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ConnectHome Nation Webinar Connecthome Nation Webinar Cox - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ConnectHome Nation Webinar Connecthome Nation Webinar Cox Communications Connect2Compete Program How We Are Championing Digital Equity During Uncertain Times May 19, 2020 1 ConnectHome Nation Webinar Ebonee Younger, Product Manager Cox

  1. ConnectHome Nation Webinar Connecthome Nation Webinar Cox Communication’s Connect2Compete Program How We Are Championing Digital Equity During Uncertain Times May 19, 2020 1

  2. ConnectHome Nation Webinar Ebonee Younger, Product Manager Cox Communications 2

  3. Agenda 1. Program Overview 2. Digital Inclusion a) Connectivity b) Quality Devices c) Digital Literacy d) Support e) Online Content 3. Coronavirus Response 4. Q&A 3

  4. OUR STORY Connect2Compete (C2C) is Cox Communication’s flagship program for families with K-12 students. Since first piloting the product in 2012, C2C has connected over 700,000 low-income individuals to affordable, quality in- home broadband. 4

  5. Our Mission Co Connec ect2Co Compete i e is Co Cox Co Communication’s a affordable, e, i in-ho home i interne net p produ duct ct f for low- income e families w with s school-aged c d childr dren. n. We are c comm mmitted t d to promoting ng d digital inclus usion n by by p providi ding ng c conne nect ctivity, a along ng w with a h access t to digital l literacy t traini ning ng, a and l d low-co cost st equi uipm pment. In addition to the price discount: • 25/3 Mbps • No annual contracts • No activation fees or deposits • Free in-home WiFi modem rental • No installation fees • Free access to hundreds of thousands of WiFi hotspots through Cox WiFi and Cable WiFi • Free tools and online resources for students and families with the Cox Digital Academy. 5

  6. Eligibility Households who meet ALL of the following criteria qualify for the program: • A ch child i in a a K-12 S 12 Schoo ool • Partici cipate i in o one e or more o of t the f e following g govern ernment s subsidy p program ams: • National School Lunch Program (NSLP) • Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) • Public Housing (Section 8, Multi-Family units, or Public Housing Authority) • Ha Have e not s subscr cribed t to Cox I Internet s service ce w within t the l e last 9 90 days • Have no outstan anding d debt o or unreturn rned eq equipment w with C Cox ( (Families c can an p pay off f thei eir b bill or return e equipment w when en t then en s sign u up) 6

  7. Digital Inclusion Digital Inclusion refers to the activities necessary to ensure that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, have access to and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This includes 5 elements: 1) affordable, robust broadband internet service; 2) internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user; 3) access to digital literacy training; 4) quality technical support; and 5) applications and online content designed to enable and encourage self-sufficiency, participation and collaboration. Digital Inclusion must evolve as technology advances. Digital Inclusion requires intentional strategies and investments to reduce and eliminate historical, institutional and structural barriers to access and use technology. 7

  8. Digital Inclusion 1) Affordable, robust broadband internet service; 4) quality technical support a) Seamless enrollment process; dedicated call center; product optimization 2) Internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user; a) San Diego Computers for Kids b) PCs for People 8

  9. Digital Inclusion 3) Access to digital literacy training; a) Cox Digital Academy 5) Applications and online content designed to enable and encourage self-sufficiency, participation and collaboration. 9

  10. Coronavirus Response • Temporarily increased speeds to 50/3 • Expanded eligibility • Direct Billing for schools & employers • Alternate offers Future Considerations o Record unemployment o Year-round distance learning 10

  11. ConnectHome Nation Webinar Q & A ConnectHome Nation Webinar Q&A 11

  12. ConnectHome Nation Webinar More info: Questions/Concerns: 12


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