oper operating referendum ndum proposal oposal

Oper Operating Referendum ndum Proposal oposal Ma May 5, 5, 2020 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Oper Operating Referendum ndum Proposal oposal Ma May 5, 5, 2020 2020 www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Doin ing morein in mor more ways waysfor mor more studen udentsm smore eff

  1. Oper Operating Referendum ndum Proposal oposal Ma May 5, 5, 2020 2020 www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  2. Doin ing more…in in mor more ways ways…for mor more studen udents…m s…more eff efficiently. www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  3. New teachers hired since 2012: 608 www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  4. In Indiana Public lic Educ ducation ion Fundi Funding ng Pr Process State Funding = Local Property Taxes Debt Funds Education Fund = Operations Fund Payments for facility improvements such Operating expenses Teachers and as building such as custodians, classroom supplies, renovations and the utilities, technology, etc. soccer field and transportation construction www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  5. In Indiana Public lic Educ ducation ion Fundi Funding ng Pr Process Local Property Local Property State Funding = Debt Funds Taxes = Operations Taxes = Education Fund Fund Referendum 2020 Payments for Operating facility expenses such For any purpose Teachers and improvements as custodians, approved by classroom such as building utilities, the Board and supplies, etc. renovations and technology, and voters the soccer field transportation construction www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  6. www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  7. Admi Admini nistrator tor Compari Comparisons ons www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  8. Changes in Indiana law mean that BCSC • Property tax caps $2.5M in 2020 schools have collected • State funding reduction $3M in 2010 $46M less since 2009 • Funding formula shift $ to more affluent • Complexity definition changes than if the law remained unchanged. www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  9. 2019 2019 Gaps Gaps Budg Budget et $0.3158 $0.3158 Locat cation $0.2531 $0.2531 IN IN Me Mean an $0.2265 $0.2265 Assessed Assessed Va Value $0.2120 $0.2120 www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  10. Re Referendum Pr Proposal BCSC proposes a property tax rate increase of $0.1560 per $100 of assessed value to increase teacher and support staff salaries and improve student safety. Rate remains below the Indiana average and in similar districts 100% goes towards employee salaries and student safety $7.79/month for an average homeowner ( less than $100/year ) www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  11. A Cl Closer oser Look Look • 100% of the money will support employee retention and student safety www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  12. Em Emplo ployee ee Re Retention and and Re Recruitment 1. Implement substantial teacher retention increases to reduce teacher turnover ($42.4M or 67.9%) www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  13. Emplo Em ployee ee Re Retention and and Re Recruitment 2. Increase support staff pay ($11.6M or 18.6%) • Average 9.4% increase for 95 bus drivers • 4 ‐ 10% increase for other support staff • Average 7.3% increase for ~900 FT and PT employees www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  14. Student Saf Studen Safety ty and and Security Security 3. Update bus fleet ($3.8M or 6.1%) 4. Sustain Counseling Counts mental health and social ‐ emotional health Pre K ‐ 12 ($3.2M or 5.1%) 5. School Resource Officers ($1.5M or 2.3%) www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  15. Pr Proposed Expendi Expenditures by by Ca Categor gory www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  16. A Cl Closer oser Look Look • Cost to the average homeowner is $7.79/month www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  17. Monthly tax impact Home assessed value $113,100 $141,800 $298,800 ‐ homestead deduction ‐ $45,000 ‐ $45,000 ‐ $45,000 ‐ supplemental deduction ‐ $23,835 ‐ $33,880 ‐ $88,830 ‐ mortgage deduction ‐ $3,000 ‐ $3,000 ‐ $3,000 Net assessed value $41,265 $59,920 $161,970 x $0.156 rate per $100/month $5.36 $7.79 $21.06 www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  18. REMINDER Referendum proposal BCSC proposes a property tax rate increase of $0.1560 per $100 of assessed value to increase teacher and support staff salaries and improve student safety. Rate remains below the Indiana average and in similar districts 100% goes towards employee salaries and student safety $7.79/month for an average homeowner ( less than $100/year ) www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  19. Process Monday Tuesday Monday Monday Tuesday Jan. 13 Apr. 7 Dec. 16 Apr. 6 May 5 Voter Early Board Board Election day Registration Voting Approval Presentation Deadline Begins www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  20. Ques Questions? ons? Access more information, a tax calculator, and FAQ at: www.bcsc.k12.in.us/referendum Register to vote: indianavoters.in.gov/ www.bcscschools.org Follow us @bcscschools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


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