an introduction to exotic phases of matter

An Introduction to Exotic Phases of Matter By Tyler D Ellison - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

An Introduction to Exotic Phases of Matter By Tyler D Ellison Outline 1. Vague statements about phases of matter 2. Entanglement 3. Classification of exotic quantum phases of matter 1. A few words about long-range entanglement 2. More

  1. An Introduction to Exotic Phases of Matter By Tyler D Ellison

  2. Outline 1. Vague statements about phases of matter 2. Entanglement 3. Classification of exotic quantum phases of matter 1. A few words about long-range entanglement 2. More words about short-range entanglement 4. SPT phases 5. Open questions

  3. Vague statements about phases of matter

  4. Vague statements about phases of matter

  5. Vague statements about phases of matter A metal A magnet Disordered An insulator

  6. Vague statements about phases of matter Quantum entanglement

  7. Entanglement Total Hilbert space: A basis for :

  8. Entanglement A basis for :

  9. Entanglement New Hilbert space: Trivial product state:

  10. Entanglement

  11. Classification of exotic quantum phases of matter • Can focus on ground states if Niveditha Ram • Hamiltonian is gapped in the thermodynamic limit • At zero temperature Thermodynamic limit Energy

  12. Classification of exotic quantum phases of matter † † † † † † † † † † † † †

  13. Classification of exotic quantum phases of matter † † † † † † † †

  14. Classification of exotic quantum phases of matter … … … Long-range entanglement: Toric code • … … or … … String-net models • Fractional quantum Hall systems • Anyons • Short-range entanglement: Topological insulators • … … Topological superconductors • Haldane phase •

  15. SPT phases “Trivial states”

  16. SPT phases † † † † † † † † † † † † †

  17. SPT phases Protecting symmetry: G

  18. Some questions currently on my mind • What is the structure of the quantum circuits that build topological insulator states? • Do topological insulators admit frustration-free strictly local commuting projector Hamiltonians?

  19. Image Sources Phase diagram of water: Quantum entanglement:

  20. Thanks!

  21. Current problems Topological insulator Vacuum

  22. Current problems Protecting symmetry: particle number conservation, U(1) and time-reversal invariance, T

  23. Current problems

  24. Current problems Protecting symmetry: G

  25. Current problems Protecting symmetry: particle number conservation, U(1) and time-reversal invariance, T

  26. H Classification of phases -- Hamiltonians H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H

  27. SPT phases † † † † † † † † † † † † †

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