19 00465 ful

19/00465/FUL Change of use of dwelling and adjacent detached - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

19/00465/FUL Change of use of dwelling and adjacent detached dwelling from C3 (dwelling house) to C2 (Childrens care home). Erection of a replacement single storey rear extension and erection of front and rear dormer extensions. Charlton

  1. 19/00465/FUL Change of use of dwelling and adjacent detached dwelling from C3 (dwelling house) to C2 (Children’s care home). Erection of a replacement single storey rear extension and erection of front and rear dormer extensions. Charlton Main Road Minsterworth Gloucestershire GL2 8JG

  2. Location Plan

  3. Aerial view

  4. Front Elevation

  5. Rear Elevation

  6. Proposed plans

  7. Proposed Parking Layout


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