ma manag nageme ement nt syst stem em

Ma Manag nageme ement nt Syst stem em Presented by: MBA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Al Aladin adin Am Amus usement ement Park Oc Occupati upational onal Healt alth h & Safety ty (OH OH&S) &S) Ma Manag nageme ement nt Syst stem em Presented by: MBA Students Institute of Business Administration 1

  1. Al Aladin adin Am Amus usement ement Park Oc Occupati upational onal Healt alth h & Safety ty (OH OH&S) &S) Ma Manag nageme ement nt Syst stem em Presented by: MBA Students Institute of Business Administration 1

  2. Team Structure Dr. Nasir Afghan, Director MBA Program – IBA (Project Supervisor IBA) Mehvash Ahsen Rehman Salman Hemani Zain Shah Waqas Rauf Jehanzeb Ali Zameer Manager Materials Manager EHS, Senior Engineer, Cards Brand Manager, Project Coordinator, Manager EHS, Planning, K-Electric Ltd. Division, Sanofi-Aventis Pak. Ltd. Adaptive Technologies GlaxoSmithKline 2 Syngenta Pakistan Ltd. Pakistan State Oil

  3. Presentation Flow • Define the project • Share the outcome of research • Share the results and inference of organization-wide Safety Surveys • Enlighten Best safety practices • Explain the gaps identified in safety practices at the park • Suggest roadmap to improve weaknesses, capitalize strengths • Gather feedback from stakeholders 3

  4. Objectives Park – the first amusement park in the city to formally establish and implement comprehensive OH&S Management System Achieve & Maintain Zero Accidents Financial Benefits (attract new customers, repeat visits, reduced operational costs etc.) Improved Safety Conditions, attracting safety conscious customers Improve Brand Image and Equity 4

  5. Project Road Map Phase I Study of International Standards and OH&S Practices + Collection Of Data For Aladin Park (through OH&S Audit, Interviews etc.) Phase II GAP ANALYSIS Analyze the data collected in Phase I & Identify short comings Phase III Propose Comprehensive OH&S Improvement Plan 5

  6. Benefits of OH&S Management System Moral  Safer environment for customers & employees  Protection against potential injuries Social  Demonstrate social responsibility of business  Legal and regulatory compliance Economical  Maximize staff’s productivity, commitment to organization  Protect and enhance Brand Image and Equity  Reduce cost of business disruptions 6

  7. Components of Integrated OH&S Mgmt System Organizational Factors 7

  8. Research Methodology • With rides operators, Maintenance teams, admin and In Depth safety personnel, customers, Management Interviews Sample Size: 15 to 20 • High risk rides: Discovery, Trica, Crazy Boat, Dodgem Primary On Site Cars, Ferries Wheel etc. Research Inspections • Park Layout • Contractor Activity • Operations , Maintenance, Administration Teams, Survey Safety personnel, Management Questionnaire Sample Size: 40 to 45 Research Methods Global Standards: Secondary Literature • OHSAS 18001:2007 Research review • Guidelines on Safe Practices for Amusement by HSE • Safety of Amusement Devices by ADSC (Amusement Devices Safety Council) Park’s Practices: • Safety SOPs • Maintenance Checklists 8 • Training Modules

  9. Quantitative Analysis 9

  10. Quantitative Analysis Surveys Performed • Safety Culture of Aladin Amusement Park • Effectiveness of Safety Systems at Aladin Amusement Park Three levels of Management of Aladin Amusement Park Assessed • Senior Management • Middle Management • Operational Level Management Sample size: 46 persons From the data of online surveys, a tool has been developed to show: • Analysis of any of the surveys as mentioned above. • Analysis of all 3 management levels including an overall analysis “Overall Management” • Analysis of each individual category within a questionnaire The answers of respondents were measured through six levels: 0 = Not Sure (The respondent don’t know the answer) Legend 1 = Strongly Disagree (The respondent strongly disagrees) 2 = Disagree (The respondent disagrees) Desired/Satisfactory Performance 4-5 3 = Neutral (The respondent has neutral view) Below par: Needs improvement 3-4 4 = Agree (The respondent agrees) <3 10 5 = Strongly Agree (The respondent strongly agrees) Critical Focus Area

  11. Survey 1: Assessment of Safety Culture 11

  12. Survey 1: Assessment of Safety Culture Legend Dimensions Rating Availability of Resources 3.51 4-5 Desired/Satisfactory Performance Commitment to Safety - Everyone / Individual 3.77 3-4 Below par (Needs improvement) Commitment to Safety - Sr. Mgmt 3.62 Contractor Safety Mgmt 2.68 <3 Critical Focus Area Housekeeping 3.25 Incidents reporting & Investigation 3.58 Legal and Regulatory Compliance 3.6 Openess to Communication 3.48 Peer Relationship 3.72 Policy & Procedures 3.31 Respect for People / Mutual Trust 3.69 Summary Reward and Recognition 2.94  Fear of incident accident reporting Roles and Responsibilities 3.46  Whistle blowing for unsafe act Safety Performance Measurement and Reviews 3.45 Training, awareness and competence 3.49  Knowledge and clarity regarding safety concepts Use of Tools and Equipment 3.49  Motivational issues  Lack of provision of safety gadgets Overall Rating 3.47 12

  13. Survey 2: Effectiveness of Safety Systems 13

  14. Survey 2: Effectiveness of Safety Systems Legend Dimensions Rating 4-5 Desired/Satisfactory Performance Competence Management and Trainings 3.45 Emergency Response Procedure 3.28 3-4 Below par (Needs improvement) Hazard Identification and Risk Management 2.99 <3 Critical Focus Area HSE Trainings 3.16 Incident Reporting & Investigation 3.23 Management Safety Leadership 3.47 Summary Process for Design and Engineering 3.13  Structured safety management system missing Process for Facility's Life Management 2.91  Detailed Standard operating procedures not Resource Management 3.45 developed Safety Communication 3.24  Competence Management be incorporated Setting of Safety Goals and Safety Policy 2.85  Safety Communication with customers 3.39 Vision, Mission, Business Goals, JD, SOPs  Preparedness for various emergencies needs Overall Rating 3.24 improvement 14

  15. Qualitative Analysis 15

  16. High Risks Areas Aging factor of equipment Critical Areas Focus on corrective versus preventive measures Availability of Detailed SOP’s Lack of safety trained personnel Safety communication with customers missing Defining Safety KPIs Incentive plans missing to promote Safety Culture Need Enhanced Awareness of International standards Improvement House keeping measures – Room for improvement 16

  17. Proposed OH&S Management System 17

  18. OH&S Management Implementation Methodology • Risk Management • Competence, Training & Awareness • Operational Control: Permit to Work, Trainings • Emergency Preparedness & Response • Communication, Participation & Consultation Do Do Do • Establish OH&S Policy • Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining Control • Establish OH&S Objectives Plan Plan Plan Plan Check Check Check • Performance Measurement • Incident investigation • Internal Audits • Management Review Act Act Act Continual improvement by implementing decisions/outputs of : • Incident investigation • Internal Audits • Management Review 18

  19. Do Aladin Park Policy Guidelines Plan Check OH&S Management Policy Statement Act Commitment to:  Prevention of injury and ill-health  Continual improvement in OH&S Management  Surpass the requirements and expectations of all stakeholders Improving Health and Safety performance by  Embedding Health & Safety in routine and non-routine activities  Proactive system of risk management  Adequate training, information, instructions and supervisions to manage competence of employees  Communication with stakeholders  Establishing a system of performance planning, measurement and reviews 19

  20. Do Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (HIRA) Plan Check CURRENT STATUS Act 20

  21. Do Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment: 6 Step Model Plan Check Act • Identification Of Hazards • All types of potential hazards in that specified activity to be identified and noted down Step # 1 • Who Can Be Harmed & How • Analysis of all who can be harmed because of that specific hazard like rise operator, rider, passer by etc Step # 2 • Risk Evaluation • You then need to access the level of risk against specified hazard through your risk matrix Step # 3 • Identification Of Controls • In order to bring the risk level to "Tolerable Risk"; appropriate control shall be identified Step # 4 • Communicate & Implement Controls • Implementation of identified controls shall be ensured in true spirit Step # 5 • Periodic Review • Regular reviews shall be taken place to accommodate any process/design change Step # 6 21

  22. Do Sample Risk Matrix for Aladin Amusement Park Plan Check Act 22


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