PREPARING FOR SUCCESS Candidate online research Competition online research Voters online research SWOT analysis for our candidate and the opponents Analysis of the political and social environment Deep understanding of voters behavior and motivation
THE BIG PICTURE Strategy Presence Communication Analysis Websites Digital Advertising (Web) Analytics What Minisites Search Engine Marketing To whom Blogs Social Media Marketing Where Content Experiments When Mobisites Online PR How Communities E- mail / SMS Marketing we communicate online Conversion Optimization Platforms and applications Word of Mouth / Viral
STRATEGY & CONSULTANCY • What • To whom we communicate online We need to know • Where • When • How
WEB PRESENCE – Volunteers Platform Volunteers Network Management This platform represents the Platform main objectives: is a platform which allows the best solution for organizing spread party ’ s messages via party supporters to engage in volunteers online, engaging internet specific activities with the purpose them in party campaigns. engage people in party ’ s of spreading the party ’ s messages activities and increasing the adherence of The community you create collect data about party users to party supporters group. through this platform is key supporters when it comes online This platform will also represent campaigning(one engaged likely one of the main tools of the voter become a sure voter). party ’ s both positive and official negative campaigns.
WEB PRESENCE – Volunteers Platform It allows users to: • spread party ’ s messages on news websites • share images, texts, videos on Facebook • send postcards to friends • allow party to use members’ Facebook profiles to spread messages • send invitations to their social networks friends • communicate with other members (private emails, forum and chats) • recommend sure voters • have access to party ’ s events • gain points for their activity and increase their reputation in the community – the Volunteers Network of the Socialist Party in Albania
WEB PRESENCE – Volunteers Platforms Benefits: • Bringing all your supporters and loyal voters into this community, allowing them to become part of the campaign, endorsing every action that fosters electoral impact • Using the social media channels to your advantage - reach voters through their friends that are your supporters • Building a coherent and accurate online reputation, attract new political supporters and keep in touch with your existing supporters • Efficiently using the online medium as the fastest way to spread news about the party ’ s activity and to react to events and happenings
WEB PRESENCE - Facebook Facebook Ads Facebook Apps Content Management Alongside Facebook Apps and Facebook will serve as one of the Facebook Ads Campaigns are a very Facebook Advertising Campaigns, main channel that will host and important way to reach critical mass the day-to-day content marketing of foster the communication efforts of users in a fast manner. a Facebook page is in itself a major with our voters. With simplified messages and factor of engagement. We will place a significant attention engaging call to actions, Facebook From simple text posts, to photos to building elegant and powerful users can be attracted either to and videos sharing, events, polls, applications, in terms of engaging become fans of the page or to get you can engage with the fans by involved in an App. with our fans and creating long creating buzz-worthy conversations lasting relationships. Facebook offers very deep and by sharing with them valuable Examples: Ask the President, Join Us, segmenting opportunities, with insights. Recommend a Friend, Advice us, Be part extensive control of the of “…” ., Contest f or “…” , Pic Badge, Invite demographics. friends.
WEB PRESENCE - Facebook Benefits • Engagement • New supporters • Lead generation (data collection) • Viral effect • Feedback mechanism • Mobilize volunteers • Encourage activism • Convert “likes” into votes
DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Communication channels Social Media Marketing Digital Advertising Search Engine Marketing Search Engine Marketing Email Marketing Social Media Marketing Digital Advertising Online PR Online Reputation E-mail / SMS Marketing
FACEBOOK OBJECTIVES IDENTIFY VOTERS SEGMENTS Party members, voters, supporters and activists DEFINE/DEVELOP CONVINCING MESSAGES for sub-targets (women, youngsters, intellectual elites, retired, jobless etc) and use the internet to turn them into “active supporters”
FACEBOOK BENEFITS Spread the message much faster than any traditional marketing medium
FACEBOOK ADS Strategy Copy • Micro targeting (age, gender) Targeting • Analyze conversation rates by segmented demographics • Target opponen ts’ supporters Segmenting • Target by interests (if there are relevant data in the Facebook panel) • Permanent optimization of the ads, image/copy Analyzing testing • Find the most active demographic groups (voters, possible voters, anti voters, non voters) • Use Custom Audience and Lookalike Audiences targeting tools
FACEBOOK KPIs Number of fans Gender and age Geographic coordinates Reach Engagement (share, like, comment, post, check-in) Ads (no. of ads, impressions, reach, clicks, CTR, CPC) Apps (no. of apps installations, no. of actions inside the app, no. of data collected)
SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING (SEM) SEM is the process of gaining traffic and visibility on search engines Reputation Management KPI: Objectives: Tools: • Number of listings with all major search engines. • Positive articles (websites, blogs) • Google Insights • Keywords association in search engines. • Positive comments (Facebook, • Google Analytics • Ranking in all major search engines. • Facebook Insights forums, Twitter, G+)c • Number of social media outlets used. • Reach Media covering (YouYube • Number of interactions on Social Media outlets channel, Pinterest, Vimeo, Instagram, (per day, per week, etc.) etc ) • Number of followers/participants in social media • High rank in SERP’S for positive and outlets. relevant keywords • Media exposure – articles/ news/ positive & neutral posts
EMAIL MARKETING 1 Database Building Collecting all the email addresses from all sources (website, Facebook, microsites, fill in forms, party database, offline forms, events participation forms etc) 2 Segmentation Creating micro-groups based on different criteria (age, gender, place, studies etc) 3 Communication Efficient newsletter campaigns (timing, content, call to action, design)
DIGITAL MEDIA CAMPAIGNS Google Display Smarts banners and targeting for powerful Strategy impressions Banners following up & complementing the offline campaign (outdoor, print, video) Target by interests, topics, keywords, placements Google doesn’t allow anti & negative ads
DIGITAL MEDIA CAMPAIGNS Benefits • Be where your voters are - use the reports so you can select the channels with maximum impact for your voters • Target your voters efficiently • Engage voters in different activities • Gain a better use of your budget • Reduce overall media budget in an efficient way - by being able to better target your voters • Use tracking to identify your voters and display ads relevant to them • You control your costs by knowing at any given time how much you spent
REPUTATION MANAGEMENT Negative results analysis in Google search SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Negative exposure analysis in press, blogs, increasing the website ’ s authority websites, forums, comments etc YouTube – own content sharing Fast response into a crisis situation Building a positive/neutral (long term): Media exposure – articles/ news/ positive & • building a stable web presence neutral posts • website • blog Official positioning in crisis situations • social media presence • dedicated landing pages on well known Presence into interactive environments websites (forums, comments) • Wikipedia presence
DIGITAL COMMUNICATION – practical examples Serbia
DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Results Quality Targeted ads allowed us to control Likers demographics. During the campaign the percent of non-voter Likes (<18) decreased from 8% to 3.6% . Youngsters of 15 to 18 years old can be prepared for the next elections.
ANALYSIS Web Analytics & Optimization - Constant monitoring of KPI ’ s : There is no “silver bullet ” , online is ALL about optimization
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