understanding the difference between marketing branding

Understanding the difference between marketing , branding and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Know before you grow: Understanding the difference between marketing , branding and advertising John Crilly Brand Innovation Group (Big) john@gotobig.com branding marketing Its all the same. advertising questions? comments?

  1. Know before you grow: Understanding the difference between marketing , branding and advertising John Crilly Brand Innovation Group (Big) john@gotobig.com

  2. branding marketing It’s all the same. advertising

  3. questions? comments? disagreements? John Crilly Brand Innovation Group (Big) john@gotobig.com

  4. branding marketing It’s NOT all the same. advertising

  5. branding Official definition: Any effort or program to build a brand (The process of brand building.) Awesome definition: A person’s gut feeling about a product service or company.

  6. marketing Official definition: The process of developing, promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service. Awesome definition: The act of connecting customers to products (or services.)

  7. advertising Official definition: The action of calling something to the attention of the mass public especially to promote or sell a product, service or idea. Awesome definition: Repeatedly telling your tribe what you’ve got going on (and don’t forget digital.)

  8. branding

  9. branding six things to know #1 – A brand is not your logo (a brand is the gut feeling we get when we see your logo)

  10. branding six things to know #2 – A brand is discovered, not created.

  11. branding six things to know #3 – A brand is about emotion.

  12. branding six things to know #4 – A brand is about the experience.

  13. branding six things to know #5 – A brand is about what makes you different.

  14. branding six things to know #6 – A brand is a vehicle.

  15. marketing

  16. marketing the plan to promote the brand What tactics make up a marketing plan? Advertising Signage Public relations Direct mail Social media Online advertising Events Training Golf outings Promotions Sponsorships Videos Environments (Lobby, drive thru, etc.) Customer research The best plans are based on goals.

  17. marketing is about setting goals ABC Credit Union goals: Goal(s): Tactic: 1. Increase credit union awareness No closing costs mailer 3 2. Enhance the customer experience T-shirt giveaway at HS game 1, 4 3. Grow mortgage loans Financial column in local paper 1 4. Open more student accounts Lunch-n-Learn with Realtors 1, 3 New lobby signage 2 New POP displays 2 Golf outing sponsorship ? PPC Advertising 1, 3, 4 New video on web and social 1, 2, ?

  18. advertising

  19. advertising considerations Advertise the brand – market the products (unless you have an awesome product.)

  20. advertising considerations Advertise the brand – market the products (unless you have an awesome product.)

  21. advertising considerations Advertise with continuity.

  22. advertising considerations Be memorable.

  23. advertising considerations Be memorable.

  24. advertising considerations Consider digital.

  25. The advertising Trap

  26. selling the LT (Leadership Team)

  27. “ Business has only two basic functions – ” marketing and innovation. Peter Drucker

  28. With all due respect, our brand is all we have. A product is something made in a factory – A brand is something that is bought by the customer. A product can be copied by a competitor – A brand is unique. A product is can be quickly outdated – A successful brand is timeless. Your brand is essential - as a commodity, your only measure of value is price. Customers remain loyal to a brand because they trust it to consistently give them what they expect. Strong brands help attract, retain and engage employees.

  29. branding marketing It’s NOT all the same. advertising It starts with you.

  30. questions? comments? disagreements? John Crilly Brand Innovation Group (Big) john@gotobig.com


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