academic summer school

Academic Summer School Parent Presentation June 19 July 14, 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Saratoga Union School District Academic Summer School Parent Presentation June 19 July 14, 2017 Welcome to SUSDs Academic Summer School! * Program Features * Curriculum & Assessments * English Learner Support * Locations * Schedule *

  1. Saratoga Union School District Academic Summer School Parent Presentation June 19 – July 14, 2017

  2. Welcome to SUSD’s Academic Summer School! * Program Features * Curriculum & Assessments * English Learner Support * Locations * Schedule * Attendance * Food Services * Questions

  3. Program Features * Small class sizes * Intensive instruction with highly qualified, credentialed SUSD teachers * Teaching assistants work with small groups * Partnership with LGS Recreation

  4. Program Features * Intensive morning reading instruction (4 hours) in grades 1-3 * Intensive reading and/or math instruction (2 hours each) for grades 4-7 * English Learner instructional support for English Learners * Literacy Coach support for reading teachers * By invitation only

  5. Curriculum and Assessments * Curriculum: * Reading (1 st – 5 th ): Readers’ Workshop, Guided Reading, hands-on games and activities * Reading & Writing (6 – 8): writing process * Math (4 th – 7 th ): Moving with Math, Digital curriculum * Assessments: * Reading: Developmental Reading Assessments * Writing: On-Demand Writing Samples * Math: Formative and Summative Assessments

  6. English Learner Support * “Pull-out” program * 15 - 20 minutes once a day or every other day based on need * Variety of instructional materials * Report containing materials used with students will be given to their summer school teacher and sent home the last day.

  7. Locations Incoming grades 1-3 classes are held at Argonaut Elementary School 13200 Shadow Mountain Drive, Saratoga Incoming grades 4-8 classes are held at Redwood Middle School 13925 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga

  8. Argonaut Staff * Principal: Kathleen Erikson * EL Support: Christie Nielsen * Incoming Grade 1 Reading: Megan Queen 8:20am – 10:05 (session 1) 10:20- 12:05 (session 2) * Incoming Grade 2 Reading: Julie Kwok 8:20am – 12:05pm * Incoming Grade 3 Reading: Sandy Waite-Lopez 8:20am –12:05pm

  9. Redwood (4 th – 8 th grade) Staff * Principal: Cameron Oates * English Language Development: Christie Nielsen * Incoming Grades 4/5 Reading: Jon Havens * Incoming Grades 6/7/8 Reading/Writing: Linda Rosiak * Incoming Grades 4/5 Math: Megan Lawson * Incoming Grades 6/7/8 Math: TBD

  10. Schedule * June 19 to July 14 * There is NO school on July 4 * Argonaut: 8:20 – 12:05 (break 10:05-10:20) * Redwood: 8:30 – 12:15 (break 10:15-10:30)

  11. Attendance Policy * No more than two days of absence * Arrive on time * Pick up on time

  12. Safety * Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Areas * When dropping off or picking up your child at the school, please use the designated Drop-Off and Pick-Up Only area-indicated on campus map. Please note: This is a drop-off and pick-up zone only . No parking or waiting of any kind is allowed. Please drive all the way forward in the drop off/pick up zone. Do not let your child out of the car until you are stopped at the edge of the curb. Please abide by signs and the directions of our teachers and staff to ensure the safety of our children.

  13. Food Services * Breakfast will be available each day. * The cost is $2.00 and includes morning entrée and juice. Students approved for the free and reduced lunch program are eligible. * Breakfast will be served during the morning break and can be picked up in the cafeteria . * Students are encouraged to bring a bottle of water and snack each day. * Questions regarding the Summer School breakfast program, please contact the Food Service Office at 408 867-3042 ext 212.

  14. Questions? * Roberta Zarea, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services * Lisa Gilligan, SUSD Summer School Registrar and Clerical * Cameron Oates, LGSR Principal of Redwood Summer School * Kathleen Erikson, LGSR Principal of Argonaut Summer School * Manuel Enriquez, LGSR School Services Director


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