impr improvement ement

Impr Improvement ement Plan Orienta Plan Orientation tion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Academic Academic Impr Improvement ement Plan Orienta Plan Orientation tion Building Your Plan for Academic Success Academic Impr Academic Improvement P ement Plan lan (AIP) (AIP) The Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) offers academic

  1. Academic Academic Impr Improvement ement Plan Orienta Plan Orientation tion Building Your Plan for Academic Success

  2. Academic Impr Academic Improvement P ement Plan lan (AIP) (AIP) The Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) offers academic support to students re-admitted into Southeast Missouri State University after academic suspension or disqualification

  3. Requir equirements of ements of AIP AIP The requirements include but are not limited to: • Completing the Intake form • Completing the following Moodle modules by the end of the first 8-weeks of the semester : • Campus Resources • Financial Literacy • Satisfactory Academic Progress • Using a GPA Calculator • Completing two College Success and Financial Responsibility Seminars Submitting midterm grades to Moodle by the end of the 8 th week of the semester • • Completing a Midterm Grade Check Meeting if your midterm GPA is below 2.0 • Earning a 2.0 semester GPA All requirements must be completed by the 8 th week of the semester!

  4. Completion of Completion of AIP AIP • If AIP requirements are not completed by the end of the semester, the registration hold placed on your account will not be removed until after final grades have been submitted and you have earned above a 2.0 GPA for the semester

  5. AIP Moodle Page • AIP has a Moodle Page that includes academic success modules • The following modules are required for AIP completion: • Campus Resources • Financial Literacy • Satisfactory Academic Progress • Using a GPA Calculator • To receive credit for module completion, the student must complete the entire activity • Activity completion will be tracked via Moodle – For those who want to self-report their progress, the College Success Plan check- list is available under the “Academic Improvement Plan” tab

  6. AIP Moodle Page August • Students can begin August 28 Complete the AIP Intake Form completing their Moodle Modules on September Monday, August 24 • To stay on track with September 4 Complete the Campus Resources activity the completion of the September 18 Complete the Satisfactory Academic Progress AIP Modules, the activity following timeline is October suggested: October 2 Complete the Using a GPA Calculator activity October 16 Complete the Financial Literacy activity October 23 Completion of ALL AIP activities Submit midterm grades

  7. AIP Advisors • Each student required to complete AIP is assigned to an AIP Advisor • AIP participants can schedule appointments to meet 1-1 with their assigned advisor • Meetings with AIP Advisors are optional • Below are areas in which your AIP Advisor can provide assistance: – Identifying internal and external factors that may hinder academic success – Creating and executing a plan to improve your academic performance – Connecting you to campus resources that promote academic and social involvement – Empowering accountability and responsibility for academic success

  8. Steps to Completing AIP Step 1: – Review the AIP Orientation presentation You are already on your way!

  9. Steps to Completing AIP Step 2: – Complete the AIP Intake Form • The AIP Intake Form link is also included in your orientation email If you plan on meeting with an AIP Advisor in-person, your Intake Form must be submitted prior to your appointment!

  10. Steps to Completing AIP Step 3: – Complete the program • Complete all areas listed in “Requirements of AIP” slide (page 3)

  11. Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact Academic Improvement Plan Staff WyKeshia Atkins and Lindie Perry Academic Improvement Plan Coordinators 573-651-2861

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