Recent Progress in Recent Progress in Photonic Crystal Devices Photonic Crystal Devices Toshihiko Baba Toshihiko Baba Yokohama National University Yokohama National University CREST, JST CREST, JST
Topics PC Nanolaser RT CW lasing in ultrasmall nanocavity Purcell effect and thresholdless behavior Active and passive integration Application to refractive index sensing PC Slow light w aveguide Dispersion-compensated slowlight Zero-dispersion slowlight PC Negative refractive optics Lens and prism effects Application to compact demultiplexer
� � PC Slab 0.7 Light Cone 0.6 Normalized Frequency a / � 0.5 0.4 2 r t PBG 0.3 A thin membrane with airholes 0.2 Light is confined by TIR and PBG effect occurs in the plane J n � 3.5 0.1 X Easily fabricated into SOI, III-V 2 r / a � 0.572 TE-like Pol. with < 5nm roughness t / a � 0.762 0 X J Widely applied for lasers, waveguides, Projected Wave Vector k || dense photonic integration, etc.
Topics PC Nanolaser RT CW lasing in ultrasmall nanocavity Purcell effect and thresholdless behavior Active and passive integration Application to refractive index sensing PC Slow light w aveguide Dispersion-compensated slowlight Zero-dispersion slowlight PC Negative refractive optics Lens and prism effects Application to compact demultiplexer
Point hift PC anolaser anolaser consisting of only two point shift o a i et al EL 41 RT CW lasing first achieved in nanolaser o a i et al OE 15 P eff W RT ntensity Linear a u div CW � � d d � ntensity W Wavelength � m W ffective Pump Power P eff nm � n evaluated World s smallest V m abricated by CP o a i et al APL 88 de et al JJAP 45 L
� Purcell ffect in PC anocavity aba et al APL 85 o a i et al OE 15 rate enhanced by factor x � enhancement expected for various materials including i etc � r � � n V m �� Thresholdless lasing expected �� Cavity linewidth or RT P irr P th homog broadening RT ormali ed ntensity Wafer PC w o cavity Point-shift nanocavity � � mode � m Time ns
Active Passive- ntegrated PC lab Watanabe and aba EL 42 OE 16 nm PC laser and waveguide integrated by butt oint C D regrowth process P eff mW Detected utput Power mW mW div d ntensity d η nm Air Clad RT Pulsed λ µ m PC lab ffective Pump Power P eff mW Air Clad η d estimated for total output Active Passive
� � ntegration of PC anolaser with Waveguide o a i et al APL 2 Laser Coupling of laser and waveguide enhanced by optimi ing distance and direction W W μ m Detected Power by iber Active Passive η diff P th W RT Pulsed ffective Pump Power P eff W a u
� witching ehavior by Resonant Pumping o a i et al APL 2 or Pump or Laser RT CW P irr mW div ntensity Linear a u a u λ pump λ lase d ntensity Wavelength div λ laser λ pump d Pump Wavelength μ m rradiated Power P irr mW ntensity Active λ pump Active Passive Passive Wavelength μ m fficient selective excitation of nanocavity Applicable to wavelength converter bistable λ laser device etc
ndex ensitivity in PC anolaser n env ormali ed ntensity a u m Lasing Wavelength � ax ensitivity nm R pm nvironmental ndex n env Wavelength nm pectral W pm Resolition limit ensitivity of nm R - R Potential detection limit of
ndex ensing using anolaser Array ita et al TuC P- Laser Array Large ndex sensitivity of nm Δ n pectrometer-less sensing from P λ λ using laser array and P λ λ P Cutoff � m Air n m m Air Air-Dissolved PA Air-Dissolved div n ethanol n ethanol d ethanol w o n P ntensity thanol n w PA P n m Wavelength � m
Topics PC Nanolaser RT CW lasing in ultrasmall nanocavity Purcell effect and thresholdless behavior Active and passive integration Application to refractive index sensing PC Slow light w aveguide Dispersion-compensated slowlight Zero-dispersion slowlight PC Negative refractive optics Lens and prism effects Application to compact demultiplexer
PC low Light Waveguide after aba et al EL 5 Photonic andedge Transmission asy fabrication on wafer etc div Lossless guided mode exhibiting slow light at bandedge with d narrow bandwidth and large D Channel rom -P roup ndex n g resonance i rom modulation phase shift Air m i Wavelength � m
Dispersion- ree Widband low Light Dispersion-Compensated Zero-Dispersion low Light low Light L LD Low elocity Low Dispersion ω ω k k patially dispersed patially compressed
� Smooth Delay by Coupled Waveguides (Mori and Baba, Opt. Express 13 , 9398 (2005)) 0.29 Normalized Frequency � a /2 � c 0.25 a 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.3 0.4 0.5 Wave Number k [2 � / a ] k
Dispersion-Compensated low Light in PCCW awasa i ori and aba OE 15 μ m ranch Confluence Coupled Waveguide utput nput W W μ m L μ m μ m � n g n g ven Wavelength μ m π dd n g 55, Δλ nm Wavelength μ m
ffective Delay in low Light Pulse Lensed D A iber D A ode-Loc ed Auto- PCCW iber Laser correlator Δ echanical Delay Time Δ ps roup ndex n g ntensity a u ps Delay Time Δ ps Wavelength λ μ m
Dispersion- ree Widband low Light Dispersion-Compensated Zero-Dispersion low Light low Light L LD Low elocity Low Dispersion ω ω patially dispersed patially compressed
L LD Characteristics in PC Waveguides a ai aba et al EEE LEO Ann Th - - patented in Air Light Cone traight and /2 ω /2π lab ode μ m [2π/
bservation of L LD Characteristics ubo ori and aba OL Transmission div d Calc n g Calc π ω /2π ω /2π ω /2π
Delay- andwidth Relation of lowlight ms b b i i t t Atomic Target for μ s b P Router i t Conversion Conversi Target of Dispersion Dispersi This tudy Photonic Delay Δ ns m -Ring b PC Cavity i t PC-W TT yoto TT PC-W PC-W yoto rillouin D ps P b i t Raman fs T Bandwidth Δ
Topics PC Nanolaser RT CW lasing in ultrasmall nanocavity Purcell effect and thresholdless behavior Active and passive integration Application to refractive index sensing PC Slow light w aveguide Dispersion-compensated slowlight Zero-dispersion slowlight PC Negative refractive optics Lens and prism effects Application to compact demultiplexer
Functions Predicted from Dispersion Surfaces (after Kosaka et al., PRB 58 , 10096 (1998)) 1 2 3 0.53 0.56 0.2 Isotropic 0.54 0.6 Propagation 0.1 0.55 0.64 Super- Collimation 4 5 6 0.74 0.74 0.8 0.76 0.72 0.82 0.72 0.7 0.7 Slow Super Super light prism lens
Negative Refraction by Optimized Interfaces (Baba et al., Opt. Express 12 (2004) 4608) � 20 100% 100% ??% 87% � 20 0.275 0.281 0.287 0.293 0.299 a / � =
bservation of egative Refraction atsumoto et al APL 1 nput μ m W Plot xperiment Line DTD i lab μ m m m μ μ PC Deflection Angle θ m μ μ m λ μ m i lab PC θ Wavelength λ μ m
Light Focusing in PC Superlens (Matsumoto, et al. OL 31, 2776 (2006)) � = 1.305 μm 0.5 μm 0 5 L [ � m] 10 PC slab superlens Intensity [a.u.] 15 3 2 1 0 1 Intensity [a.u.] 2.0 � m 0 -10 0 10 Position [ � m]
Unique Focusing of PC Superlens Dispersion Surface Refractive Lens S S a / � = 0.295 Super- Lens k in Real image formation by flat lens (virtual image by curved lens) Compact total system due to very short focal length Applications to compact parallel optical coupler, demultiplexer, image system, etc.
� � � Applications of uperlens Parallel optical coupler Compact demultiplexer atsumoto et al EL W atsumoto et al OE 1 � � m llustration � � in PC superprism � m xperimental � m P ntensity a u PC PC superlens Position � m
uperprism and uperlens Demultiplexer atsumoto et al APL 1 nput Waveguide λ nm PC uperprism utput ntensity a u PC uperlens utput Waveguide μ m Wavelength μ m
Topics PC Nanolaser RT CW lasing in ultrasmall nanocavity Purcell effect and thresholdless behavior Active and passive integration Application to refractive index sensing PC Slow light w aveguide Dispersion-compensated slowlight Zero-dispersion slowlight PC Negative refractive optics Lens and prism effects Application to compact demultiplexer
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