anti bullying bill of rights act abr 2016 2017 hib self

Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR) 2016-2017 HIB Self Assessment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR) 2016-2017 HIB Self Assessment State mandated component of the Anti- Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR) Reflects the implementation of ABR in the district and in each individual building for the period

  1. Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR) 2016-2017 HIB Self Assessment

  2.  State mandated component of the Anti- Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR)  Reflects the implementation of ABR in the district and in each individual building for the period of July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017  All public school districts are required to post self-assessment grades

  3.  Each School Safety Team (SST) conducts the self- assessment  SST rates the implementation of ABR requirements in their building across 8 Core Elements: ◦ HIB Programs, Approaches or Other Initiatives ◦ Training on BOE-approved HIB Policy ◦ Other Staff Instruction and Training Programs ◦ Curriculum & Instruction on HIB and Related Information & Skills ◦ HIB Personnel ◦ School-Level HIB Incident Reporting Procedure ◦ HIB Investigation Procedure ◦ HIB Reporting

  4.  Within each Core Element are indicators rated on a scale of 0- 3 where “0” equals “Does not Meet the Requirements” to “3” equaling “Exceeds the Requirements”  School grade is reported on a Total Scale of 0-78

  5.  Self-Assessment Grades (0-78): ◦ District average: 74.6  Primary average: 74  Adamsville: 70  Bradley Gardens: 69  Crim: 74  Hamilton: 78  JFK: 74  Milltown: 77  Van Holten: 77  Intermediate average: 75.5  Eisenhower: 76  Hillside: 75  BRMS: 75  BRHS: 75

  6. 2016 16-2017 2017 HI HIB B Self-Asses Assessment sment BRRSD SD Self-Ass Asses essment ment 80 75 re t Score 2016-2017 2015-2016 essment 2014-2015 70 Self-Asses 2013-2014 2012-2013 (75) 65 60 A BG C H JFK M VH EI HI MS HS School ol

  7. 2016 16-2017 2017 HI HIB B Self-Asses Assessment sment  HIB Summary Report HIB Invest vestiga igatio ions ns 30 25 ons tion 20 2016-2017 tigati 2015-2016 15 2014-2015 esti 2013-2014 Inves 10 2012-2013 5 0 A BG C H JFK M VH EI HI BRMS BRHS Scho hool ol

  8. 2016 16-2017 2017 HI HIB B Self-Asses Assessment sment  HIB Summary Report – cont. Con onfir irmed med HIBs Bs 18 16 14 med 12 2016-2017 nfirme 2015-2016 10 2014-2015 Confi 8 2013-2014 6 2012-2013 4 2 0 A BG C H JFK M VH EI HI BRMS BRHS Scho hool ol

  9.  SSTs will convene in the fall ◦ Continue to focus on the development of School Climate ◦ Continue to monitor implementation of ABR requirements in their building ◦ Plan for the upcoming school year ◦ Address areas in which improvement can be made (based on self-assessment)


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