connecthome nation webinar

ConnectHome Nation Webinar Strategies and Best Practices for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ConnectHome Nation Webinar Strategies and Best Practices for Launching a Strong Digital Inclusion Program A Review of the ConnectHome Playbook: Launchpad 1 Agenda Age genda Deep East Texas COG 1. WebEx Instructions Jersey City 2.

  1. ConnectHome Nation Webinar Strategies and Best Practices for Launching a Strong Digital Inclusion Program – A Review of the ConnectHome Playbook: Launchpad 1

  2. Agenda Age genda Deep East Texas COG 1. WebEx Instructions Jersey City 2. Introductions HA Q&A 3. Deep East Texas Council of Governments Regional Housing Authority Veronica Thomas 4. Jersey City Housing Authority Michael Strom 5. Q&A 2

  3. ConnectHome Nation Webinar Veronica Thomas, Family Self-Sufficiency Coordinator Deep East Texas Council of Governments Regional Housing Authority 3

  4. Agenda Top opic ics t s to o be e covered Deep East Texas COG 1. Getting started Jersey City 2. Building partnerships HA Q&A 3. Assessing your baseline 4

  5. Agenda Gett tting S Sta tarted Deep East Texas COG • Read ConnectHomeUSA Playbook Jersey City • Research what other ConnectHomeUSA sites have done HA  What will work in my community? Q&A • Assemble your core planning team  Who can help?  Who will help? • Clarify your digital inclusion landscape  What is the need? 5

  6. Agenda Building P Partnerships Deep East • Reach out to • Chamber of Texas COG experts Commerce Jersey City • FSS partners • County judges HA • DETCOG • Realtors Q&A • Local banks • Employers • Local hospitals • Landlords • Home health • Tenants agencies • Other • Community colleges 6

  7. Agenda Building P Partnerships Deep East Texas COG Cash donations are great, but do not underestimate the value of other contributions: Jersey City HA • Volunteers • Materials Q&A • Free event venues • Free food for events • Free advertising • Free transportation 7

  8. Agenda Building P Partnerships Deep East Texas COG Jersey City Get out of the office HA Q&A 8

  9. Agenda Strong Partnerships Deep East • Have similar interests Texas COG • Do not duplicate services Jersey City HA • Communicate • Meet frequently Q&A • Have a signed commitment statement (form) • Track progress • Share the success • Give credit 9

  10. Agenda Assessing Your Baseline Deep East Texas COG • Do your research  Surveys should be: Jersey City HA  Short (one-page maximum)  Use large font size and simple language Q&A  Be translated (if necessary)  Include yes or no questions 10

  11. Agenda DET ETCOG Surveys Deep East • 1 st survey on Oct 26, 2018 Texas COG • 2 nd survey on Feb 11, 2019 Jersey City HA • Workshops Q&A • Annual recertifications • Telephone 11

  12. Agenda Survey Resul ults Deep East Texas COG DETCOG found a disproportionate number of HCV participants did not have computing devices or Internet access Jersey City HA Recommendations: • Share results with stakeholders Q&A • Use results to benefit your ConnectHomeUSA program 12

  13. ConnectHome Nation Webinar Michael Strom, LEE Public Policy Fellow Jersey City Housing Authority 13

  14. Agenda Top opic ics t s to o be e covered Deep East Texas COG 1. Organizing a local convening Jersey City 2. Developing an action plan HA Q&A 14

  15. Agenda Organizing a Lo Local Convening Deep East Texas COG 1. Prepare for the meeting Jersey City 2. Identify key stakeholders HA 3. Gather data Q&A 4. Design agenda/execution 5. Follow-up and gather participant feedback 6. Reflect on successes, challenges and opportunities 15

  16. Agenda St Step ep on one: Prepare for or the e mee eetin ing Deep East Texas COG • Select your date/location Jersey City  JCHA Digital Inclusion Summit: Bethune Center in Jersey City - HA November 9, 2018 • Identify outcome priorities Q&A  Create momentum behind initiatives  Gather stakeholders and address tangible plans • Create online registration portal  Up-to-date attendance list  JCHA used Google Forms; easily editable for phone registrants 16

  17. Agenda Step two: I Iden entify k key stakeh ehol older ers Deep East Texas COG • Create shared list of potential stakeholders Jersey City  JCHA created a shared excel sheet HA • Invite notable speakers to present Q&A  JCHA invited:  Mayor  State Assemblywoman  AFTRR president  School District reps  Public library  Npower  HUD  EveryoneOn 17

  18. Agenda Step thre ree: Gather data ta Deep East Texas COG • Research for quotes/questions Jersey City • Gather Data HA  Housing demographic data or baseline assessment Q&A  Public housing digital divide data  Infographic on digital divide within the United states, originally published by 18

  19. Agenda Step p four: Design n agenda/execution Deep East • Encourage audience interaction Texas COG  JCHA used “Kahoot”, a free game-based learning platform; mobile app for iOS and Jersey City Android HA  Asked audience:  Name? Q&A  What drew you to today’s convening? • Create a “digitally-advanced” presentation  JCHA used “Prezi” to visually show three pieces needed for digital inclusion • Group action • Rehearsal 19

  20. St Step ep five: e: F Follo ollow-up and g gather r participant Agenda feedback Deep East Texas COG • Share results and resources Jersey City HA  Google Photo album can be shared Q&A  JCHA created a PDF with top sources to easily display convening results • Conduct a survey  JCHA conducted a survey using survey monkey  Results were very positive 20

  21. Agenda Step six: Reflect t on succe ccesses, , ch challenges Deep East and o opport rtunities Texas COG • Finding speakers and data is half the battle Jersey City HA • Give yourself enough time to prepare Q&A • Rehearsal is key (especially with support roles)  Logistical issues on the day of convening created some confusion • In the end, it’s okay to be a work in progress  JCHA’s gathering achieved convening goals of increasing momentum and bringing together key stakeholders to develop stronger partnerships with digital inclusion in mind. 21

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