6/4/2011 Crystal Field Theory It is not a bonding theory Method of explaining some physical properties that occur in transition metal complexes. Involves a simple electrostatic argument which can yield reasonable results and predictions about the d orbital interactions in metal complexes. CHEM261HC/SS2/01 d orbitals CHEM261HC/SS2/02 1
6/4/2011 Consider metal ion, M m+ , lying at the centre of an octahedral set of point charges. CHEM261HC/SS2/03 Suppose the metal atom has a single d electron outside of the closed shells (Ti 3+ or V 4+ ). In the free ion, the electron can be in any one of the 5 orbitals, since all are equivalent. Is this True??? q Recall the shapes of the d orbitals CHEM261HC/SS2/04 2
6/4/2011 CHEM261HC/SS2/05 2 groups of orbitals t 2g d xy , d yz , d zx e g d z 2 , d x 2 2 ‐ y e g barycentre 0.4 ∆ o ∆ ∆ o 0.6 ∆ o t 2g CHEM261HC/SS2/06 3
6/4/2011 Δ o is the difference in energy between e g and t 2g . x e g y configuration relative to the barycentre is called The net energy of a t 2g the ligand field stabilization energy (LFSE). LFSE = (0.4x – 0.6y) Δ o Let us see what happens when we withdraw the 2 trans ligands in an octahedral complex (let it be the z ligands) When this happens, we have a tetragonally distorted octahedral complex. As soon as the distance from M m+ to these 2 ligands becomes greater than the other 4 ligands, new energy differences are established. z 2 orbital becomes more stable than x 2 ‐ y 2 orbital. yz and xz are equivalent more stable than xy CHEM261HC/SS2/07 2 2 d x -y e g d xy Δ o E 2 d z t 2g d zy , d zx Whether this happens depends on the metal ion and the ligands concerned. Square complexes of Co II , Ni II and Cu II lead to energy level diagrams shown as follows: CHEM261HC/SS2/08 4
6/4/2011 M = Co II , Ni II and Cu II 2 2 d x -y e g Δ o exactly Δ o 2/5 Δ o d z 2 t 2g 1/12 Δ o d yz , d zx octahedral square MX 6 MX 4 CHEM261HC/SS2/09 High- Spin vs Low- Spin in O ctahedral complexes d 1 , d 2 , d 3 - simple e g t 2g d 4 e e g t 2g high-spin low-spin CHEM261HC/SS2/10 5
6/4/2011 High- spin d 4 Low- spin d 4 3 e g 1 t 2g 4 e g 0 t 2g x = 3 , y = 1 x = 3 y = 1 x = 4 , y = 0 x = 4 y = 0 E = (0.4 x – 0.6 y ) Δ o E = (0.4 x – 0.6 y ) Δ o = 0.6 Δ o = 1.6 Δ o + P CHEM261HC/SS2/11 What is the LFSE for octahedral ions of the following configurations? (a) d 3 (b) high ‐ spin d 5 3 e g 0 , x = 3, y = 0 (a) electronic configuration : t 2g Therefore, LFSE = (0.4 x – 0.6 y ) Δ o = [(0.4)(3) – (0.6)(0)] Δ o = 1.2 Δ o 3 e g 2 , x = 3, y = 2 (b) electronic configuration : t 2g Therefore, LFSE = (0.4 x – 0.6 y ) Δ o = [(0.4)(3) – (0.6)(2)] Δ o = 0 Therefore LFSE = (0 4 x 0 6 y ) Δ = [(0 4)(3) (0 6)(2)] Δ = 0 What is LFSE for both high ‐ and low ‐ spin d 6 configuration? CHEM261HC/SS2/12 6
6/4/2011 Octahedral Geometry e g 2 2 2 d x d z -y Δ o Energy t 2g d yz d xz d xy LFSE = (0.4x – 0.6y) Δ o Tetrahedral Geometry Energy t 2g d xz d yz d xy Δ t e g 2 2 2 d x d z x -y y z 4 Δ o Δ t = 9 7
6/4/2011 Square-Planar Geometry 2 2 d x -y Δ o 2 d z 2 Δ o d xy Energy 3 d xz d yz 2 - d z 2 – d xy )2/3 Δ o 2 2 ) Δ o + ( d z LFSE = ( d x -y 1) What is the LFSE for high-spin d 5 of the following geometries? (a) Square planer (a) Square-planer (b) Tetrahedral (b) Tetrahedral 2) What is LFSE for both geometries (Q1) for a low spin d 5 configuration? CHEM261HC/SS2/12 8
6/4/2011 The spectrochemical series The splitting of d orbitals in the CF model depends on a number of factors. E.g. geometry of the complex nature of the metal ion charge on the metal ion ligands that surround the metal ion Pt 4+ > Ir 3+ > Rh 3+ > Co 3+ > Cr 3+ > Fe 3+ > Fe 2+ > Co 2+ > Ni 2+ > Mn 2+ When the geometry and the metal are held constant, the splitting of the d - orbitals increases in the following order: I - < Br - < [NCS] - < Cl - < F - < OH - < H 2 O < NH 3 < en < CN - < CO weak-field strong-field CHEM261HC/SS2/13 The ligand ‐ field splitting parameter, Δ o varies with the identity of the ligand. In the series of complexes [CoX(NH 3 ) 5 ] n+ with X = I ‐ , Br ‐ , Cl ‐ , H 2 O and NH 3 , the colours range from purple (for X = I ‐ ) through pink (X = Cl ‐ ) NH th l f l (f X I ) th h i k (X Cl ) to yellow (with NH 3 ). This observation indicates that energy of the lowest electronic transition increases as the ligands are varied along the series. Ligands that give rise to high energy transition (such as CO) are Ligands that give rise to high energy transition (such as CO) are referred to as a strong ‐ field ligand. Ligands that give rise to low energy transitions (such as Br ‐ ) are referred to as weak ‐ field ligand. CHEM261HC/SS2/14 9
6/4/2011 Magnetic measurements Used to determine the number of unpaired spins in a complex, hence identify its ground ‐ state configuration . Compounds are classified as diamagnetic if they are repelled by a Compounds are classified as diamagnetic if they are repelled by a magnetic field and paramagnetic if they are accepted by a magnetic field. The spin ‐ only magnetic moment , μ , of a complex with total spin quantum number is given by: μ = 2 {S (S + 1)} ½ μ μ = 2 {S (S + 1)} ½ μ B μ B = Bohr magneton CHEM261HC/SS2/15 Calculated spin-only magnetic moments Ion N S μ / μ B μ μ B Calc. Expt. Ti 3+ 1 ½ 1.73 1.7 ‐ 1.8 V 3+ 2 1 2.83 2.7 ‐ 2.9 Cr 3+ 3 1½ 3.87 3.8 Mn 3+ 4 2 4.90 4.8 ‐ 4.9 Fe 3+ 5 2½ 5.92 5.9 CHEM261HC/SS2/16 10
6/4/2011 The magnetic moment of a certain octahedral Co(II) complex is 4.0 μ B . What is its d - electron configuration? A Co(II) complex is d 7 2 (high-spin, S = 1½) with 3 unpaired Two possible configurations: t 2g 5 e g 1 (Low-spin, S = ½) with 1 unpaired electron. electrons or t 2g 6 e g μ = 2 {S (S + 1)} ½ μ B High-spin Low-spin μ = 2 {1½ (1½ + 1)} ½ μ B μ = 2 {1½ (1½ + 1)} ½ μ B μ = 3.87 μ B μ = 1.73 μ B CHEM261HC/SS2/17 The spin ‐ only magnetic moments are 3.87 μ B and 1.73 μ B . Therefore, the only consistent assignment is the high-spin configuration t 2g 5 e g 5 2 2 . The magnetic moment of an octahedral complex [Mn(NCS) 6 ] 4 ‐ is 6.06 μ B. What is its electron configuration? 11
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