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Alpha Presentation Workspace Sentiment Analysis The Capstone - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Alpha Presentation Workspace Sentiment Analysis The Capstone Experience Team Herman Miller Jake Baum Lynn Dai Marla Defensor Sophie Frankel John Nguyen-Tran Department of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University From

  1. Alpha Presentation Workspace Sentiment Analysis The Capstone Experience Team Herman Miller Jake Baum Lynn Dai Marla Defensor Sophie Frankel John Nguyen-Tran Department of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University From Students… Spring 2020 …to Professionals

  2. Project Overview • Solving uncertainty of employee sentiment in the workplace • Mobile application for employee input • Natural language processing tool used to analyze employee input • Web application to derive quick insights The Capstone Experience Team Herman Miller Alpha Presentation 5

  3. System Architecture The Capstone Experience Team Herman Miller Alpha Presentation 6

  4. Mobile Application Survey The Capstone Experience Team Herman Miller Alpha Presentation 10

  5. Kiosk Rating The Capstone Experience Team Herman Miller Alpha Presentation 8

  6. Kiosk Feedback The Capstone Experience Team Herman Miller Alpha Presentation 9

  7. Web Analytics Platform The Capstone Experience Team Herman Miller Alpha Presentation 7

  8. What’s left to do? • Update application UX/UI to match new suggestions made by our client • Develop web analytics platform to display all forms of desired data insights • Determine most effective time and distance thresholds for proximity beacons The Capstone Experience Team Herman Miller Alpha Presentation 11

  9. Questions? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The Capstone Experience Team Herman Miller Alpha Presentation 12


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