summer brain gain

SUMMER BRAIN GAIN: REIMAGINING SUMMER LEARNING What is the problem? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SUMMER BRAIN GAIN: REIMAGINING SUMMER LEARNING What is the problem? Why Summer Matters There is no other time of year when inequalities are greater in the United States than during the summer months. Why Summer Matters In the summer, 43


  2. What is the problem? Why Summer Matters There is no other time of year when inequalities are greater in the United States than during the summer months.

  3. Why Summer Matters In the summer, 43 million kids (3 out of 4) do not have access to critical summer learning programs.

  4. The Achievement Gap More than 75% of the achievement gap between lower- and higher-income youth can be explained by unequal access to summer learning opportunities.

  5. The Achievement Gap 6 5th 4th 3rd 2nd 1st Low-income students lose Lo ose an an aver erage of of By y the end end of of fi fifth th gr grad ade, , di disadvantaged mor ore tha han two o mon onths s in n rea eading chil ch ildren ar are e near nearly 3 3 GRA GRADE EQUI QUIVALENTS achie ach ievement in n sum summer. BEHIND the BE heir mor ore e afflu fluent pee peers in n rea eadin ing. St Studies sho show 6-week sum summer lear earning pr prog ograms can pr produce statis istically ly si significant gain ains in n read eading perf perfor ormance.

  6. Key Strategies for Success • Com Community-wid ide messa essaging to raise awareness about the importance of summer learning; to encourage parents, caregivers and community leaders to take advantage of existing programs and services; and to support families in reading to and with children over the summer months • Practices, pr prog ograms, s, and and poli policies that expand access to books and integrate literacy skills development in order to help children continue reading and learning over the summer months • Ex Expandin ing ac access ss to summer meals, physical activity, and health and nutrition information in a variety of settings and programs over the summer months • Cr Cross oss-sector coor oordin ination and and part partnership ips around data sharing, collection and analysis that result in joint commitment and accountability for making measurable progress on student outcomes

  7. 10 Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s Response: SUMMER BRAIN GAIN

  8. Mission To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

  9. 12

  10. Two Approaches, Two Goals 13 9 Marzano’s High Yield Strategies ; 3 HRS proven to result in percentile gains Reading Math on standardized tests. 21 st Century Skills 6 Weeks of integrated themed content allowing youth to make real-world connections while developing 21 st 1.5 HRS Century skills. Vocabulary Reading Comprehension 4 Boys & Girls Club of America project- based Learning Practices ( Engage, Express, Evaluate, Exhibit ) supported by Common Core aligned learning modules.

  11. Summer Brain Gain Outcomes 14 Sign ignific icant gain ins in in rea eadin ing or 5 th th and 8 th th gr skills ills for graders READING Sign ignific icant gain ins in in math th skills ills MATH or 4 th th , 5 th th , and 6 th th gr for graders Sign ignific icant pos ositiv itive gr growth for or 6 th th gr 21 st st Ce grade in in 21 Centu tury ry skills ills

  12. Elementary 15 Summer Brain Gain The Power er of of Col Colla laboratio ion Hoo Hooray for or Her Heroes! On One Bri Bright Idea Idea Aft fter Ano noth ther Makin ing Gl Global Conn Connections Fit Fit 4 4 Li Life Ra Race to to the Fu Futu ture Summer Brain Gain: READ! Dino Fan Din antastic ic Fun Fun! Magnificent Mam ammals s Are e We! Anim nimal Bab Babie ies! Wild ild Ca Cats Ou Our Fi Fine Fea eathered Fri Friends Pl Plenty of of Precarious s Pets

  13. Middle 16 Summer Brain Gain Under the he Sea Sea Eww, Gr Gross oss! Bi Bio o Mot otion DIT DIT – Do Do-It It-Together Bug Bug Of Off! Din Dino De Detectives Summer Brain Gain: READ! The Hou House on on Man ango St Street Fr Freak the he Mighty Amer erican Born Born Chin Chinese Number the he St Stars Screamin Scr ing at the he Um Ump Tie ies That Bi Bind

  14. High 17 Summer Brain Gain S. S.T.E.M. Effective Dec Decis isio ion Mak akin ing Bu Build ilding Posit ositive Rela elationships Tee een Thin hings The ABC BCs s to to Col Colle lege Deg Degrees Employabil Em ility Ski Skill lls Summer Brain Gain: READ! Cha Character Edu ducatio ion Pos osit itiv ive La Law En Enforcement In Interaction Soc Socia ial l Med edia Sha Shakedown

  15. Summer Brain Gain Bonus STEM! 18 Elementary Our Sol Ou Solar System Life on Lif on the he In International Spa Space St Station Middle Space Com Sp Community Sp Space Tec echnology and and the he Inn Innovators High Space Ra Sp Radiation Space Art Sp rtis ists

  16. A Week in the Life of Summer Brain Gain 19 Monday: discuss si simil ilaritie ies s and and di differences between a book and a film Tuesday: construct three que questions they would like answered about heroes Wednesday: explain how to solve a num number pa pattern and write spee speeches s about their heroes Thursday: express their heroic characteristics by desi designing their own costumes Friday: express one interesting fact about Frid their heroes in the Her Hero cos ostu tume fas ashio ion sho show


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