2020 2020 21 oper 21 operating ting and and ca capital

2020 2020-21 Oper 21 Operating ting and and Ca Capital Impr - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2020 2020-21 Oper 21 Operating ting and and Ca Capital Impr pital Improvement ement Pr Prog ogram Budg am Budget et San Dimas City Council Budget Session #3 June 9, 2020 1 2020 2020-20 2021 21 Bud Budge get t De Develop

  1. 2020 2020-21 Oper 21 Operating ting and and Ca Capital Impr pital Improvement ement Pr Prog ogram Budg am Budget et San Dimas City Council Budget Session #3 June 9, 2020 1

  2. 2020 2020-20 2021 21 Bud Budge get t De Develop elopmen men t January 3 rd 2020 • Budget Worksheets Distributed February 4 th 2020 • Department Head Budget Meeting February 19 th 2020 • Department Head Prep Meeting February 25 th 2020 • Mid Year Budget Report and Preliminary Review April 3 rd 2020 • Department Budgets Due April 22 nd 2020 • Emergency Budgets Due May 5 th – 7 th 2020 • Individual Department Head Meetings May 12 th 2020 • Council Revenue Update Presentation May 20 th 2020 • Council Review of Preliminary Budget May 26 th 2020 • Council Review of Emergency Budget June 9 th 2020 • Revised Budget Incorporating Council Comments 2

  3. Over erall ll Bud udget t Fact actors • Reduction in Revenues from 2018 -19 Actu Actuals ls 20 2019-20 20 (3,011,622) (3,0 20 2020-21 21 (2,8 (2,809,685) • Unknown assumptions due to COVID -19/economic ic sit situation • Revenues continue to be less than operating & maintenance needs • Capital improvement and equipment needs • Staffing needs to operate departments efficiently 3

  4. Depa epartment Red eductio ions to o over erall ll Bud udget The Th e foll ollowing sl slides wil will dis display exp xpenses tha hat were dis discussed to o be bud be budgeted in n 2020-21 but but wer ere rem emoved pr prior to o pr preliminary budget and bud and the hen fur urther red educed with with the he em emergency bud budget. . 4

  5. Cost of items considered but not included in the proposed budget across all funds. Administration (224,550) Community Development (2,524,415) Public Works (3,673,828) Parks & Recreation (1,254,103) Total considered expenditures Citywide by department for all funds. (7,676,896) 5

  6. Administration & General Services Budget Reduction from Preliminary Recommendations all funds Maintenance & Operations - Administration (43,500) Maintenance & Operations - General Services (81,050) Service Order Request/Asset Management Software (100,000) Total Reductions all funds (224,550) 6

  7. Community Development Reduction from original recommendation at start of budget process all funds General Plan Update (2,400,000) Maintenance & Operations General Fund (28,000) FT Plans Examiner (partial offset of reduction in contract plan checking ($10,000) (96,415 Total Reductions all funds (2,524,415) 7

  8. Public Works budget reduction from original recommendations at start of budget process all funds Maintenance & Operations General Fund (107,700) Guard Rails (5,000) Speed Bump Installation (10,000) Various Slurry Seal (35,000) Downtown Decorative Lighting (335,000) Via Vaquero Lighting Project (350,000) Professional Services Lighting District (10,000) F-250 Trucks (2) and F-150 Truck City Fleet (91,128) Gold line Betterments (500,000) Alley Design (30,000) Lonehill Street Project (1,700,000) Various Residential Streets Appropriation for FY 2020-21 (160,000) Pavement Preservation Appropriation for FY 2020-21 (340,000) 8 Total Reductions all funds (3,673,828)

  9. Parks & Recreation budget reductions from start of budget process all funds Maintenance & Operations - Recreation Center (254,423) Maintenance & Operations - Other General Fund (37,180) Maintenance & Operations - Other Funds (16,500) Landscape District Maint & Operations (158,000) Lonehill Park (70,000) Via Verde Playground Structure (170,000) Civic Center Stage Canopy and Lighting (50,000) Loma Vista Park Picnic Shelter Repairs (10,000) Reduction in Civic Center Park Tables & Benches (40,000) Reduction in Recreation Center Improvements (363,000) ReductionTrail Fencing & Surface Improvements (50,000) Scissor Lift (35,000) Total Reductions all funds (1,254,103) 9

  10. • Cou Council recommendations, capital l pr projects and and staffin ing inclu luded in the he Proposed Bud Budget Th The e foll ollowing ar are e listings of of the he Cou Council rec ecommended add add-ons to o the he pr prop oposed em emergency bud budget, cap apital pr proj ojects, cur currently vac acant posi positions and and staffing rec ecom ommendations. 10

  11. • Exp Expenditu ture Add Added to to the he Proposed Bud Budget Con ontinuous Improvement Training $2 $25,000 Network Sec Security Upg pgrades $25,000 Downtown Side Do Sidewalk Mai aintenance (I (In n Hou ouse) $5 $5,000 Urban For orest $50,000 Tor oro Din Dingo (I (Inc ncludes Rem emoval l of of Sci Sciss ssor Lift Lift) $2 $25,000 Ad Additio ional Cap apital Improvements s for or Rec ec Cen enter $2 $237,000 Cos osts to o con ontinue poo pool l ope operations at Rec ec Center $2 $225,013 Tot otal l Ad Additions $5 $567,013 11

  12. Public ublic Wor orks ks Major ajor Ca Capital pital Projects ojects Lighting Gas Tax District RMRA Measure Infrastructure Fund Fund Proposition C Prop A Measure R Measure M Fund W Fund Project Name Fund 012 002 007 Fund 073 Fund 72 Fund 074 Fund 076 077 078 Totals Via Verde - 340,000 - 1,200,000 - 500,000 690,000 - - 2,730,000 Co Covina Bo Boulevard - - 140,000 840,000 - 160,000 892,245 550,000 - 2,582,245 Light Projects - - 510,000 - - - - - - 510,000 Paveme ment Pr Preservation - 360,000 - - - - 84,000 - - 444,000 Ba Badillo 1,897,050 100,000 130,800 105,000 - 55,000 - - - 2,287,850 Goldline Yard Relocation 150,000 - - - - - - - - 150,000 Goldline Park & Ri Ride - - - - 250,000 - - - - 250,000 Ca Catch Ba Basin Grates & Filters - - - - - - - - 850,000 850,000 12 Grand Total 2,047,050 800,000 780,800 2,145,000 250,000 715,000 1,666,245 550,000 850,000 9,804,095

  13. Parks s & R & Recreation ion- Ca Capit ital l Pr Projec jects: s: Fund Fu nding ng Sour Source ce/Qui /Quimby mby Fee ees/G s/Gran ants s or or Gen ener eral al Fu Fund nd Tran ansf sfer ers Infrastructure Open Sp Space Open Sp Space Open Sp Space Project Name me Fund 12 Fund 21 Fund 22 Fund 23 Totals Trail Fencing & Surface Improvements 100,000 100,000 Urban Forest Reforestation 150,000 150,000 Foothill Blvd Median Landscape Improvements 400,000 400,000 Sports Plex Improvements 150,000 150,000 Horsethief Canyon Park - Trails & Dog Park 150,000 150,000 Recreation Center Improvements 337,000 337,000 Senior Center Community Center Project 50,000 50,000 Pioneer Park- Court Re-Surfacing & Security Lights 40,000 40,000 Community Services Building. Audio/Visual System 50,000 50,000 Civic Center Bldgs.-HVAC, Alarm, Lighting Control Systems 100,000 100,000 Civic Center Park Tables and Benches 10,000 10,000 Loma Vista Park Playground Structure 160,000 160,000 Loma Vista Park Basketball Court Resurfacing 50,000 50,000 Grand Total 650,000 637,000 250,000 210,000 1,747,000 13

  14. Equipment Purchases Equipment Purchases Computer Equipment & Server Desktop Replacements or repair 12,700 Telephone/Cellphone/Equipment Replacement or repair 8,200 Code Compliance (Parking Enforcement Ford Escapes lease 11,615 Toro Dingo 60,000 Walk Behind Aerator 40,000 Total Equipment Budget $132,515 14

  15. Staffing In Incl cluded in in th the Bu Budget Current Vacant positions Assistant Engineer Salary & Benefits $113,221 Building Permit Technician Salary & Benefits $82,544 Administrative Aide Salary & Benefits $86,276 Vacant Supervisor Position in Parks & Recreation $102,518 Equipment Mechanic Salary & Benefits $78,844 Pool Maintenance Operator PT $45,000 Senior Office Assistant PT $32,000 Total Current Vacant Positions $540,403 Proposed New Positions Full Time Public Information Officer from Part Time $36,000 Recreation Coordinator Salary & Benefits $86,636 Total Cost Proposed New Positions $122,636 Grand Total $663,039 15

  16. Gen General Fund Reserves Pr Projectio tions for r FY Y 2020-2021 2021 General Fund Reserve Levels Reserve Amount Reserve % FY 2018/19 General Fund Reserve 20,566,477 82% FY 2019/20 Projected General Fund Reserve 18,213,590 74% FY 2020/21 Projected General Fund Reserve 15,991,387 66% 16

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