Sumter County, FL Sumter County, FL Pa ement Management St d Pa ement Management St d Pavement Management Study Pavement Management Study Presented by: VHB MillerSellen May 17, 2011
Presentation Overview • Pavement Management Concepts Pavement Management Concepts Sumter • Pavement Management in Sumter County r County - P � Methodology � Current Conditions & Backlog � Budget Analysis � Budget Analysis Pavement M • Recommendations Management
Pavement Management Concepts What is Pavement Management? What is Pavement Management? What is Pavement Management? What is Pavement Management? Sumter The practice of planning for pavement The practice of planning for pavement • r County - P maintenance and rehabilitation with the goal of maximizing the value and life of a pavement network. et o k Pavement M Managemen Oth Otherwise known as i k “Getting the Biggest Bang for Your Buck” nt
Pavement Management Concepts Pavement Deterioration Curve Pavement Deterioration Curve Pavement Deterioration Curve Pavement Deterioration Curve Sumter r County - Pavement M Will cost $25.00 Managemen t $40 00 H to $40.00 Here nt
Pavement Management Concepts The Process The Process The Process The Process Sumter • Develop Pavement Section Inventory • I Integrate Inventory with GIS I i h GIS r County - P • Pavement distress identification and quantification • Pavement Condition Index (PCI) calculation on a 0 - 100 scale Pavement Condition Index (PCI) calculation on a 0 100 scale Pavement M • Define Treatment Options and Costs • Test various Budget Scenarios Managemen • Develop list of candidate projects • Apply engineering and local judgment to define annual road program program nt
Pavement Management Concepts Data Collection Process & Tools Data Collection Process & Tools Data Collection Process & Tools Data Collection Process & Tools Sumter • Field Data Collection conducted by combined County and Consultant Team C lt t T r County - P • Pavement Distress Identification done using ASTM Standard Method Pavement M • Industry Standard “MicroPAVER” pavement management software used for analysis Management
Pavement Management Concepts Recommended Pavement Treatments Recommended Pavement Treatments Recommended Pavement Treatments Recommended Pavement Treatments Sumter • Crack Sealing r County - P • Patching • Microsurface • Chip Seal Chip Seal Pavement M • Thin Overlay • Mill & Overlay Managemen • Interlayer • Reclamation • • Reconstruction Reconstruction nt
Pavement Management Concepts g p No Immediate Maintenance No Immediate Maintenance (PCI (PCI 86 86- -100 100) ) Sumter C 48 E r County - P = 98 = 98 CI = CI = Pavement M PC PC Managemen nt
Pavement Management Concepts g p Routine Maintenance Condition (PCI Routine Maintenance Condition (PCI 76 76- -85 85) ) Sumter CR 745 r County - P = 81 = 81 CI = CI = Pavement M PC PC Managemen nt Treatment options – Crack sealing, patching
Pavement Management Concepts g p Preventive Maintenance Condition (PCI Preventive Maintenance Condition (PCI 61 61- -75 75) ) Sumter C 48E r County - P 9 = 69 = 69 CI = CI = Pavement M PC PC Managemen nt Treatment options – Microsurface, chip seal, thin overlay
Pavement Management Concepts g p Structural Improvement Condition (PCI S S Structural Improvement Condition (PCI 31 l I l I C C di i di i (PCI (PCI 31 31 60 31-60 60) 60) Sumter CR 763 4 = 34 = 34 r County - P CI = CI = Pavement M PC PC Managemen nt Treatment options – Overlay, Mill & Overlay, i O l ill O l Interlayer & Overlay
Pavement Management Concepts g p Base Rehabilitation Condition (PCI 0-30 B B Base Rehabilitation Condition (PCI R h bili R h bili i i C C di i di i (PCI (PCI 0 30 30) 30) Sumter CR 514 r County - P 0 = 10 = 10 CI = CI = Pavement M PC PC Managemen nt Treatment options – Reclamation, Reconstruction
Pavement Management in Sumter County Average Weighted Pavement Condition Index = 73 Average Weighted Pavement Condition Index = 73 g g g g Sumter No Immediate Maintenance Routine Maintenance Routine Maintenance r County - P on Index Preventive Maintenance 73 t Conditio Pavement M Structural Improvement Managemen Pavemen Base Rehabilitation Base Rehabilitation nt Age, years
Pavement Management in Sumter County g y Sumter County Pavement Condition Index Distribution 178.0 Sumter 180 160 r County - P 140 120 les 100 90 Pavement M Mi 80 63 53 60 50 49 40 37 33 40 25 19 9 Managemen 15 20 11 10 9 6 5 4 3 0 - nt Pavement Condition Index May 4, 2011
Sumter County - Pavement Management GIS Map
Pavement Management in Sumter County g y Current Pavement Backlog Current Pavement Backlog Pavement Treatment Band Miles Cost Sumter Do Nothing Do Nothing 194 1 194.1 $0 $0 r County - P Routine Maintenance 130.7 $778,000 Pavement M Preventive Maintenance 144.5 $9,306,000 Structural Improvement 189.2 $48,484,000 Managemen Base Rehabilitation 38.5 $15,094,000 Totals: 697.1 $73,662,000 , , nt
Pavement Management in Sumter County g y Current Pavement Backlog Summary Current Pavement Backlog Summary Current Pavement Backlog Summary Current Pavement Backlog Summary COST MILES Sumter r County - Pavement Managemen Base Rehabilitation Structural Improvement Preventative Maintenance Preventative Maintenance nt Routine Maintenance Do Nothing
Pavement Management in Sumter County Funding Scenarios Funding Scenarios Funding Scenarios Funding Scenarios Sumter � Current Funding ‐ $1.1M/yr for 5 years r County - P � Recommended Funding ‐ $3.2M/yr for 5 years Pavement M � Comparison Funding Level ‐ $5M/yr for 5 years Management
Pavement Management in Sumter County g y Future Pavement Condition Comparison Future Pavement Condition Comparison 75.0 74.0 73.0 72.0 $1 1M $1.1M PCI 71.0 $3.2M $5.0M 70.0 69 0 69.0 68.0 67.0 Now 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Pavement Management in Sumter County g y Future Pavement Backlog Comparison Future Pavement Backlog Comparison 80,000,000 75,000,000 70,000,000 Dollars s $1.1M 65,000,000 $3.2M $5.0M 60,000,000 55,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000 Now 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Pavement Management in Sumter County Annual Maintenance Cost Comparison Annual Maintenance Cost Comparison Annual Maintenance Cost Comparison Annual Maintenance Cost Comparison Sumter r County - P Annual Road Budget Annual Auto Maintenance $$$ $1,100,000 $64 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ = ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Pavement M Total Value of Road Network Value of a New Car $344,375,000 $20,000 Management
Development of Annual Road Program p f g Determine effective funding levels � System recommends roads of highest benefit to the County � based on: Sumter Traffic Volume � r County - P Repair Cost � Repair Life Expectancy � Land Use Land Use � � Pavement M Evacuation Routes � Pavement Condition � The system allocates annual budget to high benefit roads and The system allocates annual budget to high benefit roads and Managemen � � analyzes the effect on overall county wide conditions. Engineering judgment is used to adjust the program to reflect � coordination with other projects safety needs mobilization coordination with other projects, safety needs, mobilization nt efficiencies, etc.
Next Steps p System will be used to develop prioritized list of “candidate” � projects for FY 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program 6 Each project will be assigned a treatment and associated cost Sumter � Projects will be reviewed by County and VHB staff to “ground j y y g � r County - P truth” the system generated recommendations and estimated costs Refinements will be made based on engineering, economic, g g, , � Pavement M and safety factors Recommended program to be presented and discussed on � June 21 st Commission meeting will include list and map of g p Managemen projects, cost estimates, and overall annual pavement budget for each year of the CIP nt
Recommendations Recommendations � Budget adequate funds to achieve pavement condition goals � Budget adequate funds to achieve pavement condition goals Sumter � Use the Right Tool at the Right Time in the Right Place r County - P � Make timely maintenance repairs � Address major rehabilitation needs as funding allows Pavement M � Perform project level testing prior to major rehabilitation projects to ensure proper life of new pavement Managemen � Provide for construction inspection to ensure quality material is provided and quality work is being performed. nt
Recommendations Recommendations � Update database to reflect projects that have been done p p j � Track specific and overall conditions periodically Sumter r County - P � Evaluate funding levels periodically � Develop multi-year road programs Pavement M � Update pavement condition ratings regularly Management
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