summer school and summer programs 2014 district

Summer School and Summer Programs 2014 District Effectiveness - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Summer School and Summer Programs 2014 District Effectiveness Report Summer School Locations: To provide high To provide high qual quality cu y curricul rriculum, instruction, and m, instruction, and assessme assessment To support

  1. Summer School and Summer Programs 2014 District Effectiveness Report

  2. Summer School Locations:

  3.  To provide high To provide high qual quality cu y curricul rriculum, instruction, and m, instruction, and assessme assessment  To support To support students as they prepare students as they prepare for future coursework, for future coursework, state assessmen state assessments, or s, or comple completio tion of required academ of required academic ic standards standards  To offer a To offer a variety of opport variety of opportunities fo unities for e r enrichment bo richment both th academic and academic and extra-curricular extra-curricular  To reinforce learning in To reinforce learning in language arts, language arts, mathematics, mathematics, promoti promotion courses, credi courses, credit recov recovery, and credi ry, and credit advan advancemen ent  Overal Overall, to assist studen l, to assist students in acce ts in accele leratio ration of instruc of instructio iona nal l needs needs an and to gai d to gain enri enrich chme ment the thereby ensuri eby ensuring the the opportun opportunity for y for studen students to ts to reach their highest potential reach their highest potential

  4. Elementary Elementary Enrollment Enrollment 2014 2014 76 Language Academy 122 Reader/Writer-Literacy Club Math Club 106 PBL Club 38 5th SSI Reading 70 81 5th SSI Math 493 493 Total Elementary Served Total Elementary Served

  5. Middle School Enrollment Middle School Enrollment 2014 2014 MS Promotion Program 67 8th SSI Reading 28 8th SSI Math 37 Total M tal Middle e School Se School Serve rved 132

  6.  67 students were enrolled in MAP % Passing % Passing 6th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade th Grade 8th Grade th Grade English / 100% 93% 100% Language Arts Math 87% 100% 89% Social Studies 100% 100% 100% Science 100% 100% 100%

  7. 5th Reading 5th Math 8th Reading 8th Math ALL ALL 35% 35% 23% 23% ALL ALL 37% 37% 30% 30% Haslet 60% 40% Justin 100% 33% Medlin N/A 50% Lakeview 100% 50% Pike 33% 20% Roanoke 30% 33% Chisholm Trail 58% 22% Seven Hills 20% 8% Beck 0% 100% Tidwell 17% 36% Hatfield 50% 0% Wilson 17% 40% Prairie View 0% 10% Nance N/A 0% Due to low numbers of student being tested in each Hughes 0% 0% subject, a percentage of passing is sometimes reflected Granger 40% 40% at a lower percentage. Sendera Ranch N/A 100% Peterson 60% 0% Love 20% 13% Actual counts of the number of students tested are Thompson 25% 0% not shown to protect confidentiality. Schluter 33% 50% Cox 100% N/A

  8. High School Enrollment High School Enrollment 2014 2014 High School Credit Recovery 164 High School Original Credit 124 High School TAKS Exit Level Prep 2 High School STAAR EOC Test Prep 54 High School PSAT Test Prep 17 Total High Total High School Served School Served 361 361

  9. Focus: Credit Recovery and Original Credit  109 109 Original  142 142 Semester Credits Obtained Credits Recovered  88% of Original  87% of the Credit Credit course Recovery course enrollments enrollments obtained full credit received full credit for courses taken for courses taken

  10. TAKS Social TAKS ELA TAKS Math TAKS Science Studies ALL ALL N/A /A 50% 50% 0% 0% N/A N/A Byron Nelson N/A 50% 0% N/A Northwest N/A N/A N/A N/A Steele N/A N/A N/A N/A Due to low numbers of student being tested in each subject, a percentage of passing is reflected at a lower percentage. Actual counts of the number of students tested is not shown to protect confidentiality.

  11. STAAR STAAR STAAR STAAR ELA I STAAR ELA II Algebra I Biology US History ALL ALL 53% 53% 38% 38% 22% 22% 86% 86% 37% 37% Byron Nelson 50% 48% 67% 27% 75% Northwest 53% 27% 0% 100% 9% Steele 100% N/A N/A 100% N/A Pike N/A N/A 100% N/A N/A Medlin N/A N/A 100% N/A N/A Due to low numbers of student being tested in each subject, a percentage of passing is sometimes reflected at a lower percentage. Actual counts of the number of students tested are not shown to protect confidentiality.

  12. Techno Camp was offered for students in Grades 1 – 8 providing students the opportunity to challenge their creativity using the Lego Education Robotics products. Participation totaled 568 students. TechnoCamp offers students the opportunity to challenge their creativity using the Lego Education robotics products. Students learn to design, program and control fully-functional Lego models. They use software to plan, test, and modify sequences of instructions for a variety of life-like robotic behaviors. They learn to collect and analyze data from sensors, using data logging functionalities embedded in the software

  13. Sports camps were offered at BNHS and NHS in various areas of team and individual sports. Enrollment totaled 1,716 students. Athletic Camps: Softball • Baseball • Volleyball • Individual Sports: Basketball • Football Tennis, Wrestling, • Diving Soccer • Tennis • Wrestling •

  14. District-based Fine Arts Camps were offered with 230 students in participation in addition to many campus-based Fine Arts programs.  Band  Orchestra  Dulcimer  Art  Theatre  Tech Theatre

  15.  Summer Science Blast Off was offered at Hatfield with successful enrollment with an enrollment of over 200 students between 2 camp dates provided.  Camp Invention was offered at Lakeview Elementary with an enrollment of 71 students.

  16. In support of Strategic Goal I – Northwest ISD will design dynamic learning experiences to ensure that all students are future-ready learners.  Provided Enrich Provided Enrichment in ment in Math, Reading, Math, Reading, Problem-based Learning, S Problem-based Learning, Science, ience, Techn Technology, Fine Arts, and Athletics logy, Fine Arts, and Athletics  Provided Test Preparation for STAAR Retes Provided Test Preparation for STAAR Retesting and PSAT ing and PSAT  Achieved Recovered C Achieved Recovered Credits and Instru edits and Instructional Gains in Secondary Programs ctional Gains in Secondary Programs  Increas Increased participatio d participation in Elemen n in Elementary tary Enrich Enrichmen ment Camps Camps  Continu Continued provisions d provisions of of opportunities opportunities for for students to students to ac accelerate learning lerate learning


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