepared ed by O OMB). Approx oximately tely $756,602 2 or 31% of the total budget is for operati tion onal cost  such as repair & maintenance to buildings and grounds, vehicles and equip. utilities, fuel, communications, janitorial and rec supplies, refuse, advertising, dues and memberships, postage, printing, office supplies, safety equip. professional development, etc. Function onal Areas: s: Administration, Maintenance, Summer Swim, Athletics & Classes, Community  Centers, Special Activities, Teen Programs. P&R reviews each operational line item in all functional areas (125+ 5+ line ne items ms) ◦ For each line item, a list of potential expenditures is developed and expenditure ◦ history is reviewed in developing a realistic request. Every year, a five year equipment/new and replacement budget is developed that ◦ assists in the budget development process. *Towe not included

  7. Administration $239,993 Maintenance $1,307,922 Summer Swim $180,664 Athletics & Class $220,732 Comm. Centers $90,422 Special Activities $185,389 Teen Programs $184,141 Albemarle County Parks & Recreation FY2015

  8. *Towe Budget not included Albemarle County Parks & Recreation FY2015

  9. Maintenance $12,339 Athletics & Class $99,374 Comm. Centers $26,220 Special Activities $27,431 Summer Swim $128,761 Teen Programs $50,722 Meadows Rent $6,000 Lane Electric $4,000 Albemarle County Parks & Recreation FY2015

  10. Darden Towe Park is a separate entity with a Special Revenue Fund in the County budget and is funded by the County and City and also from other revenue sources such as program fees and rent. County share is 69.38% ($155,374) and City share is 30.62% ($68,572) after other revenues are deducted from expenses.

  11. Albemarle County Parks & Recreation FY2015

  12. Rent Tenant House $7,440 Recreation Fees $14,400 Right of Way Lic. $1,680 City Billable Share $68,572 Albemarle County Parks & Recreation FY2015

  13.  Total Budget: $2 $2,65 656,7 6,729 29  Total Revenues: $446,939  Total Full Time Employees: 20 (includ udes es 3 @ Towe) e)  Total Salaries & Benefits: $1,801,126 68%  Total Operating Expenses: $855,603 32% Albemarle County Parks & Recreation FY2015

  14. Local ality ity FTE’s Park rk Acres Park rk Acres/ s/ Budget get Expens nse/ Capita ta Capita ta Spotsylvania County 21 552 4.4 $2,943,034 $18.40 Fauquier County 23 987 14.8 $3,565,508 $46.00 Stafford County 56 1,572 11.6 $11,029,230 $64.46 James City County 48 1,622 23.1 $5,477,000 $37.57 Hanover County 28 2,010 19.7 $3,000,000 $19.50 Albema marl rle County 20 20 3,775 75 36.0 $2,656, 656,729 729 $21.02 02 City of Charlottesville 72 1760 3.4 $9,515,148 $170.72 *Albem bemarle le Count unty  lowest # of FTE’s  largest gest Park Acres  small lles est t Budget get  3 rd rd lowest t Per Capita a Expens nse

  15. Parks & Recreation Department History Year Parks/ s/Progr rograms/Even ms/Event Total Park Total Acres es FTE’s 1970’s Chris Greene, Mint Springs, Beaver Creek, Totier, Milton 1,187 6 1977 First Parks and Rec Director, Secretary +2 FTE’s 8 1978 Began Rec Programming +1 FTE & relationship with schools 9 1980 Greenwood CC – 18 acres + 1 FTE 1,205 10 1981 Director, Park Superintendent, Rec Superintendent Structure 1981 Scottsville CC – 3 acres 1,208 1982 Meadows CC – 1 acre 1,209 1982 Ivy Creek Natural Area – 215 acres 1,424 1984 Whitewood Road Park – 22 acres 1,446 1985 Crozet Park Agreement – 22 acres 1,468 1986 Transfer COB and Ct Square from General Services + 1 FTE 11 1990 Recreation Superintendent to Assistant Director 1990 Rivanna Park (Now Towe) – 13 acres + 4 FTE’s 1,581 15 1992 Walnut Creek Park – 525 acres + 2 FTE’s 2,106 17 1993 Dorrier Park Agreement – 2 acres 2,108 1993 Teen Center + 1 FTE 18 1995 Closed Teen Center began Middle School Afterschool Program 1995 Aquatics Operator/Facilities Supervisor + 1 FTE 19

  16. Year Parks/ s/Progr rograms/Even ms/Event Total Park Total Acres es FTE’s 1997 Crozet Park Agreement Revised 2001 Athletic Field Maintenance Program started (Sch chool ool & Park Fiel elds) s) 2002 2002 Gree eenway nway Progra ram from Plann nning ng + 1 FTE 20 20 2002 2002 Simps mpson n Park – Esmont nt – 14 acres es 2,122 122 2004 Recreation Needs Assessment 2005 Inmate Work Program + 1 FTE 21 2005 2005 Athl hleti etic Fiel eld d Maint ntena nanc nce Program gram Expan ansi sion on + 1 FTE (80 0 acres) res) 22 22 2007 Eliminate 1 FTE Towe Park (separate fund) 21 2008 Park Service Officer + 1 FTE 22 2008 Park Foreman Vacancy – 1 FTE 21 2010 New Greenway Acres (1997-2010) – 126 acres 2,248 2010 Park Service Officer changed to Trail Maintenance Supervisor 2010 Byrom Trail Park – 615 acres 2,863 2010 Preddy Creek Trail Park – 452 3,315 315 2010 2010 Dire rect ctor or Retir tired, ed, Assi sista tant nt Direct rector or moved ed to Direc ector, tor, Elimina inate te 20 20 Ass ssist stant nt Directo rector r posi siti tion on 2012 Old Mills Trail – 3 mile multi use trail 2014 New Greenway Acres (2010-2014) – 50 acres 3,365 2014 2014 Will lliam m S.D. . Woods s Natur ural Herit ritage ge Prese serv rve 3,775 775 2014 Preddy Creek Phase II Development

  17. 20 FTE’s

  18. : Total l 220 Total PT/ To T/Te Temp/ p/ Seasona nal Employ oyee ees:  52 Recreation Leaders  48 Instructors: Dance, Yoga, Karate, Tennis, etc.  38 Middle School Sports Coaches  35 Life Guards & Cashiers  26 Officials & Scorekeepers  7 Maintenance Workers  3 Trail Workers  7 Gate Openers  4 Community Center Supervisors

  19.  8 Regional Parks  2 City/County Regional Parks  3 Community Park  3 Community Centers  3 River Accesses  176 acres of Greenway  28 parcels of Greenway Property  62 miles of Trails  Total Pa Park k Acres: s: 3,775

  20.  Fee e Based d Classes: ses: variety of dance, yoga, fitness, martial arts, and special interest classes  Spor orts, ts, Camp mps, s, Lessons: sons: basketball, volleyball, tennis, swimming, and sports variety camps  Middle dle Schoo hool l Sports ts Program am: : basketball, tennis, volleyball, track  Middle dle Schoo hool l Sports Clinics: inics: flag football, soccer, indoor field hockey and indoor lacrosse  Summ ummer er Playgrou round d Program am: 10 summer camps  Even vents: ts: Kid’s Only Trout Fishing Day, Roller Skating, Egg Hunt, etc.  Therapeu herapeutic ic Rec. w/City (8,520 Albemarle Co. Residents, 45%)  Skat ate e Park w/City City ( 3,643 Albemarle Co. Residents, 46%)  Adult ult Softball ball & V Volleyba leyball ll Leagu gues es w/City City  Summ ummer er Swim im

  21. Program am Partici cipati ation on Middle School Sports Program 1,074 Classes, Camps, Leagues 1,883 Summer Playground Program 382 Total Program Participation 3,339 Lake ke Attendance ndance Chris Greene Lake 14,842 Mints Springs 10,377 Walnut Creek 12,595 Total Lake Attendance FY14 37,814

  22.  The department co-sponsors or assists with 30+ 30+ youth and adult athletic leagues throughout the County, serving over 9000 pa part rticip icipants. nts.  Sports included are: Tennis Football Volleyball Soccer Lacrosse Field Hockey Softball Baseball T-ball Fast-pitch Cricket Ultimate Frisbee


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